Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 48: Wan Yan event

(I'm sorry everyone, something has been delayed temporarily, this third is only offered now)

The Yanlong alchemy method is more amazing than Chen Zong imagined. Once it was running, the dragon inflammation in Longyan Cave rushed from all directions and submerged into Chen Zong's body, but it was not the same as before. The body's violent rage became meek instead.

It's like changing from a wolf pack to a sheep pack.

With the continuous influx of Longyan's breath, Zihuan Heixingyan also turned around, taking a little bit of Longyan's breath, and being a little bit tempered by the Longyan's breath, it continued to rise.

The power of Zihuan Heixingyan is not high, but it is equivalent to the level of a half-step saint, not to the level of the demigod, let alone the level of the sub-god, but the level of the breath of dragon inflammation has reached the level of the gods. , Equivalent to the level of Royal Road.

The contrast between the two is very obvious, but the dragon's breath is a little bit integrated into the purple atlantic inflammation under the Yanlong refining method, which makes the purple atlantic inflammation transform.

Zihuan Heixingyan originally possessed the power of purification and combustion, and continued to improve under the breath of dragon inflammation. The two methods became more and more amazing.

Promote and keep improving.

The powerful Yanlong refining method has caused qualitative changes in Zihuan Hexingyan, and its power has been continuously improved.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

During the period, the elder Longlie of the Flame Mountain, who had been in trouble, came forward, and felt that Chen Zong's breath was stable. Then he left without worry.

As long as nothing goes wrong.

Over time, Chen Zong has been running the Yanlong Refining and Breathing Law, constantly absorbing the breath of dragon inflammation, and constantly improving the purple sky black star inflammation.

Now the purple sky black star inflammation has completely transformed, from the level of heavenly fire to the level of the magic fire, and then called purple sky black star inflammation is no longer appropriate.

I saw Chen Zong's thoughts, a fuchsia flame, spreading out of the body, flickering with a little black stars, unusually magnificent, bright, next breath, I saw a groaning sound from that flame In the middle, the flames stretched rapidly, extremities extruded, and turned into a half-meter-long dragon.

The half-meter-long Xiaolong Zhangya dance claw's stretched body seems to be walking around Chen Zong's body with some pleasure.

This little dragon is condensed by flames, with purple-red as the base, and the black stars flickering, as if it were transformed into dragon scales, and the whole body is burning with a faint red flame.

Chen Zong thought about it and decided to call it a new name.

Purple Atlas Dragonitis!

This purple Huanxinglongyan has now transformed into a magic fire, and its power is equivalent to a level of imperial realm.

The Longyan Cave in Longyan Cave has an endless atmosphere, which can be continuously absorbed to enhance the level and power of Zihuanxing Longyan.

The breath of dragon inflammation is indeed the breath left by the top magic fire Jiujian Zhenlongyan. The power is amazing and it is of great benefit to Zihuanxinglongyan. After all, the method of Yanlong alchemy cultivated by Chen Zong and Jiujianzhen Long Yan shares the same source.

Second turn power!

Three-turn power!

When Zihuan Xinglongyan was elevated to the level of three-turn Yudao, Chen Zong was notified that the Wanyan mystery of Wanyan Shenyan Mountain was about to open. By then, the true story of Wandao Shenyan Mountain's Yudaojing would enter.

The opening of Wan Yan's mystery is directly related to a big match of Wan Yan Shen Yan Shan, called Wan Yan Grand Event.

After receiving the invitation, Chen Zong will naturally have a more intuitive understanding of Wan Yansheng.

The Wanyan Grand Event is the disciples of the true path of Wanyan Shenyanshan who entered the flames of Wanyan.

The flames in Wan Yan Mi are said to be the agglomeration of a variety of flame essences. Some flames are common and ordinary, but some flames are rare and precious.

Therefore, the flames in Wan Yanmi have a high and low level.

Low-order flame!

Intermediate Flame!

High-level flame!

Top Order Flame!

Super Flame!

The total is divided into five grades.

When the time was up, Chen Zong left Longyan Cave. At this time, Zihuanxing Longyan also rose to the level of the four-turn imperial realm, but the more difficult it was to improve.

At the place where Wan Yan was held, the crowd was surging, and countless blazing breaths continued to spread out, converging into a cloud of flames in the sky, covering the sky and the sky, and turning like a sea of ​​flames.

This momentum was so amazing that Chen Zong couldn't help but feel shocked.


There are literally thousands of disciples of the Yanshan Divine Realm gathered here, and each time they are at the level of imperial realm.

Although the Flame Mountain of Wancai is like the Heavenly Palace of Mind, it is the most powerful force in the void, and it is called the Holy Land. However, the assessment of the true disciples is not as harsh as that of the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

This is not to say that the true story of the flames of the Mountain of Flames is not as good as the true story of the Xintian Temple, but because the requirements of the Xintian Temple are more stringent.

Thousands of people today are not all the true stories of the Flame Mountain, but only some of them. Some go out to practice, some are retreat, some are serving on the northern front, and so on.

