Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 8: Sword repair in the Middle Ages (1)

The feeling of tearing, smashing, and frustrating was a kind of unspeakable pain.



Chen Zong was dreaming, dreaming that he was repeatedly lingering and torn apart, repeatedly in the dream, as if to sink forever.

I don't know how many nightmares I circulated, but suddenly I woke up.

When he woke up, Chen Zong felt pain all over his body, as if he had been torn apart.

Fortunately, the body was still there, but it wasn't really torn apart, but the injury was very serious, it was forcibly torn by terrible forces, and Chen Zong could not help but smile.

There was almost no intact place all over the body, the inside and outside was broken, the internal organs were broken, the bones were broken, the muscle membrane was torn, and blood was dripping.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's cultivation practice is not low, his vitality is amazing, and he did not die directly.

The powerful world deities are healing on their own, but the speed is somewhat slow, indicating that the injury was very serious.

"Senior Demon." Chen Zong called inside.

"I'll restore my strength first." The demon's voice was a bit weak, and it seemed that he had escaped from the blow of that superhuman underworld this time, consuming too much of his strength.

After a while, the injury recovered slightly. Chen Zong reluctantly took the elixir to accelerate the recovery of the injury.

This time, the demon didn't come out to make troubles. I still wanted to be suppressed by the power of Demon's predecessor. Otherwise, I would have taken the opportunity to occupy my own soul and body.

The demon is very helpless. Who knows that the power of the **** is so strong that he really suppressed himself, but his own strength has not been restored, he can't escape the suppression at all, and can only miss this opportunity with great heartache. .

I wanted to swear, but I was suppressed again, and my voice couldn't be heard at all.

Now, the self-consciousness is awake again, and the great opportunity is lost.

Hate, the devil is hate, hate that demon heart and bite his teeth, if not for him to intervene, how could I be so happy, sooner or later I have to compromise with myself.

At that time, a good life will begin.

Now, I can only think about it.

The power consumed by the magic heart this time is very amazing, almost overdrawn, and is slowly recovering, and with the cooperation of Dan Zong, the injury and strength are slowly recovering.

The powerful world body has amazing self-healing ability. No matter how serious the injury is, it will slowly adjust and recover.

After a period of time, Chen Zong's injuries recovered more than half of the time. This has not affected the basic operations, but Chen Zong did not leave. Instead, he recovered his injuries and looked around more carefully.

Observe the environment!

There was a hint of gray mist in the air, and it was filled with the amazing coldness. From that coldness, in addition to feeling cold, Chen Zong felt a familiar ... taste, or fluctuation.


It was a sharp, sharp breath wave, and it was a breath wave that belonged to the sword.

Although the sword is also sharp, the sharpness of the knife and the sharpness of the sword are different, and ordinary people cannot distinguish them. However, the sword repair can be perceived, not to mention the amazing sword repair such as Chen Zong.

The sharp edge of the sword made Chen Zong's eyes slightly bright.

The injury recovered faster and faster, and finally recovered completely. With strength, he recovered completely.

Chen Zongbu

Ban relieved, fortunately, it was really fortunate. This time, he almost explained his life here.

The superhuman, the equivalent of a dominating powerhouse, is really terrible, but with a single strike, he is exhausted, and even the magic heart seniors with Taoist fighting power are overdrawn, and himself, even more Almost died.

Nine dead a lifetime!

Taking a deep breath, the cold breath penetrated into the nasal cavity and poured into the body, so that Chen Zong's body was slightly shaken, his mind became clearer and clearer.

After replacing a broken sword robe, Chen Zong's eyes condensed the light, looked around, and chose to go in one direction. That was the direction in which Feng Rui's breath was stronger.

Here, it should still be within the ancient ruins, but just where it is located. Chen Zong is not clear. The atmosphere here and the traces around him give Chen Zong a feeling of inaccessibility.

It's like it hasn't been found.

The ancient ruins are very large, but they are left over from the Middle Ages, and in the Middle Ages, meditation is a very important vein and is very popular.

Before the ancient ruins were the kingdom of meditation.

Today, countless practitioners in the ancient era have entered countless times. However, the ancient ruins have not been completely explored. Some places are very dangerous. They may die if they are inadvertently. Even the dominant power may be Fall.

Chen Zong is not sure whether this place is the first entrant or the first entrant, but it is certain that even if other people have entered this place before, there are certainly very few.

Such a place means danger and chance.

It's not clear now whether the super-hidden person is still there. In case it's still out, it's death.

It was possible to escape before because the super-naughty man did not deliberately target himself. Once again, he would really die.

