Sword God

Vol 37 Chapter 114: Soul Pursuit (Part 1)

The ice dragon shattered and turned into countless frost splatters in all directions, and like the frost of the ice star ring, swept around, everything that was passed was frozen, the frost spread, the ground was dark, and a layer of frost was added. .

Ao Shengming stepped back three times in a row, leaving every inch of footprints on the hard ground. His complexion turned red first and then turned slightly white.

The sword with dragon pattern trembled.

"Go." Glancing at Bai Songdie, Ao Shengming gave a cold drink, turned around, and left quickly, without the intention of waiting for Bai Songdie.

Bai Songdie was stunned before she could react. She pressed her inner shock and immediately started her body to quickly catch up, while shouting, "Brother Ao, wait for me."

Chen Zong did not pursue, closed his sword and returned to his sheath, and continued to practice.

After a while, a chilly cold air quickly spread from a distance, becoming more and more intense, making Chen Zong look cold, his eyes flashed coldly, staring away, and far away, Chen Zong saw a ray of Darkness emerged from a distance, constantly raging, as if the tide was rolling.

"The Underworld?" Chen Zong frowned slightly, but didn't feel like: "Underworld!"

That's right, it's the underworld, and more than one.

Through his breath, Chen Zong was able to judge that there are three approaching gods, each of which is not weak.

Two low-level ghosts and one middle-level ghost.

The three underworld men also discovered the presence of Chen Zong, and immediately ran.

There was no verbal communication, and the three ghostly men approached before and after. The mid-level ghostly men shot directly, leaping in the air, shooting with one hand, and the cold and turbulent gas gathered from all directions. When the aerial shots killed, it was terrible The breath shocks as if to suppress Chen Zong.

At the moment when the hand of the underworld was approaching, I saw that the five fingers of the mid-level underworld were bent suddenly, as if grasping like an eagle's claw, turning it into an underworld's claw. Caught explosive.

When he died, Jianguang flashed, and the sword was unsheathed, and he was mercilessly killed.

In the ancient ruins, the ghost beast and the ghost person have always been opposed to the practitioner. Of course, this is not to say that they must be opposed, but when they see the practitioner, the ghost beast and the ghost person will kill.

But the difference between Hades and Hades is that Hades have little wisdom. When encountering practitioners, they kill or eat, but Hades are wise because their predecessors were human races.

Therefore, when encountering practitioners, in addition to killing the puppets, they will also smash the practitioners into serious injuries and then capture them, catch them, and transform them into new ones.

Is Du Lele as good as Zhong Lele? No one wants to become a cultivator, a cultivator, who can only stay in the ancient ruins for a lifetime and cannot return to the void, but the wood has become a boat. "Happiness" is shared with other practitioners, and let them enjoy it.

Therefore, it seems that this middle-ranking puppet man is merciless, and it seems that Chen Zong will be blasted. In fact, otherwise, his purpose is to just bruise and mutilate Chen Zong and just grab it back.

As for the disability problem, as long as there is no death on the spot, when it is transformed into a ghost, all injuries will be repaired, even broken limbs will be reborn.

Jian Guang shot through the air, and Chen Zongke would not show mercy to the underworld.

Quick decision!

After a sword smashed the middle-level ghost, the sword light spread like a scroll.

Great World Sword Tips: Mani no Mori!

A tree condensed by swords was shot down in the air,

In a hurry, he suppressed the middle-level Hades, as if they fell into a forest of swords with a radius of several thousand square meters, directly trapping the middle-level Hades, with a strong sword and raging in all directions. The qi is constantly broken.

Great World Jianjue doesn't pay attention to lethality, but it doesn't mean that it lacks lethality. It is just that compared to refining the heart to one sword, the direct lethality is not so destructive.

But compared to many sword tricks, the power of the Great World sword tricks is still considerable.

Unable to move, the mid-level Hades was directly suppressed and difficult to move. Although his combat strength was not weak, he was still worse than Chen Zonglai.

Jianguang breaks through the air, directly penetrates the defense of a malignant gas, the sword gas enters the body, bursts wantonly in the body, and directly kills.

The other two low-ranking puppets were approaching quickly. At first glance, Tuns was shocked, and he did not hesitate to retreat and quickly broke away.

Chen Zong's eyes gazed, a flash of cold mang burst, and immediately, the sword light flashed, the two swords burst into air, and the first came first, penetrating directly for several kilometers, hitting the two low-level ghosts.

The two low-level ghosts who fled at full speed flew forward, and fell straight, and they could not afford to fall.


However, Chen Zong did not feel the slightest sense of relaxation, but looked dignified, because in the distance, strands of qi were pulsating, as before, but more intense.


There are other nether people approaching, and through the induction of breath, it seems to be more powerful.

"It was you who killed them." There was only one approaching ghost, and his cold and deep eyes glanced at the three corpses that were far apart. Then he looked at Chen Zong and shot endless killings.

