Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1008: The second person on Wuzhong Mountain!


The spot of light hit the blood wolf king's body.

In an instant, after a loud noise, the figure of the blood wolf king was directly shaken back by a thousand feet!

The light spot that Ling Tian transformed also exploded back like a cannonball.

"His, it's hard enough!

Ling Tian rubbed his shoulders, Tian Lan Mingguang armor, just now, some small cracks appeared on the shoulders.

However, the blood wolf king is not much better.

On the head of the huge wolf, blood was dripping, and it was not light to be hit by Ling Tian.

"The power is not small, but with these methods, I want to break into the territory of my blood wolf king?"

The blood wolf king opened his mouth in the blood basin and his fangs were soaking. Suddenly, the blood on his body flickered. The next moment, he turned into a human form in blood armor.

A pair of wings bloomed, filling him with a sense of violence.

At this time, Ling Tian also discovered that the wings of the Blood Wolf King were very similar to the wings of a tiger flood, and they were not much different from the wings of a pterosaur.

Could it be the reason for this dragon vein?

Without waiting for Ling Tian to think too much, the Blood Wolf King had already swept a huge mace and swept over.

"This king wants to mess with you!"

The prison fire stick in Ling Tian's hand also opened in that instant, and Lao Hou exploded, directly blasting Chengyu with a stick.


The explosion of gold and stone, like thunder.

Two figures, one gold and one red, were in the wilderness again, both flying upside down.

However, this time, the Blood Wolf King was a bit miserable.

His mace, directly hit by the prison fire cudgel, shattered to pieces.

The weapon of the monster beast is only made of good materials and poorly made, or it is the weapon of the human race that was killed by them.

This is not good, how can it be compared with the prison fire stick?

Even though the Blood Wolf King Kong had a powerful force, the blood armor was still shattered under this stick, and the injury was not light.

And Ling Tian, ​​who retreated once again, his hands trembled slightly.

This kind of pure competition strength is indeed painful enough.

Even his tiger's mouth was cracked with blood.

At this time, he once again felt the lack of the Panjing Body.

Confronting the sixth-order monsters, the body of the rock crystal is still not enough.

Had it not been for the heavy blessing of the Tianlan armor and the golden pattern crystal, the dragon elephant jue, and the mountain river stick, this time, he would never take it so easily.

"Damn it, since my blood wolf king came here, there has never been a human race who should provoke me so much, I want you to die!"

Although there was no weapon and the injury was not light, but the blood wolf king's anger was completely ignited.

At this moment, it watched as hundreds of blood wolves behind him were killed by the phantom stinging bee and turned into stone dust. He even more desperately killed Xiang Ling Tian with his bare hands.

However, this is no different from sending death.

"Since you want to die so, then I will kill you with one blow!"

This time, the corners of Ling Tian's mouth twitched, and the next moment, on his arm, there was a gathering of golden dragons.


Among the dragons, You Longquan were sacrificed by Ling Tian one after another!

In an instant, there were more than a dozen punches that the dragon shadow turned into, like a dozen dragons, directly engulfing the blood wolf king!

Boom boom boom!

Like a battle of artillery bombing, a huge flame swept away, waiting for the wind in the wilderness to blow away the smoke and dust.

A huge pit appeared in the wilderness.

And the blood wolf king's body of several hundred feet was already lying in the deep pit, dying of anger like gossip.

Ling Tian descended from the sky and stood in front of the huge head of the Blood Wolf King.

"Say, what secrets are hidden in this Tian Jueshan Mountain? What is your mutation?"

Ling Tian said coldly.

"Hehe, it turns out you want to pry into the secrets of Tianjueshan, hehehehe..."

Unexpectedly, the Blood Wolf King gave a gloomy sneer, even with a pity in his smile.

"If you leave now, you may still survive, but if you want to pry into the secrets of Tianjue Mountain, then you will die, no doubt..."

After all, the blood wolf king had no more interest.

"Oh shit!"

The most K/new W} chapter Q on%.

Ling Tian was extremely depressed.

The monster beasts on Tian Jue Mountain would rather die than to reveal the slightest details, so if you want to understand Tian Jue Mountain, you have to go deeper.

After packing up the blood wolf king's body, Ling Tian searched for its lair. After looking for four red cloud pattern crystals and a dozen gold pattern silver pattern crystals, he continued to rush to the next blood wolf king’s lair.

Xiao Hei has found out that there are three lairs of the Blood Wolf King on this fourth mountain.


After a short while, Ling Tian squatted in front of a huge boulder, looked at the text on the stele, and sighed.

"Gai Nie, the sword-cutting blood wing wolf king, lost to the Wuzhongshan Dragon Skull Golden Lion, today I am unwilling to lose!"

The word is like a sword, which is written on the boulder by Gai Nie with a sword.

Between the lines, they are all unwilling.

Ling Tian could even imagine that indomitable burly figure, holding a sword, looking at the unyielding figure of Wuzhong Mountain.

However, as strong as Jianhou Gainie, he still didn't break through the fifth mountain.

Under the boulder, the blood wolf more than three hundred years ago has become withered bones, separated from its body and head. It was obviously beheaded by Gai Nie with one sword. In addition, there are also three extremely deep spine Scars.

It can be seen that it was very easy for Gai Nie to kill the Blood Wolf King in the first place.

But so, it failed to kill the so-called dragon head golden lion on the fifth mountain.

Is this monster beast so powerful that it is so terrifying?

"Ling Tian, ​​Xiao Hei is back. There are indeed two powerful Demon Kings sitting on the fifth mountain, but one of them was killed a long time ago."

At this time, Tao Yaoyao stretched out his hand to take a Phantom Stinger Bee, and frowned after hearing it for a moment.

"What? One was killed?"

Ling Tian suddenly looked at Tao Yaoyao, "How is it possible, is it possible that besides Gai Nie and Shen Tianlian, there are people who have gone deep into Tian Jue Mountain?"

"That's not clear, anyway, the golden lion is indeed dead, and it seems to have been dead for a long, long time."

"how long?"

"Almost, more than a thousand years!"

"What, more than a thousand years!?"

Ling Tian was even more surprised.

This time, it is really a long time.

Someone came here more than a thousand years ago, but now, what kind of identity he is, I don't know where that person finally went and whether he went out.

"Well, yes, and..."

Tao Yaoyao frowned and said, "And Xiao Hei said, at this time, there are people on the fifth mountain!"


This time, Ling Tian raised his brows and raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise on his face!

At this time on this Tian Jueshan, besides him, there are still people?

Moreover, it has reached the fifth mountain.

Zhongzhou, when did such a tyrannical younger generation appear?

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