Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 82: Taixu 3 Artifact (1)

The fire is burning, the fire is shining in all directions, and the hot atmosphere is constantly spreading. The flame, which is tens of thousands of meters in height, rises into the sky and is thousands of meters high. It is extremely amazing.

Chen Zong stood silent, silent.

In truth, the stump of the world **** tree, even if its vitality has completely disappeared, there is only a piece of wood, and it can also be regarded as a treasure. After all, it is the stump of the world **** tree, not an ordinary stump.

Chen Zong could take it away, but instead of doing so, he lit it, burned it, and eventually burned it to ashes, so ...

The tree of the world, from the roots of the earth, sprouts to thrive, and then is finally destroyed. It gives away the remaining vitality to Chen Zong, like an elder, an elder worthy of his own respect. In this case, we must let It's on the road to peace of mind.


Funeral in the fire.

Undoubtedly, this immensely magnificent flame like Foshan Yue has attracted the attention of others. After all, such a huge flame is extremely conspicuous and eye-catching. All the other ruins can be seen and the amazing heat can be felt.

Can't help but someone came quickly to see if there were any treasures or the like, only to find that there were no treasures, but a section of tree stump was lit, burning and disappointed.

Chen Zong didn't bother, until the flame was extinguished and the huge tree stump was burned to ashes before he waved his hand, a strong wind roared out, and was extremely violent, sweeping away. The strong wind contained countless sword spirits. It fell on the scorched tree stump, and it was instantly broken into powder dust, and flew away with the wind.


Dust like a cloud of smoke, like dust.

"Born from the earth, and return to the earth, dust to dust, soil to earth ..."

When the sound fell like dust, Chen Zong's figure drifted away. The huge tree stump on the ruined ground had disappeared. Only a huge black mark proved what.

The world **** tree has disappeared, and the dust has returned to the dust, but it has not disappeared, because the last inheritance is on Chen Zong, which merges into Chen Zong's essence and spirit and becomes a continuation.

While Chen Zong flew away, inside Shenhai, a map model of Taixu Shenxu was constructed, which is everything that was previously seen in the memory of the world **** tree.

The process of destroying Taixu Shenmen and turning it into Taixu Shenxu is under the perception of the world **** tree.

Although the world **** tree at that time was also destroyed, and only a stump remained, the spirit **** did not fall directly into a deep sleep, and he could still perceive the whole god's market, but as time passed, the vitality and power of the world **** tree Without a supplement, it slowly declines, and the range of perception also continues to shrink. Eventually, the spirit **** falls asleep, and its range of instinct also covers the surrounding ruins.

In the heyday of the world **** tree, its range of perception is far more than ten times beyond Taixu Shenmen.

Chen Zong's World Avenue aroused the resonance of the world **** tree, and merged into it, as if he were transformed into the world **** tree, he got some memories of the world **** tree.

All the Taixu Shenxu perceived by the world **** tree was shared by Chen Zong.

In other words, Chen Zong not only knows how many ruins there are in Taixu Shenxu, but also the distribution of each ruin. Even in the war of the year, the world **** tree perceives it. It is fully felt that some treasures will eventually Where it falls is also in the perception of the world **** tree.

That's tantamount to knowing Chen Zong.

This is of great help to Chen Zong's search for treasures such as the Three Void Artifacts, as if he provided a fairly accurate map.

After a while, Chen Zongshen built a detailed map with his own thoughts. It is a complete map of Taixu Shenxu. It is not a plane, but three-dimensional, lifelike, just like Taixu. The market is directly projected into Chen Zong's Shenhai.

Immediately afterwards, Zong Zong marked his position with the power of divine thought, and then marked the positions of the three imaginary artifacts, some treasures and inheritance, and planned the shortest and most time-saving route for himself.


Chen Zong is like opening a cheat device. This is the third benefit of encountering the world **** tree.

In the past, Taixu Shenxu has been opened many times, dozens of times and nearly a hundred times, but no one has done this and got this benefit, because they have not realized the mastery of the world avenue.

Only Chen Zong.

"Taixu three artifacts are broken virtual mirrors, too frightened thunder robes, and Tianxu town boundary tower." Chen Zong hurriedly thinking while he was on his way, all this information was already known.

After all, the fame of the three virtual artifacts is very loud.

What's more, even the effects of the three virtual artifacts are clear.

The broken virtual mirror is an artifact of the main attack. Once urged, the broken light blasts out, and its power is extremely horrible. Destroying the stars is a trivial matter, and it is nothing to break the world. Hits will also be wounded.

