Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 997: Battle for the pinnacle

Yun Yang, come up and die.

Ling Tian either didn't speak or spoke, but he was full of sharpness.

Even if Yun Yang is now legendary, he still defeated the mysterious Lu Shen before.

But Ling Tian was still so dismissive of Yun Yang's tone at this time.

Actually, he Ling Tian and Yunyang fought all the way from Lingnan to Yunyang, to today's Zhongzhou and Chang'an City.

Every time, Ling Tian won.

No matter why Yun Yang was lucky enough to survive every time, and no matter what chance he got, his strength skyrocketed, Ling Tian would be determined by Yun Yang.


A cold humming sounded, Yun Yang held the scabbard in his hand and flew directly onto the Yuelong Platform.

Opposite Ling Tian.

Ling Tian dismissed him.

And Yun Yang also lives a life of unwillingness and courage every day.

Losing to Ling Tian one after another made him suffer.

He was able to withstand all the pain, and his vitality gave up everything in exchange for strength.

There is only one purpose.

That is to become stronger, kill Ling Tian, ​​and fight for the front with martial arts!

Ling Tian is the mountain above his martial arts, he must cross over, and he is also the demon that he can't get rid of.

If Ling Tian is not removed, he will not be willing.

But this time, Yun Yang didn't say anything to Ling Tian as before, and he no longer had the superior arrogance.

He stood there with the scabbard in his hand and looked at Ling Tian quietly. In his eyes, there was only coldness, only killing intent, and only the intent to win, which was crazily intertwined and surging!

But this is the case, but it makes people more and more invisible.

"Hiss, not seen for three months, this Yunyang seems to have changed himself, a little bit invisible. This battle is not easy." Zhang Kaifeng frowned.

"Yun Yang is indeed strong. When he fought with me, he was hidden."

Lu Shen also said solemnly.

After hearing this, everyone in Xiaoyao's expressions were also grim.

"Don't draw the sword!?"

Yun Yang raised his head and looked at Ling Tian.

And the vitality in the body gradually began to boil.

"Hehe, it's not yet time for me to draw the sword."

Ling Tian held the prison fire stick tightly.

"Okay, then I'll hit you and draw the sword!"

When the voice fell, Yun Yang didn't even draw his sword. There was a sudden sound of turbulent waves, accompanied by a deafening roar, bright blood bursting out of his scabbard.

He didn't show any mercy when he shot, and Dao Mang reached its peak in an instant.

To the cold!

The next moment, he will directly kill Ling Tian!

Ling Tian did the same, holding the prison fire stick in his hand, and a hot black flame burned above the shadow of the stick, greeted him.

The two who refused to give in to each other slammed into each other in mid-air, bursting into an astonishing breath in an instant. In the aftermath of the shock, a continuous storm blew up and swept across all directions.

Clouds cover the mountains!

Yun Yang's wrist flipped, and the scabbard rose and undulated clouds, but the clouds were **** and bloody.

Shanhe stick, Chengyu!

Ling Tiansi had no fear, and the surging shadow of the surging cudgel turned its color in one blow as the mountain and river rod was running wildly.

Two terrible offensives collided with Yuelong in Taichung once again.

Ling Li's attack turned the two faces pale.

In the collision between the two attacks, a terrible storm was born, and the people watching were frightened if they wanted to tear everything apart.

Both of them were martial arts wizards, and they came from the same state. Under such a strong confrontation, the battle became fierce almost instantly.

Compared to the previous battle between Ling Tian and Lin Feifan, there was much more turbulent coming.

Although the two of them were only testing, they were all killed.


Without the slightest retreat, the two of them came together, each made a move, and never retreated.

A sword is like thunder in the cloud, a white tiger screams, and a stick is like a night fire demon, roaring hot, and there is no sign of shrinking between each other.


In the blink of an eye, on the Yuelong platform, the two figures kept changing, their vitality agitated, and the light and shadow burned. The two of them each used their physical skills to their limits, and from time to time there were afterimages bursting, and the sound of explosive chants resounded through the clouds.

Looking at the audience, they were all dazzled.

The secret path is the real confrontation between Tianjiao!

It's really enjoyable to watch.

Suddenly, Yun Yang's eyes flashed, and a terrifying blood burst out from his body, bursting into the sky with a ray of light.

Bloodthirsty Cloud Cut!

"Small bugs."

Ling Tian snorted coldly, and the prison flame stick in his hand suddenly turned into a ten-zhang stick shadow, falling from the sky, and chopped it down.

The blade light and the stick shadow erupted with a loud noise and wrinkles, and the remaining aftermath, castrated, fell on the two of them almost at the same time.

The battlefield was suddenly dazzling, and the aftermath of the explosion of vitality filled the vast space without leaving a gap.

Without waiting for the crowd to exclaim, in the dazzling scene, there are two blurred outlines.

Each burst out with a terrifying killing intent, and used their body skills to the extreme, and then smashed towards each other.

Clang clang clang!

The scene on the stage was too dazzling, everyone could only see clearly, the two vague silhouettes were constantly intertwined, and only the sound of the collision of weapons was endless.


It was another fierce confrontation, and the gust of wind rose suddenly, and the whole battle platform trembled frantically.

All the aftermath of the evolution of vitality anomalies disappeared under this strong wind.

The fuzzy figure appeared in front of everyone clearly.

Seeing this scene in the field of vision, everyone took a breath of air-conditioning and was shocked.

The two have swords in both hands, their eyes facing each other, and they fight together fiercely. The armor was stained with blood, and there were more than a dozen **** scars on each body. The bones were deeply visible, which was shocking.


It was the first time I saw such a cruel fight since the Dragon Gate Competition started.

They even gave up defense.

In the fierce confrontation, without giving everyone time to think, the two blasted each other with a punch.

The fists touched each other, and the true essence evolved into waves of ripples, which seemed to make the air distorted like water waves.

With one blow, the two retreated 100 meters each.

"Blood to death!"

Almost as soon as his toes touched the ground, Yun Yang's eyes flashed with coldness, and his martial skill that defeated Lu Chen in the previous game was once again offered.

Under the **** dark clouds, the day suddenly became very dark.

The sky on the platform was pitch black, as if reaching out to touch the dark blood cloud.

At this time, Yun Yang, the sword was out of its sheath, and the golden wings bloomed behind him, together with the **** cloud martial soul, rising his momentum to the peak.

"It's the sword just now!"

"It's this sword again, a sword that Lu Chen can't stop!"

"I used this sword so soon, this Yun Yang must have a lot of hole cards!"

"However, Ling Tian is still fighting with the power of his physical body now, and his vitality energy has not yet been used. Yun Yang's squandering like this might end up at a loss."

"Will Yun Yang give Ling Tian a chance to drag it to the later stage?"

The people who had been surging for a long time suddenly got up and couldn't help but whisper. Yun Yang's sword already had the power of breaking the mountain, and the power of this mountain was a sign of the great power of the Yuanshen realm.

It was this trick again, this sword again, and, this time, Yun Yang had already pulled out the sword from the scabbard!

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