Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 73: Whenever you have to be alone

(Happy National Day everyone, delicious, delicious and fun)

The storm of time and space is raging and never ceases. No one knows exactly what kind of mystery it is. Even the dominant power is difficult to find out and becomes an unsolved mystery.

Since the destruction of Taixu Shenmen and the emergence of the storm of time and space, it has been raging ever since, and has never dissipated. There is only an occasional period of exhaustion, but after a period of time, it will return to its original state.

Fortunately, the storm of time and space will not spread at this time, otherwise, the western void has already been spread, and even the entire void is in danger.

In the storm of time and space, groups of people are constantly shuttled through the realm of gods. Some seem to be aging, and they seem to be about to die, but that is just appearance.

Regarding Tongjingjing, whether the appearance looks old or young has no effect on strength.

It's just that some people break through earlier, so they look younger, and some people break through later, which is an older look.

Of course, there are also people who like to maintain a young appearance, and some like the appearance of an old man. The void is so big, there are countless human races, and there are thousands of hobbies. It is not surprising what it looks like.

The storm of time and space is very vast and has a thickness of tens of thousands of miles. After entering it, even the speed of the supernatural powers has been greatly restrained. It cannot be as rapid as in the void, of course, even if it is contained. And its speed is not comparable to that of Yuanming Realm and Yudao Realm.

After all, here everyone is curbed of speed and action.

The supernatural powers in casual repairs, because there is no need to act with other people and wait, they can use full speed to continue to advance, one step ahead of the storm of time and space, into the Taixu Shenxu.

On the contrary, the powerful supernatural powers with martial arts forces will have to control their own speed, so they will have to control their own speed, so they will be slower.

However, when going into thousands of miles, something happened.

There seemed to be whispering sounds in my ears, like the roar of a strong wind blowing, making everyone uncontrollably tight and cold all over the body.

For an instant, Chen Zong felt the chaos of the power of pulling around him.

Immediately, a black wind swept through, and the shape of the same door that was flying in front of him seemed to have penetrated into the black hole of time and space and disappeared.

This scene made Chen Zong's eyes and pupils shrink like needles.

The whirring wind is constantly flowing into the ear, and then the black wind blows through it. However, everyone who is affected by the black wind cannot resist, even if it is a supernatural power, it is like being directly The black hole disappeared after swallowing up time and space, but the next breath, it appeared far away and far away, without any regularity.

In front of and around, the people of Xintiangong disappeared one by one under the constant black wind, and gradually, a black wind came and blew towards Chen Zong.

Chen Zong captured the black wind because of his strong perception, but Chen Zong found that he could not escape, no matter how he responded, he could not avoid the blow of the black wind, as if he had locked himself.

When he died, Chen Zong felt blown by his own black wind. The whole person seemed to be wrapped up, feeling very wonderful and unique. It seemed to be carried by an inexplicable force, irresistible, and plunged deep into space and time.

It's dark!

What Chen Zong could see was only black, deep, completely black, and so dark that he couldn't see anything, and even his perception was lost.

In this darkness, Chen Zong did not know how long the past had passed, and suddenly felt a strong force coming, and flew instantly, and the whole person flew out of the darkness and appeared in the storm of time and space.

However, the minds and brothers and elders of Tiangong are no longer seen.

The plan of acting together was directly disrupted. The previous discussions on the Void Ship were naturally left alone. Of course, if there is an encounter in the process, they can also join hands.

After all, if you want to find and capture too many virtual artifacts, it is not enough to rely on your own strength.

Do your best!

After all, this is about your own assessment task. Of course, if you fail, you will have to perform other assessment tasks.

The number of failures of Dao Zi's assessment task was three.

Chen Zong has not failed yet, of course, it is best not to fail.

Constantly flying forward, flying, Chen Zong saw different scenery through the storm of time and space.

In the next breath, Chen Zong's figure burst out of the storm of time and space, and immediately felt that all the forces of **** had disappeared. What appeared in front of him was a dark world with boundless boundlessness.


The vastness!



An indescribable feeling, through Chen Zong's eyes staring, directly impacted Chen Zong's spiritual will and shocked him.

The dark sky, the dark earth, the dark world, the countless collapsed palaces, the broken walls and ruins have turned into a huge endless ruin, and there are some dark areas in the middle connected, seeming to contain the terrible danger. As if to devour everything.