That's right, under the full force of the broken virtual mirror, its power is enough to hurt the dominant power.

Of course, it is not easy to urge such a terrible artifact.

As for the too false thunder robe, it can stimulate the field of Thunder Avenue, that is, after getting and refining the too false thunder robe, you can master the thunder field.

A cultivator who can only master one kind of avenue can only master one kind of avenue, unless Chen Zong's practice of practicing Qi and Qi Qi breaks through to the Yu Dao Jing, and also breaks through to the Yuan Ming Jing Qi, this is possible.

But if you get too frightening Thunder Robe, you can master one more area, which is Thunder Avenue.

It is said that the Thunder Avenue can also overlap with the Avenues it owns, and its power is stronger. If the Thunder Avenue is cultivated and the Thunder Avenues are mastered, the increase after the overlap is even more amazing.

Those who do not have mastery of the avenue area can directly master the avenue area after getting too false thunder robes, and those who master the avenue area can master one more major avenue area, and those who master the Thunder avenue avenue area can also let The overlapping of their own fields becomes more horizontal.

Moreover, the stronger you are, the stronger the thunder field triggered by too false thunder robes.

If a master gets too frightening thunder robes, then the Thunder field power that he evokes will also reach the level of the master.

The power of the last Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is not the same as that of the broken virtual mirror and the too virtual thunder robe. After all, the broken virtual mirror has a strong attack power, but it can only attack in a straight line. Generally speaking, if it attacks the strong, it is also a target. If there is more power, you can attack other targets below the line, but in the end it is limited.

The stunned thunder robe is the treasure of the Thunder field. Its power can be strong or weak. When it is strong, it can reach the level of dominance. When it is weak, it is only the level of the imperial realm. It depends on personal ability.

The Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is a strategic artifact, which has nothing to do with its height. Once triggered, it can directly cover a certain area and form a suppressive force.

Under the force of repression, even the dominating level will be weakened by several dozens of strength.

This is the first power of Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, and the second power is the absorption of living beings into the tower. Generally practitioners do n’t understand, but the high-level sacred places such as Mind Heaven Palace know that they are sucked into Tianxu Town Boundary. Inside the tower, all cultivation power will disappear.

No, it should not really disappear, but be suppressed and unusable. What you have is just ordinary levels of power, as if all of a sudden become ordinary people.

In this way, it is impossible to break out of its own power to attack the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, break the restraint of suppression, and emerge from the tower.

It can be said that the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is the first of the three virtual artifacts and the strongest artifact.

The direction of Chen Zong is exactly the direction of one of the three artifacts, the too stunned thunder robe. This is the perception memory of the world **** tree. As to whether it is accurate, Chen Zong dare not be 100% sure, after all these years.

However, there is at least 70% to 80% certainty.


One's position and the position where the thunder robe may be too far away are almost three blocks away from the ruins.

The ruins of Taixu Shenxu are very strange. They seem to be continuously distributed from the outside to the inside, but they also have a horizontal and vertical feeling. It seems that as long as they continue to deepen along a straight line from the outer periphery, they can reach the innermost periphery. , But this is not the case. Maybe I feel that I have been moving in a straight line, but I have shifted the direction unknowingly. No matter how big the Taixu Shenxu is, it is just a land of tens of thousands of ruins. From the outermost to the most center, if you go forward all the way, in terms of the dozens of ruins you have crossed, you should have entered it. Near the center.

But it wasn't so. It wasn't until Chen Zong showed Taixu Shenxu in Shenhai through the memory of the world's **** tree that he realized that the straight line he thought was moving slowly.

But now, with the memory of the world **** tree, he built a miniature of Taixu Shenxu in his own sea of ​​God. It is very detailed and lifelike. It is like a direct projection of Taixu Shenxu. It can be called a living map. Chen Zong has With an accurate guide, you will not lose your way unknowingly.

With goals and more motivation, Chen Zong only felt that he was full of energy all over his body, as if he had endless power.

Chen Zong did not stay in the three ruins, and the thoughts were swept away. If there were any treasures found, he would take the shot. However, there are practitioners in each of the ruins. More than one is looking for the so-called opportunity. And treasures, and even the power of supernatural powers.

In the case that no heart treasure is found, the powerful supernatural powers will not shoot at random, because who knows if you take a shot against a weaker one, will the stronger one get it back.

Of course, if you encounter a treasure that makes your heart fascinate, you must take a shot. Otherwise, if you come here to do something, you might as well stay on your own site and practice well, why take such a risk.

In the case of supernatural powers, Chen Zong did not rush to fight for anything, but avoided, because he is not an opponent of superpowers.

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