Rao is so. Thousands of true disciples gathered together, and the blazing flames filled the sky, which was also very shocking.

Immediately, the crowd was a commotion. It turned out that some of the true disciples appeared.

The strong are always more concerned.

There are also battle star towers in the Flame Mountain of Wancai. Therefore, there is also a strict division of combat power. The combat power of most true disciples is at most nine stars. If they reach the ten star level, they will be on the list. Ranking.

That list, named Zhenyan List, Chimei is ranked third in the Zhenyan List, while Yuxu Long is ranked second in the Zhenyan List.

Chen Zong saw Red Eyebrow, Di Liujiang, and Yu Xulong, and even Yu Tianfeng, the great master of the flames of the flames, who was No. 1 in the Real Fire list.

Yu Tianfeng is wearing a red phoenix robe with awe-inspiring majesty, and she has such a magnificent style that she is the only queen, and everyone is afraid to approach her around her, lest she offend her, even if it is Yuxu Long distance.

It was awe, awe from the heart.

On the horizon, a raging fire was burning, spreading overwhelmingly, as if everything was burned to ashes, the amazingly hot high temperature permeated the octagonal poles, and the terrible power directly suppressed the joint breath of thousands of true disciples.

Chen Zong was shocked, only to feel that the flames were like the beasts rushing, and the weather was endless.

A figure flew along with the sky-like flames of beasts.

"You disciples, this grand event of Wan Yan is related to the place of the Oven Flame Flame Oven. Only the first three points can be qualified to enter the Oven Flame Flame Oven." The loud voice suddenly sounded, and suddenly, infinite The flames are endless, as if the tide is surging: "This rule applies to anyone."

With that said, the elder's eyes swept away, and he fell on Chen Zong's face and paused, as if telling Chen Zong that he wanted to enter the Oven of Flames of the Calamity, yes, he could get it before the Wan Yan event. Three places.

Otherwise, wherever you come from, go back.

Chen Zong didn't move, but his heart was settled.

At least, know the method without having to wait any longer.

After all, the true story of the flames of the Mountain of Flames seemed to realize something, and his gaze turned on Chen Zong's face, and he sneered.

An outsider even tried to attack the Oven of Flames, which he did not know.

The first three, do not want to get.

"Low-order flame, one-point one-point, mid-level flame, one-ten point, high-level flame, one-hundred point, top-level flame, one-thousand points, super-level flame, one-thousand points, and finally Ranking will be determined by points. "

"Everyone who participates in the Wan Yan event can get a fire protection order. When Wan Yan's secret area is to be closed, the fire protection order will send you out."

"If you encounter an irresistible danger, the fire protection order will also actively motivate you to leave Wan Yan's secret place in advance to avoid accidents."

"Now, Elder Ben announces that the Wan Yan event will begin."

As the high-pitched voice sounded, the hearts of all the true disciples shook, and an indescribable excitement erupted.

"Open the mysterious realm!"

Amazing sounds fell, and soon, the flames of the sky gathered from all directions. The sound was loud, the sound of whistling was endless, and the fierce flame of fire radiated all directions, making everyone red, as if to burn.

Over the sky, with the innumerable flames converging, they converged at the center and kept spinning, and the sound of whirring sounds continued to shake the world.

After a while, a flame vortex door appeared, full of 100 meters in size.

The one hundred meter flame vortex is like a gateway to other worlds. The endless flames seem to pass through the flame vortex and constantly sink into it.

"You can go in, remember, the time limit is only three months." The elder waved.

With the elder's words falling down, one true disciple suddenly burned a fiery flame, and the whole person burst into the sky, like a gigantic crossbow of flames, with amazing speed and amazing power. Within that one hundred meter flame vortex, disappeared.

It's like being swallowed by a flame monster with a wide open mouth.

Chen Zong also moved, turning into a sword light, with a sharp forward edge, rushing through the air, but just momentarily, just like a true disciple of the Magnificent Flame Mountain, submerged into the portal of flame vortex and disappeared not see.

There are flames all around, burning continuously ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Continuously spreading forward, turning into a flame channel, Chen Zong can feel that he is constantly flying upward, as if to fly out of this One side is void.

Wan Yan secret realm!

Said to be a secret world, it can also be regarded as a world of one side, and a world of pure flames, which was born and existed on the Flame Mountain of Mansions, giving birth to many flames.

After about a dozen breaths, Chen Zong saw another flame vortex, constantly rotating, opposite to the previous direction of rotation of the flame vortex. In the next breath, a flare of light rushed out from the flame swirling in reverse.

Chen Zong also rushed out of the swirling flame vortex, his shape immediately fell, and in his eyes, there was a fiery red.

Fire-red sky, fire-red earth, fire-red rocks, fire-red vegetation ...

This seems to be a fiery red world, filled with an extremely hot atmosphere, as if the fire was burning and burning.

Above the sky, Chen Zong glanced over and saw that some flames were distributed in different directions and burned more than a few, some of which seemed extremely powerful.

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