This feeling is like entering from a lively and lush world into a desperate world full of dead silence. Such a breath will make people feel uncontrollable.

Moreover, Chen Zong can clearly feel that the atmosphere inside is very chaotic and complex, and the atmosphere is full of at least hundreds of kinds.

In addition, the power of the avenue is also very chaotic, and constant collisions have caused numerous ripples.

Chen Zong's body is falling. Here, perhaps because of the chaos of power, it is difficult to maintain the air defense flight. Although he was falling, Chen Zong did not lose control and did not lose his balance, but maintained a certain speed of landing.

When falling, a dark crack suddenly appeared, which was very abrupt. Chen Zong was very alert, responded quickly, and evaded immediately. Almost, he was affected by that space crack.

That is not an ordinary space crack, but a space-time crack, which is more advanced and more dangerous than a space crack.

Chen Zong, who is constantly falling, found that the higher the altitude, the more frequently the space-time cracks appear, and the lower the altitude, the more stable, but stability does not mean that there will be no space-time cracks, but relatively few.

Around, there were other practitioners who didn't care about Tiangong, but the nearest one was tens of thousands of meters. With Chen Zong's eyesight, he could see each other clearly.

That's an old man. The cultivation of Yudaojing should be a casual cultivation.

The abnormal change is abrupt, and a dark crack appears instantly. The old man's perception is far worse than that of Chen Zong. For a moment, the old man's one leg was affected. Without any detection, that leg was swallowed directly and completely disappeared. not see.

"My legs ... my legs ..." After knowing it, after the dark crack disappeared, the old man just felt that his left leg had disappeared, empty and screaming, and the whole person lost his balance directly, as if Falling quickly like a meteorite.

Just blinking, the old man turned into a small black spot in Chen Zong's eyes.

Chen Zong did not rescue him because the other party didn't know him at all. In addition, there was danger here, and one could accidentally encounter a crack in time and space.

In order to save an irrelevant person and put himself in danger, Chen Zong said that he couldn't do it. Of course, if there was not much danger and it was not very troublesome, Chen Zong would not hesitate to take a shot.

After all, if you want to enter here, you need to be prepared for all kinds of dangers, even for death.

Taixu Shenxu, this is not only a place full of chances, but also a place full of dangers. Sometimes you do n’t know how you were injured or died.

At a constant speed, Chen Zong diffused the kendo area and improved his perception to the extreme. After avoiding several cracks in space and time, he successfully landed.

At the foot is a piece of ruined ground after the collapse of the palace. The piles of broken walls and piles of tiles have a strong barren atmosphere. It seems to have precipitated for countless years, and indeed for countless years.

Numerous years have passed since the invasion of the alien alliance, a fierce battle that lasted for hundreds of years.

However, there is no specific law when the storm of space and time enters the period of exhaustion. So far, the number of Taixu Shenxu has been opened less than 100 times.

Although many people enter it every time they open it, and they also get a lot of opportunities, but there are too many opportunities in Taixu Shenxu, and only a small part of them are obtained ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't take it a hundred times, even if you enter it a hundred times, you can't take all the chances.

After all, there is a time limit for each opening. In a limited time, there are many dangers. How many opportunities to get is very difficult.

After all, those who enter the Taixu Shenxu can leave alive and get a good chance, but only a small part of it, some of them die in it, or there is no gain.

Chen Zong did not act immediately, but looked up, distinguished the direction, and compared with all previous contrasts seen at high altitudes, and evolved in the form of conscious projection in the Shenhai, lifelike, as if it were the ruins of this side miniature.

Discerning the direction and turning his mind, Chen Zong took a step after adjusting his figure.

The speed is not very fast, but it is not very slow. Maintaining a uniform speed forward, the kendo area covers a kilometer square and is not fully expanded, so its own power consumption will be lower.

Under the perception of Yuanshen, everything around him is under the control of Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong also felt again that he had to act with the brothers and elders of the Xintiangong, but in the end, these changes occurred and he became a single person.

"Sure enough, I'm still good to be alone." Chen Zong couldn't help but sigh slightly, but it was okay to be alone.

Although it is said that it is safer to act with other brothers and elders in Xintiangong, it is relatively less flexible and free.

From the time of his debut, most of the cases have been acting alone. Even if he occasionally joins hands with other people, most of them will become acting alone, already used to.

Withdrawing his emotions, Chen Zong's eyes became sharper and he ran forward.

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