Chen Zong looked calm and did not respond. The wicked man brought himself a strong sense of crisis. The cold and cold air mixed with the fiery icy killer came like an invisible storm, and was creepy.


The strength of this ghost is very strong. Based on his current combat strength, it is estimated that he is not an opponent.

"Flayer, let go of interference," Chen Zong said silently.

"No, unless you give birth control." The Demon responded with a bachelor.

Chen Zong was too late to quarrel with the demon, because the figure of the dungeon flashed like a gray-black ghost, silent and silent, but it was a puppet that appeared in front of Chen Zong, through the cold In the spirit, Chen Zong saw a pair of reddish but extremely deep eyes.

Those eyes seemed to be able to absorb the soul, so that Chen Zongqing could not help but tremble, and between the silent and silent, a finger of the piercing man punched through the air to pierce directly to Chen Zong's heart.

That finger was condensed with the terrible cold and cold power, and before it was killed, Chen Zong's heart trembled, and a trace of astonishing chill passed through his chest to the heart, as if to freeze Chen Zong's heart. Similarly, with the cold invasion, Chen Zong felt that his blood was also affected, and his operation was sluggish, as if to be frozen.

Cold attack, stagnation of qi and blood, Chen Zong only felt his strength and seemed to become lazy with it, as if he did not sleep enough, it was difficult to exert it.

The sound of a gurgling sounded like a cymbal, the heart suddenly jumped, and a violent burst of energy, directly shattered the cold that came from the attack, and the stagnant blood was also excited instantly and became active again.

Jianguang flashed, and it was intercepted in the air, like an iron lock across the river, like a pen from God, directly blocking the fierce man's fierce finger attack.

The sword is a short weapon, which is much longer than a finger. It is undoubtedly inappropriate to use a sword to deal with such a short distance.

But in the hands of Chen Zong, this sword is very suitable, just like his own arms and fingers, as long as there is a little space to stretch, it is very flexible and easy to control.

The sword body intercepted the moment when the finger hit, and it suddenly turned and cut across the blade, and then cut its finger apart. However, the other finger sent out an amazing power at the moment, and broke the blade of Chen Zong. Bypass the sword body and point to Chen Zong's brows.

However, under the control of Chen Zong, a sword rushed away.

Within a few short breaths of time, the two sides fought hundreds of times within a very close distance, each of which was extremely dangerous, and would be hit a little carelessly. Whether it was hit by a finger or a sword stab, serious injuries are inevitable. of.

However, neither the Mingren nor Chen Zong were injured.

"A little skill." This man did not use all his strength, but he also showed a lot of strength, but he was not expected to be resisted. Such swordsmanship is really superb: "So, try my Ming Wu."

The moment the voice fell, an extremely cold cold force suddenly exploded from its body, as if the ancient volcano exploded, and the sky moved with horror, and the endless cold cold energy swept from all directions. .

As if the dark clouds cover the sky, as if the sea is flowing, like the collapse of the tsunami in Foshan, the endless darkness is covered, the endless momentum is magnificent. Within a few miles, it is directly shrouded, and the temperature in the air is constantly falling. .

"Ming Wu ..." Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, it sounded as if it was Ming Ren Wu Xue or related to it, but this was the first time he had not faced it.

Although he has not faced this kind of prestige, it is terrible, and Chen Zong has to stand by.

"Heart demon, if you don't let me do my best, you and I will die." Chen Zong said to the demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hum. "At this moment, the demon was proud and did not let go of part of the control of Yuanshen. He would not budge unless Chen Zong gave birth to control.

Chen Zong felt very tired, but he couldn't help it.

There is not much time to think about it, the underworld's underworld blasts and kills, and the endless cold and cold qi merges with one's own underworld power, condensing into a huge black shadow, as if the underworld is in the world.

The dark shadow, a hundred meters high, is suspended in the mid-air, and the hollow part of the eyes is like nothingness, as if through the underworld.

When overlooking, Chen Zong only felt his own soul trembled. He had a feeling of being separated from the Yuanshen, as if he wanted to fly out of his own sea of ​​God, into the hollow eyes of that huge shadow, and constantly falling into the darkness, Fall into the abyss, sink forever.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dark shadow raised his arm and pointed with a volley.

A black light condensed in an instant, as if the aurora shot through the void, as if the white horse had gone through the gap, and directly killed Chen Zong.

The endless breath continually converges from the surrounding black light to the black light, one after the other, making the black light more condensed, deeper and darker.

The deterrence of the soul, coupled with the attack of double force, double attack, immediately put Chen Zong into danger.

Chen Zong also woke up instantly, his look changed, the twelve center of gravity burned, and the power of the sword body in the early days erupted. The sword in his hand instantly turned into a streamer, spread out into countless sword lights, and surrounded all directions.

Da Zhoutian Sword World!

Under the perspiration of the sword light, as if it were a sword light of its own, the cycle began, endless, and Chen Zong was firmly protected.

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