Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 28: Sword Qi aspect (on)

Jianguang, like a cold and waning moon, was chopped in the volley, and shot out in the air, as if a sword would be two points in the void.

Wu Qiaoyun's cultivation is a high level of Yuan Ming Realm, coupled with his status as a genius. Under the precipitation, his combat power has already reached the top seven-star level. In the future, he will exceed the conventional combat power at the limit of Yuan Ming Realm. Achieving ten-star combat power is also a matter of steadfastness.

Although this sword did not do its best, it also has an ordinary seven-star level.

The giant snow bear looks very fierce. The sound waves are rolling and the power is amazing. It seems to be able to break everything, but in the face of this cold moon-like sword light, there is no resistance at all.


Cut off!


Together with that giant snow bear, it was also cut by Jian Guang, breaking in from the beginning, and killing him from behind like a bamboo. Leng Yue Jian Guang kept killing forward, drawing a long crack in the snow, stretching for hundreds of meters. , Chopped several huge ice stones.

Kill with one sword!

After Wu Qiaoyun chopped out a sword, he took out a sword flower, and the sword returned to the sheath. It was smooth and pleasing like a flowing cloud.

Chen Zong secretly nodded. This Wu Qiaoyun's accomplishment on one of the swords was pretty good.

"Sister Shi is so good." Li Jiayin was surprised with a thumbs up.

The kind of giant snow bear was completely incapable of confronting her, and she could be killed and broken with a single blow.

However, Wu Qiaoyun just cut a sword and did not use any clever swordsmanship. He killed them directly, showing amazing swordsmanship and combat power.

"Nothing, when your practice reaches the high level of Yuan Ming Realm, you can easily kill such a giant snow bear." Wu Qiaoyun smiled slightly and responded.

The body of the snow beast will have the essence of cohesion. That is the essence of the snow beast. The strength in the ice beast is very pure. For the practitioners of the ice department, the effect is very good and it is naturally collected by everyone.

As for the fur of the giant snow bear, it is also very good. It can be used as a quilt mat or the like, but it can also be used for decoration. However, relatively speaking, the practicality is relatively low, and everyone has not wasted time to cut it down. Discard it directly.

At present, it is still mainly to find Fengjing, and it is wonderful to find Fengjing first.

Ten members of the Red Phoenix lineup quickly dispersed into two waves, five in each wave. Among them, Red Phoenix took two Secret Legends of the Binghuangdao and Ao 13 and Ao 14 sent by Ao Shengwang. The other five were led by Hong Feng's confidant, Mo Hongli, who was successfully cultivated in the Yuan Ming Realm.

Similarly, Huarong's lineup is also divided into two waves, so look better.

The lineup of Yan Zhenxuan and Su Yumeng, although they are also full, is not as good as the Red Phoenix lineup and the Huarong lineup, and they are not separated, which will increase the probability of finding Fengjing, but will disperse their strength and encounter When it is impossible to resist any danger, even Feng Jing can't take it away.

In this way, it is better to concentrate our strengths so as to have greater competitiveness.

There are many snow beasts in Bingsheng Market, which is one of the dangers.

A powerful snow beast can even reach the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and even has a 12-star combat level, which is very scary.

If you are unlucky, the Feng Jing you found is located in the top-tier mid-level snow beast. The difficulty of getting it will be greatly increased, and it is very dangerous.

Along the way, everyone released their thoughts and swept in all directions in search of the place where Feng Jing was.

Dan Feng

Jing didn't find it, but found a lot of ice-based magic drugs, and also encountered a lot of snow beasts.

This time, they encountered the Great Snow Wolf.

At a glance, there are thousands of giant snow wolves. Each giant snow wolf is like a big buffalo. It is snow-white and strong, with strong limbs. It seems to have an indescribable sense of strength and amazing speed.

Each giant snow wolf's eyes were red, cold and ruthless, and the whole body was filled with astonishing icy coercion, all of them were middle-level snow beasts, equivalent to the cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm.

In addition, most snow wolves are at the intermediate and low-level level, and their combat power has reached at least a three-star level, and some snow wolves have a four-star or even a five-star power.

In the distance, there are four giant snow wolves that are significantly larger than other snow wolves. They look stronger, their fangs are longer and sharper, and their paws are longer and sharper, as if they can tear everything.

This is obviously the four more powerful snow wolves. The breath emitted is extremely amazing, reaching at least a six-star combat level.

Among the four powerful giant snow wolves, standing on a huge ice stone dozens of meters high, is a giant snow wolves with a larger and stronger body, with soft white hair and swaying in the cold wind. , Covering strong, explosive muscles.

Compared to other giant snow wolves, this giant snow wolf is obviously stronger and much stronger. Compared with other giant snow wolves, it is like a child who is more than a battle-hardened man.

The eyes of this giant snow wolf are like rubies. On the forehead, there is a pinch of golden hair, as if golden flames are burning.


This is the wolf king of the giant snow wolf pack. Its combat power reaches at least a seven-star level.

