Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 85: Taixu 3 Artifact (4)

Darkness and no light, seen from afar, as if it were a dark extinction, the chaotic and intricate atmosphere around it was continuously absorbed, and there was a dark thunder raging down on the sky, and the black giant tower in the center, the darkness Thunder continued to absorb and devour.

"Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, the old man is also here."

"Appears at this time, it's due to me that the virtual town boundary tower belongs to me."

"This tower has a destiny with Ben."

The supernatural powers who exuded a sturdy breath burst out breathtakingly, rolled up a stream of stunning streamers, and rushed towards the dark rays.


Very fast!

Very fast!

The one who burned the fiery flame was the supernatural power of the scourge of Flame Mountain.

The erratic body, as if shuttled between the presence and absence, is the strong one of the mind.

The war of that week was pervasive, as if it had become a substance.

And the body was strong, and the void in the middle of the movement seemed to be roaring, and it was the strongman of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

In addition, there are powerful men who are full of darkness and thunder and emit terrifying breath. They are not holy places, but they are also very scary.

These supernatural powers not only have superb combat power, they also have extraordinary insights, knowing that the value of the Tianxu Town Jade Tower is amazing.

All four sacred places want to get, those who teach in the astral world also want to get, and San Xun also want to get.

If the casual repair obtains the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, even if it is not used, it can also be traded with the four holy places, and can make some requirements, such as becoming an elder of the four holy places, obtaining important resources of the four holy places, and so on.

All in all, the benefits are many.

To fight!

"Terrestrial Town Tower of Emptiness." An alien with a strong unicorn on his head was sneer, and his cold eyes glowed with extremely cold light: "If this tower is brought back, it will not only make people less Going to the same treasure, my family can also have one more treasure, which will be useful in the future. "

The voice fell, and the unicorn's feet kicked slightly, and the ground shattered instantly. The erupting power was amazing and turned into speed. The whole person looked like a meteor, directly across the dark area, and went to the darkness. Rushed over.

Not only this one-corner alien strongman set off, but also other alien powerhouses also started.

Tianxu Town Boundary Tower!

The head of the three artifacts of the Taixu Shenmen, the most mysterious and supreme artifact, in the war of the alien invasion that year, the Tianxu town boundary tower exerted amazing power, causing the alien to die many powerful people.

Of course, the broken virtual mirror and too false thunder robe are equally powerful, killing a lot of alien powerhouses, but in comparison, the Tianxu town boundary tower is even more terrible.

If the alien can take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, it is not a good thing for the human race, it is definitely a good thing for the alien.

Although it is said that the human race and the alien race have a contract and coexist almost peacefully, they are only relative.

No one can guarantee that one day when the aliens recover and become more powerful, they will not regroup into the Western void.

In the face of racial interests, everything else should be put aside.

The awakening of Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is very strong, and you can feel it from far away. From this, it becomes a lighthouse to attract more people.

However, there is no imperial realm.

Because of the strength of Yudaojing, it is simply difficult to penetrate Taixu Shenxu.

The deeper you go, the more the atmosphere becomes more chaotic and chaotic, and you may encounter demons and so on, which is very dangerous.


At the center of the darkness, at the top of the black giant tower, there was an idea waking up, as if a pair of eyes opened and stared.

"How many years have passed?"

It seemed to be a heavy sigh, reverberating in the dark, and the breath became strong, and the sounds were like the storm roaring, becoming louder and stronger.

"Shenmen has become history, disappearing into the years."

"But the power of God's Gate does not die."

"I ... Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is here. If you want to take me, then come, whoever can climb to the top will be eligible to take me away."

The last sentence, like a thunderous blast, swept openly.

"That is……"

"The spirit of the Tianxu Town Tower awakened."

"It seems that in the war of that year, the damage of the Tianxu Town Jade Tower was not serious."

Such as broken virtual mirrors and too frightening thunder robes are actually seriously damaged, so that the spirit fell into a deep sleep and was difficult to wake up.

The awakening of the spirit of the tower tower in Tianxu alone indicates that the damage was not serious.

"As long as you reach the summit, you can take away the Tianxu Town Jie Tower."

"It must have been me."

Everyone became more excited.

Before, although they all wanted to take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, it was not so easy. Now, it is tantamount to a clear direction.


Just go to the top.

"Climb to the top." Chen Zong's eyes flashed.

Originally, Chen Zong planned to find a broken mirror because it was closer on the route.

However, the sudden appearance of the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower attracted Chen Zong's attention. In terms of value, the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower outperformed the broken mirror.

