Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 5: blockade

"Go." The magic heart appeared inside the cave, and quickly entered Chen Zong's heart, saying.

Chen Zong also quickly set off and rushed to the underground tunnel immediately, rushing out of the underground tunnel, returning along the way, and heading towards the entrance and exit of the ancient ruins.

The top-ranking ghosts have all appeared. It is difficult to guarantee that there will not be more powerful top-ranking ghosts or even super-ranking ghosts with dominance. At that time, the magic heart seniors could not resist.

In a nutshell, my gains can be regarded as generous. After leaving, it is best to use the four words to return with full load. It is no more appropriate. It is also time to leave, and when you are stronger, you can come in again.

The ancient ruins do not have the so-called opening time and closing time. They can be entered at any time, as long as you have the ability.

As for staying in the ancient ruins for a long time, it is not affected in the least by the erosion of the qi, because the black star pit dragon inflammation absorbs the qi that has invaded the body and turns it into nutrients for its own growth.

With the attributes of the mourning fire, the black star pterodactyl has part of the ability of the mourning fire, and it is only one of them.

In other words, since then, Chen Zong can move freely in the ancient ruins without having to worry about the problem of erosion by the dark air.

Having said that, it's time to leave when you leave. This place lacks vitality and is not suitable for cultivation.

Those Tianming Baodan will be more helpful to the outside world.

There are guardians of the Hellfire Caves of the Hellfire God, and the top-level Hellfiremen rushed over, indicating that the Hellfire God of Fire is also very important for the Hellfire, but Chen Zong was completely empty, and the Hellfire knew , Will definitely be hunted down crazy.

As soon as the Sword in the Sky was cast, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, and continued to move forward at an amazing speed, and then plunged into the void, as if it disappeared and disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already 10,000 meters away.




Only the pursuit of fast, extreme fast, extremely fast, such speed of sword light is comparable to the speed of the seven-star combat power of the Yuan Underworld, and the speed when entering the void, can reach the top seven-star combat power full speed.

There are two forms of instant sword swordhead, one is to become sword light, and the other is to enter the void.

Turning into sword light is a prelude to the emptiness and also has the power of attack, but the speed is not as good as the emptiness into the void, but the emptiness does not have the slightest attack power, but it is faster and more secret.

Chen Zong alternated the two forms, bursting into an astonishing speed, and kept moving forward.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to leave the Hellfire Fire Cave of Hellfire, and the Hellfire arrived and quickly entered it. He saw a few Hellfire Fires over the Black Magma Lake disappearing, and suddenly gave out a roaring sound, as if it were a monster roar.



Not long ago, there was a ghost who was stolen by a practitioner, but it has not been recovered. Now, there is another **** theft, which is directly stolen.

Although the Hellfire Fire will still be born from the black Hell Magma Lake, it will take a lot of time.

At present, there is no available Hellfire Fire, and without Hellfire Fire, it is difficult to transform the practitioners into amazing people with amazing talents and potential.

It can be said that in order to ensure the success rate of the Tianjiao-level ghost person, it needs the help of the infernal refining fire and reintegration into the ghost species, which can basically have a success rate of 90%, but the lack of any one will reduce the success rate to 50%, if there are no two, the success rate will barely reach 10%.

The more talents the practitioner has in front of him, the better it will be when transformed into the underworld, but if they can be integrated into the underworld, the **** of fire, and the underworld

If you do, it will become even better.

In short, purging the gods of fire and cults is the necessary treasure to cultivate the most talented cults.

In the depths of the earth, the horrifying black chains that seemed to be engulfed in darkness erupted into a terrifying breath of power again, screaming.



More people were dispatched.

The wind is soaring!

With the help of the magic heart and spirit, Chen Zong did not encounter any danger. Even if he encountered a high-level ghost, it was shot by the seniors of the magic heart and killed directly, digging out the high-level ghost, leaving a corpse.

There are more than 100 Tianming Wangguo left. If there are ten more high-level nucleus cores, Chen Zong can refining them into ten high-level tianming baodan.

Thousands of ghostly people dispatched, swept across the earth, like a carpet-like search for everything, and quickly moved out of the earth, spreading to the ancient ruins, except for those more hidden and dangerous places. Possible search.

Chen Zong's speed is not slow, but some people are faster.

At the dark vortex, a black light tears through the sky like a lightning, flying directly from a distance like an aurora movie, appearing in front of the dark vortex, and exudes a terrifying breath all around.

Not long after, ten more black lights drove forward, hovering in front of the dark vortex, blocking the center of the dark vortex.

"Eleven eldest people." In the distance, when a practitioner saw it, his face suddenly changed.


Eleven Wraiths blocked the dark vortex, which meant that they could not go out.

