Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 12: Heartbreak



Turned into dust.

The dust returned to the dust and the soil returned to the soil. The sword sword dominated by the kendo that survived the catastrophe from the Middle Ages did not stop the erosion of the years and completely dissipated, leaving no trace.

Chen Dan, however, was inherited by Chen Zong.

I was just Chen Zong at this moment, but I was so surprised.

What does it mean to practice?

For longevity?

For invincibility?

The deeper the cultivation, the longer the Shou Yuan, but the longer the Shou Yuan, it is also difficult to resist the catastrophe. When the catastrophe comes, it will eventually be destroyed and buried with the era.

Is that longevity?

I guess, after all, it can live many, many, many years, and it is not, because it will end with the end of the epoch.

So, compared with ordinary people, what is the difference?

The so-called difference is that the practitioner can live longer and longer than ordinary people, but the end result is the same, which is the inevitable death.

Since this is the case, then, I have arduously embarked on the road of cultivation, wandering between life and death, encountering various difficulties and setbacks again and again, and struggling to get through, what else? What's the point?

I'm not as good as the ordinary people, live in peace of mind, find a favorite woman, form a family, have two lovely children, calmly and quietly spend a sound.

Anyway, after all, it is impossible to avoid death.

Then, how about defeating one strong enemy?

For example, the storm of the dark moon stands in the Middle Ages. With the sword in the void, the supreme Kendo master who is invincible to the invincible is ultimately unable to withstand the calamity of the young era, let alone death and death, let alone the catastrophe of the Epoch.

For a while, Chen Zong was confused.

The demon heart did not say anything, he could feel that Chen Zong's state at this moment was in an unstable and confused state.

路 The path of cultivation is not just to promote cultivation. The state of mind must also keep up, otherwise it will be difficult to control its own strength, become arrogant, or sink into depression, doubt its own cultivation path, and ultimately, the foundation will be destroyed.

However, in this case, it is difficult for others to help, but only self-awareness.

What are you working hard for, even going through life and death?

For longevity?

He seems to be, but there are countless confusions that cannot stop the mighty power of the era. Longevity is not real and eternal after all.

For invincibility?

I seem to be, but not, how can I defeat all the powerful enemies.

The manpower is poor and the calamity is endless.

So why do you cultivate?

Do you continue to cultivate?

You tell me, tell me, why do you want to cultivate?

Is it necessary for me to bear the sufferings, the frustrations, the life and death?

"Why did I embark on the cultivation path for the first time?"

"I was originally, because of what, I was obsessed with cultivation and became stronger?"


"Is it invincible?"

"Yes, both, but, is that the main reason? Was it my first thought?"

Chen Zong slowly pondered, he asked himself again and again, and his consciousness gradually sink into his memory.

In the beginning, I was very weak. The weather was weak, and I did n’t have the opportunity to cultivate. At that time, I wanted to cultivate, but I did n’t want to be bullied, I did n’t want to let Adie live a hard time with himself, and I did n’t want his old wound to be incurable.

一切 When everything is realized, I face many strong enemies again. Only by constantly strengthening, can I not be killed by the strong enemies and I can live better.

I don't know when, I gradually like that feeling.

Every breakthrough in cultivation, every improvement in swordsmanship, every achievement in defeating a strong enemy.

Jain is a kind of satisfaction that comes from the mind.

Has nothing to do with being rich or poor, having nothing to do with wind and moon, or even having to live or die.

Fighting with swords is free and easy, and you have good hatred. Come whenever you want, leave if you want to go.

In a hurry, the darkened heart seemed to be lit with a heartlight, like a lighthouse on the vast sea, guiding the way forward, and letting Chen Zong's confusion gradually wipe out.

"I practice, there are various reasons for the initial, there are various reasons for the process, and there will be various reasons in the future."

"But for whatever reason, there is only one at the core, and that is pleasure."

Ye Changsheng is invincible, after all, it is better to be happy.

A man will eventually die, no matter what the reason. Then, when you are alive, you should live by heart, live a wonderful life, and live a good life.

What about the so-called young era catastrophe, and the epic era catastrophe?

What's more, the end of the ancient era is still very early, and it is still too early for the Holocaust to come. There are many years and many years to live, you can freely break through the void, enjoy the path of cultivation, enjoy your own life, why not worry about so much? .

He said again, in case one day he encountered an irresistible danger, he might die, and he could not wait for the day when the catastrophe came.

He stepped back and said that even ordinary people will encounter natural disasters and man-made calamities. At that time, if there is not enough power, how to resist?

Isn't He regretting why he didn't chase a good force?

"Each has its own destiny, but since you choose, you don't need to regret it. You can only chase with all your heart. Even if you don't see the results, the process is also a beautiful scenery." Chen Zong finally said.