Nowadays, the spirit of Tianxu Town's Tower is awake and speaks, making a sound.

Can fight!

Of course, the other point is that the strong man of the mind Tiangong is afraid that he will also go to the boundary tower of Tianxu Town. By then, he will not be able to face the power of the supernatural power.

Other strong men who are interested in the Tiangong Palace are undoubtedly more likely to compete for the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately changed course and hurried to Tianxu Town Jie Tower while taking out the elixir to replenish the power expended at full speed.

Jianguang rushed forward, flew by, and approached the ruins of Tianxu Town's boundary tower.

It was dark, at a glance, as if absolute darkness had appeared.

Outside, you can only see the darkness, and you can't see anything inside. Chen Zong noticed that someone rushed into it, and the body disappeared into the darkness, as if swallowed by darkness.

Chen Zong's speed didn't decrease, and he quickly passed by, smashing into the darkness.

Suddenly, Chen Zong felt that in the darkness, it was filled with extremely strong chaotic and mixed atmosphere, ten times stronger than outside the darkness.

The more intense this chaotic atmosphere is, the more obvious it will be to the practitioners, and it will seriously interfere with the operation of cultivation as a force. Whether it ’s training or refining or other forces, it will be disturbed. The difficulty of operation will increase sharply and become invisible. Among them, strength will be affected, and then decline.

As you continue to enter, the feeling of interference grows stronger.

Then, when Chen Zong completely entered into the darkness, he was surprised to find that it was not as dark as the outside world looked. Although it was also dark, it was a darkness that could be seen, just like the darkness in the setting sun. And not the darkness of the night.

In addition, the chaotic and intricate atmosphere in it seems to have been sorted out, and it has become orderly. It has become two completely different opposite breaths, opposing each other and impacting each other, but there is a kind of harmony. Feeling weird.

Being in it, one's self-cultivation is strength. Whether it's practicing qi or refining the body, Chen Zong feels interference, which is very serious. Only the cultivation that can be exerted is strength, which is less than 50% of the usual.

The other is the avenue, where the power of the avenue seems to be very weak, chaotic, and more difficult to mobilize.

In other words, here, the extent of his own combat power is very limited, Chen Zong estimates that it is less than 30% of the usual.

"The first power of the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower is to interfere with the exertion of power, whether it is the power of repair or the road, and then affect the combat power." Chen Zong secretly thought: "In this way, it should be more than me It may be better for me if someone is affected. "

I think so, but Chen Zong is not sure.

With his eyes fixed on the front, he could faintly see a huge shadow standing in the darkness, as if infinitely tall.

"Tianxu Town Boundary Tower!" Chen Zong said one word at a time, his mind calmed down, he stepped out suddenly, and rushed up.

Here, the interference is so severe that some supernatural powers are not good at performing, but it is also difficult to frustrate Chen Zong.

In addition to Chen Zong, there are others who continue to rush to the center of the Tianxu Town Tower from all directions.


As long as you can reach the top, you can take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower. It sounds like the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower spirit cooperates to take it away, and the difficulty will be much lower than forcibly.

Therefore, the people who entered the dark realm did not fight at all, but rushed to Tianxu Town Boundary Tower ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They all knew that the real battle would be in Tianxu Town Boundary Tower. Expand.


It sounds simple two words, but it's hard to do it. After all, it's not just one person, but there are many people. If there are many people, it means competition. In the end, only one person can reach the top. , Take away the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower.

Everyone knows this reason.


Human races must fight, so do foreign races. In short, since entering here, we must fight.

Long before Chen Zong entered here, someone had already stepped into the Tianxu town boundary tower, not in the dark domain, but in the real Tianxu town boundary tower.


Chen Zong kept approaching the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower. As the people in front approached the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, his body disappeared in an instant.

Yes, it just disappeared.

When Chen Zong himself was close to the ten-meter range of the Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, he immediately felt an irresistible force that fell on his body, and immediately, as if traveling through time and space, was driven by that force. Down, flying directly forward, its speed is extremely fast, like a glimmer of light.

Just moments later, Chen Zong found that he had penetrated into the tower body of Tianxu Town Jie Tower, and the black tower body seemed to be non-existent.

It's like nothing!

It's strange that his body is blurred.

All in all, when he felt down-to-earth, Chen Zong was shocked to find that his strength had disappeared and he could not feel it.

It's like becoming an ordinary person.

The inability of Chen Zong remembered the second power of Tianxu Town Boundary Tower, which was to absorb souls into it, directly suppress a force, make it become an ordinary person, and lose a powerful force to destroy the world.

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