It is at least a seven-star combat snow wolf king, and four suspected six-star combat wolf king guards and many five-star four-star and three-star giant snow wolf.

The four were surrounded by the giant snow wolves.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jing had not been found, but it was so dangerous, it was terrible.

For a time, Wu Qiaoyun's complexion was so dignified to the extreme, while Li Jiayin's complexion was pale, Yu Nianxin's lips were slightly stunned, his face full of tenacity.

Only Chen Zong had a look of indifference and a light cloud.

"If only Sister Lan Shuang was there," Li Jiayin whispered.

Lan Shuang's cultivation is the perfect level of Yuan Ming Realm. Its combat power is beyond seven stars. With such combat power, when facing so many snow wolves, it can not only protect itself but also protect other people. People, and the wolves have similar habits. Just kill the wolf king, and the danger of other wolves will be greatly reduced.

But now, of the four of them, only Wu Qiaoyun and Chen Zong are the highest practitioners, and Yuanming Realm is a high-ranking class. Such a practice, I am afraid that even self-protection will be difficult, let alone protect them both.

Yes, the word "protecting" is not an exaggeration. After all, the two of them broke through to the first stage of the Yuan Ming Realm shortly. After being consolidated, they also improved a lot of combat power, but even if they are Yu Nianxin, they are thorough. The outbreak, using the bloodline of Bingyan Tianhuang, is estimated to play a three-star level of combat power.

In the face of so many snow wolves, the three-star combat power is to deliver food, even if it is a four-star five-star, not too much struggle for a while, it is difficult to escape.

"Read your mind, make a decision." Wu Qiaoyun looked cold and solemn.

The main ambassador for this operation was Yu Nianxin, whether to fight or retreat. Of course, Yu Nianxin should be the master.

At this moment, in the face of siege, Yu Nianxin said that calmness is impossible, because she does not have that strength.

Therefore, a choice must be made.

Is it a dead war?

Still back?

Even if there is a retreat, there are choices. In the end is it to retreat to get rid of the pursuit of the giant snow wolf group, or to use tokens to break away and the holy market?

The former has a lot of risks. Whether it really can be withdrawn, the problem is very big, and the possibility is very small. As for the latter, it is infallible, but that means that it has voluntarily quit the dispute over Taoism, and all previous efforts have been in vain. .

How to choose?

The latter can save lives, and everyone does not need to die, but the former may be sacrificed.

This was a very difficult choice. Yu Nian didn't want to give up, but she couldn't let everyone sacrifice.

Gritting his teeth, Yu Nianxin was about to make a decision. At the moment he withdrew, a hand with a warmth fell gently on her shoulder, which was Chen Zong's hand.

"No need to worry, give it to me." At the same time, Chen Zong's voice sounded in Yu Nianxin's ears, and the sound was blowing like a spring breeze, which immediately calmed Yu Nianxin's nervous heart.

However, Li Jiayin and Wu Qiaoyun did not believe it.

Chen Zong's cultivation is just a high-level element of Yuan Ming Realm. How strong is his combat power?

Even if it is stronger than Wu Qiaoyun, that is, the eight-star level, it is very amazing. In the face of so many snow wolves, it is OK to protect yourself, but it is too difficult to protect other people. It is a little careless. , There will be casualties.

The wolf kings are thousands of meters apart, overlooking from the top, a pair of red eyes like ruby ​​eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ exudes cold and ruthless indifference, indifferent to life, that kind of eyes, as if the higher life Like overlooking lower life, that is the power of the wolf king.

Every wolf king is achieved through heavy fighting and killing. It is extraordinary. Among its peers, it is invincible.

Immediately, the wolf king raised a front claw humanely, and lifted it into the air. Everyone immediately found out, so the snow wolf's body was slightly lowered, his limbs were bent, muscles were tight, and white fur was on his body. At the same time, they were impressed with amazing power, and they were tense, like steel needles, permeating with amazing power.

Be on the move!

Each giant snow wolf was gaining momentum, just waiting for the Wolf King's order, and immediately flew out, sending out an astonishing killing blow.

As for the four wolf king guards, they did not move, and their duty was to guard the wolf king.

If you want to deal with the wolf king, you must first pass through their defense circle.

The breath, as if frozen in an instant, became extremely cold and Xiao killing!

Li Jiayin's hands in gloves were white, and his complexion was pale. Under this terrible atmosphere, it was difficult to persist, and Yu Nianxin felt very uncomfortable, as if to be submerged in the murderous wave.

Wu Qiaoyun held the sword tightly, but the sweat also oozed from the palm of his hand, his face was extremely dignified, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he shot coldly.

The snow wolves are about to launch an offense. If they do n’t attack, they will be as terrible as a thunderous mountain.

Moreover, before the offensive, the terrible breath created just by itself is already so amazing. The murderous spirit is mixed with the extreme coldness, one wave after another, like a continuous wave like a wave. As if to swallow them all.

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