Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 76: Deputy Palace Master


It seemed that the sky was falling apart, and a single blow hit the mountains and destroyed Yue's killing. Chen Zong did not reveal any accidents and horrors. Instead, he already knew.

That's right, every move of the other party is indeed difficult to guard against, and there is no sign of it, but Chen Zong's perception is extremely keen and has already been captured.

At the beginning of the sword light, a sword spit out an unparalleled power, raging the mountains and breaking the ground, colliding directly with the opponent's punch, the opponent's shot was no sign, but Chen Zong's sword was like a pen from God, extremely accurate.

The collision between the fist and the sword trembled a moment, and the horrible power burst out in an instant, rolling up a devastating storm raging in all directions, crushing everything around it into powder.

Wang Tianding's look changed. Not only was his fist blocked, but the power of the opponent's sword was also very amazing. He was extremely sharp, causing his fist to have a burst of severe pain.

Another punch was also blasted out, followed by the back-and-forth bombardment of both legs, each of which carried the terrifying power of destroying the mountain and destroying Yue.

Refining the Heart and One Sword: Sword Four!

A sword is slashed, and the sword light is as violent as a waterfall, blocking all the attacks of the opponent directly and knocking them back.

"Good skill!" Wang Tianding laughed loudly, trampled on the ground in one step, his strength burst out, and he retreated quickly, making an astonishing sound of mountains moving.

Knowing that the opponent's combat power is not bad, he should not be inferior to himself. Wang Tianding does not intend to fight dead. He is a bachelor. If he can win, he will fight. If he does not win, he will withdraw. There is no such thing as shame. It is very practical.

Of course, this is also because you don't see the treasure that you are moving. If you see it, it will be another look.

Wang Tianding was fast and very decisive. Chen Zong did not pursue, but raised his sword and frowned.

When the time passed, Jianguang was like a meteor running through the sky, and came first and then straight through Wang Tianding.

Wang Tianding's look changed slightly, and he suddenly turned back and punched violently.

Jian Guang collided with boxing and both broke up.

With the help of Wang Tianding, he was faster and made a loud noise, and the whole person went away like a bounce of Xingmaru.

"The combat power is good." Chen Zong watched Wang Tianding leave and had no intention of chasing after all. In the final analysis, it was also due to lack of motivation, not to mention that this man's combat power was not weak, at least at the five-star level of Dacheng's body.

In this place, if it is not necessary, it can be consumed without consuming power. At present, there is only one way to replenish power, which is elixir.

The simple confrontation with Wang Tianding made Chen Zong more aware of the dangers here. So no sign. The previous one greeted him with acquaintance, and the next one took no mercy. His face can be a smile and a dangerous person.

Fortunately, my own perception is amazing. If I change to other people who have ordinary perception, I think it will be a good move.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong glanced forward, his body flickered, and a sword light flew away.




"Twenty-third block." Chen Zong crossed the dark area and landed in a new ruin. At a glance, a fairly complete palace appeared in front, a bit hazy.

Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly, and the ruins in front did not see such a complete palace, all of which were broken ruins.

A complete palace may mean treasures and opportunities.

As his body flashed, Chen Zong's speed accelerated.

Before coming to the palace, a mysterious atmosphere shrouded, as if a bit hot.

The gate of the palace was half open and half closed. It seemed that someone had entered, but there were no traces.

Chen Zong didn't rush into the palace in a hurry, looked up, and saw the plaque of the palace. He could also tell that it was three ancient characters: Lianxu Temple.

"Lianxu Temple." After meditation, Chen Zong stepped into the half-open temple door and immediately felt that the atmosphere inside was not the same as the outside world, not so chaotic and not complicated, and there was a kind of close to Taixu Shenxu The purity of the outer void is, of course, still a little different.

"So, maybe the treasures in it can be kept intact." Chen Zong said to himself.

This is the case, at least based on current experience.

What Chen Zong entered was the first hall of Lianxu Hall, which was also the forefront hall. There was nothing else around the hall. Only the hearth of a one-man furnace was standing in the center, as if it was the hall. center.

His keen perception made Chen Zong feel that there was still a trace of burning scent from the furnace tripod, quietly permeating out.

When the lid of the furnace tripod was lifted, the burning atmosphere became stronger and stronger. When Chen Zong saw it, he saw a faint flame burning, green, like a candlelight in the wind. It would go out at any time, but it was tough Endlessly, tenaciously maintained, emitting a trace of heat.

Perceived by the Yuan Shen, Chen Zong judged that this was a magical fire, a force that was constantly consumed, and only maintained the final core. That's right, this cyan flame was the core of that magical fire.

Chen Zong tried to convey a ray of purple atlantosaurus inflammation, and was immediately absorbed by the flame. In fact, it seemed to burn a little more vigorously, a little hard to detect.

"I don't know if refining it will improve Purple Dragon Star Dragon Yan?" Chen Zong secretly said.