Since you can't leave for a while, you can't just stay still. Explore it, hoping to find an opportunity that is useful to you.

Chen Zong can clearly feel that the cold and sorrowful atmosphere here is much stronger than the places he has been before, and the intensity of erosion is naturally much stronger.

Changing to other practitioners, even if it is a magical realm, you cannot stay here for a long time, otherwise it will be eroded and polluted, but Chen Zong will not.

A large number of cold and cold air was brutal and overbearing. When he contacted Chen Zong, he continuously penetrated into Chen Zong's body in an attempt to contaminate Chen Zong. Hei Xing Ming Long Yan swam everywhere in the body and invaded the body. He absorbed as much energy as his own nutrients.

In this way, no matter how strong the qi is, it can't really pollute Chen Zongmin. This point, even the master level can't be compared with Chen Zong, unless it is a cultivator or a practitioner who can truly resist the erosion of the qi.

With his heart and soul in mind, Chen Zong slowly moved forward, spreading out the world, covering thousands of kilometers, and once there was any danger, he could immediately sense it and respond quickly.

Compared to kendo, the world is more suitable for repression.

When danger arises, the power of the world is urged to exert repressive power, which can give itself more reaction time.

As I kept walking forward, the mist became more and more intense, and Chen Zong could feel the sharp breath diffused in the air, and it became more and more intense. It seemed to be surrounded by invisible sword air, and it continued to cut, as if to be Cut Chen Zong's body into pieces.

However, the power of these invisible swords is still not strong enough for Chen Zong to break through Chen Zong's defense and hurt Chen Zong.

Walking and walking, Chen Zong's complexion suddenly changed, and he stepped back one step, his expression was in shock.

Take a step forward, then take a step back, and try again and again.

"The world domain was suppressed." When Chen Zong stepped forward, he felt solemn, only feeling that the world domain that he was radiating out was suppressed and unusable. He tried to release the Kendo area, and it also failed, even when Chen Zong returned I felt that all the power in my body was suppressed.

The power of practicing qi and cultivating body.

When retreating, all the repressed forces became active again.

This step is like a sound of nature.

And there is another point. In addition to one step, in addition to all its own power will be suppressed, the sword scent in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

"This is the field of Kendo." The voice of the demon heart sounded, his realm is higher than that of Chen Zong, and his knowledge is not comparable to that of Chen Zong. When Chen Zong was not quite sure, the demon heart felt it.

Kendo area!

That step was when I stepped into the realm of kendo, and this kendo is extremely strong, suppressing all my strength.

Then, what a tyrannical kendo realm it is, with such great power, in front of it, it seems that it has lost all its resistance.

Chen Zong suddenly thought of another point. Since there is such an amazing kendo field that suppresses all his strengths, does it mean that there is a sword repair and a powerful sword repair here.

Then, if you step into the realm of kendo, you are stepping into the opponent ’s territory, and your life and death are under the control of others.

Chen Zong did not panic, but became calmer and calmer, because Chen Zong thought a little, he repeatedly entered and exited so many times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but there was no danger.

Perhaps the master of Kendo is malicious?

Or is it another reason?

"Senior, what do you see?" After Chen Zong observed it, he was still a bit unclear. It was limited by the realm, but the realm of the demon heart was higher than himself. Perhaps, what can be seen.

"Well, the sword repair in this area of ​​Kendo may have fallen." Moxin said, but his tone was not 100% sure.

"Falling." Chen Zong heard the words suddenly, after falling, can also spread the field of kendo, what is this means?

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong decided to make a breakthrough. Perhaps, this would be a very good opportunity.

Raise your legs and step into the kendo area again. Sure enough, one's strength is suppressed again. All that can be used is ordinary strength, and nothing more.

Even the power of Demon Heart's predecessors has also been suppressed and cannot be borrowed.

"I don't know how big this kendo area is?" A thought came out, Chen Zong moved forward step by step, the invisible sword in the air became more and more severe and sharp, cutting to the point, Chen Zong began to feel the sting It hurts, it seems like it really has to be cut and torn.

Suddenly, a tiny bit of sword light broke through, flying from a distance, the speed was extremely fast, there was an amazing sharpness and mystery that penetrated through everything, as if Chen Zong was to be directly pierced.

Chen Zong responded very quickly and immediately evaded. The long sword came out of the sheath and one sword was cut out.

Even though Xiu's strength was suppressed, Chen Zong still possessed a good combat ability with a superb swordsmanship.

Under a sword, the sword gas was immediately chopped and directly broken.

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