Once approached, in all likelihood, they will be caught or even killed directly.

"How dare they!" A man from the big forces was angry.

There is a ghost person in the ancient ruins. This is known to many forces in the void. With the power of many forces, if you want to enter it, you have a lot of confidence to clear the ghost person here.

The reason why this is not done is because it will cause some losses, and the other is that the ghost people cannot leave the ancient ruins.

There is no need to live here, anyway, it won't scourge the void.

Even the strong men of the powerful martial arts in the void have once entered the ancient ruins and reached an agreement with the ancient people of the ancient ruins.

The content of the agreement is basically that the cultivator in the void enters the ancient ruins and experiences, and the earth cannot be deliberately targeted.

Of course, some conflicts of interest, etc., are inevitable and cannot be forced to say no.

But now, it is not allowed to block entrances and exits, which seems to be blocked.

"Get out of here." A Dao-Dao-level strong man arrived, and his body was filled with breathtaking breath fluctuations, like a thundering thunder, long hair flying, and glared at eleven pith, especially the top-level punk.

"Someone stole the two kinds of treasures of the cult of the earth and the cult of the gods of the prison, found the person, and handed it over, and you can leave." The top-level corpse man said vaguely, the breath diffused around him became more and more The arrogance of the power, as if a turbulent storm, endlessly changed the look of that respectful powerhouse, dignified.

"No more letting go, don't blame me. You're welcome." Even though the thunderous Dao Zun pervaded the whole body, he didn't flinch, but the wicked man didn't mean to step away, this Dao immediately became furious.


The thunder exploded and turned into a thunderbolt, destroying all sorts of empty bombardment.

With terrifying might, he ruthlessly blasted at the top-level dwarf.

The ray of thunder was vast and lavender, with a terrifying sense of destruction, as if it could instantly turn a mountain into nothingness.

The top-level ghost man also shot in an instant. A hand of the **** of ghosts grabbed the vast thunder light in the air, just grabbed it gently, amazingly crushed the thunder light directly, and then slap out. The strong.

With a loud bang, the thunderbolt burst, and the Taoist strongman was shot directly.

Not an opponent!

The gap in combat power is clear.

"I'm saying it again, I can only leave if I find someone who steals my soul and mysterious fire." This top-ranking ghostly man spoke again, his voice extremely cold.

"Damn, who stole the dark seed and the infernal refining fire." Some practitioners complained suddenly, if it didn't happen, they could leave.

You know, if you stay here for a long time, you will gradually be eroded by the malignant gas and will be polluted. If you stay longer, the degree of erosion will be serious, it will be difficult to leave, and if it is longer, it will be transformed into a mute person, and you can never leave Here.

"I have been eroded by the qi to become slightly polluted, and then continue, once it develops into moderate pollution, it is dangerous."

"You must leave as soon as possible."

"Go, look for the **** guy who steals the underworld and hellfire."

The situation is stronger than human beings, and even the respected strong was injured by flying, let alone their supernatural powers, Yuan Ming Realm, and even Yu Dao Realm, let alone more.

Far away, Jianguang flashed, Chen Zong appeared, his eyes stared.


The voice of the top-ranked ghost was also transmitted, and it was introduced into Chen Zong's ears, so that Chen Zong's look changed slightly, and then he resumed as usual.

Those three fires of the underworld refining ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ were taken away by themselves. Now, they have been refined by the purple atlantosaurus, and transformed into a new and more powerful magic fire: the black star atenaurus. .

It is impossible to surrender the fire of the underworld, not to mention that it has already been refined, even if there is no refining, Chen Zong will not surrender, why he handed it over by himself.

"Senior Devil, can you break through forcibly?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

"It's hard!" After his heart groaned for three breaths, he only responded, "The wicked man's combat power exceeds me."

Although I do n’t want to admit it very much, the magic heart ’s current combat power reaches up to a four-star level. Regardless of the outbreak of everything, it can be stronger. However, the combat power of the wicked man is at least a Taoist five-star combat power. May even be higher.

In addition, there are ten high-ranking underworld blockades. It is difficult to rush out with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong frowned, thinking.

If you ca n’t leave early, you wo n’t worry about the erosion of the qi for a long time, just worry about whether it will be found out by the qi.

That is very bad for you.

But now, you can only wait and see, and see if there will be any changes.

The Nether people will block the exit. The practitioners will not allow them to block them. There will be conflicts. After all, the Nether people are strong, but the practitioners are not weak. However, no strong practitioners have arrived yet.


While waiting, Chen Zong also cultivated, not wasting every bit of time, and seizing all the time to improve himself.

I have been able to have such a combat ability till now. Apart from talent, I can't be separated from my constant efforts. There has never been any story about gaining nothing.

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