Zihuan Xinglongyan is a low-level peak level, and it is not easy to break through to the middle-level level of magical fire. It is either a slow practice, a little accumulation, and finally a breakthrough. Another method is to devour and devour other Divine fire, nourish itself so as to break its own limits, so as to advance.

The purple atlantosaurus was condensed and turned into a purple red fire dragon. The black awns were distributed like dragon scales. There was a magnificence. The fire dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and the cyan flame seemed to have no resistance. Directly Inhaled by the purple atlantosaurus, a ray of green awns flashed over the purple atlantosaurus, and immediately returned to silence.

Zihuan Xinglongyan was finally melted by Chen Zong using the Yanlong refining method to absorb the essence of Wanyan and Flame Breath of Wanyan Shenyan Mountain and the breath of Wanyan Shenyan. It has great power, and more importantly, it is completely under the control of Chen Zong, and he is one with Chen Zong.

Therefore, Chen Zong can clearly feel that after the cyan flame has entered the purple atlantosaurus, it is being refined a little bit to enhance the accumulation of purple atlantosaurus, but can it break through to the level of middle-level **** fire, Chen Zong was not sure.

Waving his hand, the stove tripod was also collected by Chen Zong. The stove tripod itself is also a treasure, but it is a battle array, or a relatively well-preserved array, even if you ca n’t use it, you can sell it and exchange it for void coins.

Opening the door of the small hall, Chen Zong stepped into the second small palace and was empty.

The third small palace is also a furnace tripod. It also has a flame, but it is not blue, but red. It was absorbed by the purple Huanxinglongyan, and the furnace tripod was naturally taken away by Chen Zong.

Keep going until the ninth nave.

In the ninth hall, there was a figure, covered by darkness, which could not be seen clearly.

But Chen Zong can still feel the breath in it

Full of silence, lifeless, not living.

It seemed to feel the entrance of Chen Zong, and it seemed to feel the breath of human beings. The shadow shrouded in darkness shadow trembled and gave a low hissing sound, like the roar of a beast in the middle of the night.

Chen Zong's heart trembled, but the moment he reacted, there was a flash of black shadow in front of him, and the terrible black light bombarded him.

Extremely electric!

Under the assistance of the Xin Palace, the Tenjin armor method has reached the level of extreme electricity, as if exhibited by Chen Zongshi instinctively. The whole person seems to be turned into an electric light in an instant, avoiding it instantly.

At the same time, Jianguang suddenly flashed.

Sword Four!

The dazzling sword light blends into the five-kilometer kendo area, erupting a mighty power that runs through everything, and hits and kills the black light with a precise hit.

Can't see it, but based on the touch, Chen Zong can be sure that his sword hit the opponent and penetrated it.

Strangely, Chen Zong's eyes glimpsed that figure was still sitting in the darkness, it seemed that it had never been moved, and the crisis had struck again.

Kendo field crackdown!

Primordial Perception!

Chen Zongcai found that the other party was a dark shadow, like a ghostly shadow. It was extremely fast and silent, no wonder he was hit by the sword four, and there seemed to be no obvious trauma.

Great World Sword Tips: The vast earth!

A sword came out, and the reckless ground spread like a scroll, and went away, covering the shadow directly, and the force of repressive force suddenly made the shadow slightly.

Sword Four!

A sword came out and penetrated directly, endless sword energy raged in the shadow.

Seal the curse!

Chen Zong squeezed the curse mark with his left hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the spell was cast.

This dark shadow is obviously in the form of a ghost or a heart demon. There is no entity, and maybe the magic spell can be used for merit.

Under the enchanting curse, the dark shadow burst into amazing power, breaking the enchanting curse.

"Little friend, please stop." The shadow of the broken Kaifeng curse didn't attack Chen Zong, but came out of the channel. The sound sounded a little weak. However, the strength of the power did not dissipate, and the astonishing sharpness permeated, and the left hand also held the seal of the enchantment, which would erupt at any time.

"Who are you?" Chen Zong said lightly.

"I'm Gu Xudao, the deputy chief of the Taixian Shenmen Lianxu Hall, and my little friend is a disciple of the Heart of Heaven." Heiying's voice is still weak, but he speaks continuously.

Chen Zong was stunned.

Taoism class strong person of too virtual **** gate.

"It's been many years since I collapsed the virtual gate, and Xiaoyou is the first one to come." Heiying sighed slightly, with an unspeakable sadness: "I'm also glad the little friend arrived and temporarily suppressed it. The demon soul just awakened my consciousness. However, my consciousness can not be maintained for a long time. At that time, I will end up with this demon soul, and I will not let it be evil. Before that, can a little friend tell me about the current void? ? "

Chen Zong groaned a little, and described the void today with short words, not very detailed, but enough to understand.

"Every time has changed. I didn't expect to change so much. Thank you for telling me that all the treasures and treasures on my body have been damaged in the war of that year." After a slight pause, Heiying said, "I don't know if the little friends came to Shenxu What's the purpose? Maybe I can give some information to my friends. "

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