In a hurry, the heart light is bright, all confusion is like the night receding, the day is coming, and it is melting under the sun.

The spirit power of Chen Zong's thirteen heart palaces fluctuated, like a lake-like rippling, permeating layers of light, as if rendering a layer of supernatural power.

宗 Chen Zong can feel that the power of his mind, with the spread of that glory, slowly becomes more pure, and constantly improves.

"On the way to cultivation, you will encounter many difficulties, either external or internal enemies." The voice of the demon heart sounded, and he was happy that Chen Zong was able to recover the confusion so quickly. This is not only Recovery is to break through an obstacle and let your mind grow with it.

Every time I break through the obstacles, it is a growth that breaks my mind. That is spiritual growth, a kind of transformation.

The road ahead is long. When clearing the obstacles, move forward firmly.

I exhaled a long breath, as if all the confusion and obstruction were washed out, Chen Zong's mind became clearer and clearer.

Immediately, Chen Zong began to sort out the information that came to his mind, that is, the supreme inheritance of the Middle Ages Xeon Kendo, who dominated the storm of the moon: Sword World!

The sword world, which is the master of Kendo, who is the master of Kendo after many years, constantly sharpens himself, defeats one after another, and finally integrates what he has learned, and draws the essence of it to create Dacheng Kendo. Works.

As soon as Chen Zong sorted it out, he felt dizzy.

世界 The world of this sword is too unpredictable. The mystery contained in it is beyond description.

宗 Chen Zong asked the demon heart to protect the law for himself, and directly opened his heart and soul to participate in enlightenment.

The powerful mental power allows Chen Zong to maintain a single mind and mood all the time. It is as if after diagnosing the heart disorder, the mental power has become more refined, and the recovery speed has also been improved. Ascension, but when exerting one's heart and soul, the consumption of mental power is still amazing.

Fortunately, only with a second mind as a supplement, can I persist for a longer time.

With the full-hearted enlightenment of one's heart and soul, Chen Zong's constant enlightenment based on his super-high understanding and solid foundation of kendo, he started from different ten angles and made up for each other. Soared more times.

This is the case with Chen Rao, and Chen Zong still consumes almost all the power of the mind before he realizes a trace of fur.

This is very incredible. So far, Chen Zong has never encountered such a difficult mystery.

Restore the power of mind, until the peak, Chen Zong once again opened up his heart and soul, and continued to enlighten.

This is so, until the third time that the mind-hearted state of mind has consumed all the power of the mind, Chen Zongfang really realized the mysteries of the sword world and barely reached the entry level.

It ’s so difficult to get started. If you want to continue to learn, Chen Zong has a feeling of powerlessness, as if she was dragging a thousand pounds or even thousands of pounds with a hundred pounds of force. Like heavy objects, it is very difficult to drag.

Chen Zong tried it and found that even if he was in a state of mind and heart, he still couldn't realize the slightest, and had to give up temporarily. Reluctant to get started, which was his upper limit at this time.

However, with the improvement of self-cultivation and the accumulation of kendo foundation, you can continue to enlighten.

"Ten thousand meters!" Chen Zong barely realized the entry realm and looked at the prerequisites to practice the sword world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for a moment, he couldn't help laughing.

The prerequisite for cultivating the sword world is the 10,000-meter kendo area, that is, the kendo area is less than 10,000 meters. Don't think about cultivation, let alone follow-up.

Sure enough, it is indeed the highest inheritance of the Middle Ages Xeon Jiandao. It is only a prerequisite for cultivation, and it is so difficult.

"But it should be coming soon," Chen Zong secretly said.

This opportunity, repeated battles, and the improvement of the basics of swordsmanship, etc., also made his understanding of Kendo deeper and deeper. Chen Zong released the field of Kendo, blinked, and reached a range of six kilometers. , Beyond the limits, constantly expanding.

6,100 meters!

6,200 meters!

6,300 meters!

Not only the distance is increasing, but the power of Kendo has gradually increased and become more and more arrogant.

Seven kilometers!

In the end, the kendo area reached a distance of seven kilometers, which was one kilometer longer than before entering the kendo area released by the Hades of the Moon.

If it is usual, this one-kilometer increase will take Chen Zong a lot of time to slowly understand, but now, only one chance will improve.

Of course, although it is only an opportunity, it is not ordinary. The difficulty is only clear to Chen Zong.

But, no matter what, I survived those crises, broke through my heart, and got the chance.

The path of Jian Jian Road is in front of my eyes.

Now, Chen Zong has a new goal, to enlighten the field of kendo to 10,000 meters and cultivate the sword world.

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