Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1067: Going to Hebei alone [four more]

After that, Ling Tian looked at the brilliance cliff of hundreds of feet.

The thundering sword in his hand bathed in flames, the sword moved like a pen, with iron and silver hooks, and large characters appeared on the cliff.

Everywhere in Zhongzhou, those warriors and new students who were watching the formation light curtain appeared along with those words and slowly uttered their voices.

His complexion also became somber.

Changge Yeyue Jibeiguan,

The Long March people did not return it.

But the Chizi war will be there,

Don’t teach the Hungarians to cross the mountains!

When the last mountain character was written, Ling Tian returned his sword to its sheath.

On the cliff, the four lines of sword-like characters still bathed in flames.

In the dark night, endless shining.

It seemed that it was a thousand troops swept across the border.

Shocking people's hearts and giving all warriors a new life is a shock in their hearts.

At this moment, the fighting spirit was fierce, like a prairie prairie, bursting out.

"As long as I Ling Tian is here, I won't let the Hungarians commit another crime against my human race!"

"I Ling Tian is the general of the country, today, although I can't lead soldiers to fight."

"But I, I am willing to take a **** for the human race and kill all the enemies who come!"

"The enemy is tens of thousands, I am going!"

"You guys of the same generation, I, Ling Tian, ​​will take the lead on your behalf."

"A month later, I am in Jizhou, waiting for you!"

Ling Tian was all over, clankly speaking.

After the words fell, he turned around again, led a gilt war horse, carried a single sword, and disappeared into the night step by step.

That figure, although lonely.

Although lonely.

But he is extremely strong, as if he is a mountain, a city wall, outside the enemy, protecting the river and mountains behind him.

When his back figure finally disappeared, all the light curtains and pillars of light in Zhongzhou also went out and returned to normal.

But at this time, Ling Tian's voice seemed to still echo in everyone's heart.

The four-line poem seems to be deeply in people's hearts, unconsciously shocked, and indelible for a long time.

Today, Ling Tian, ​​who has just won the leader of the Longmen, went to Jizhou to participate in the war alone before the Wang Ting decided to send troops to Jizhou!

Resist the decree and refuse to marry.

Even the resources of Jiuchang Pagoda have been abandoned.

This, what a mind, what a spirit!

Suddenly, this scene made Ling Tian's original tall image among the freshmen become invincible.

Among the twelve colleges, this is even more true.

Ling Tian came from an academy and has counterattacked all the way to now.

Ling Tian's position is irreplaceable.

"Ling Tiankui, let's go, we will be there soon!"

"Damn, the three-year semester is over, so I will go to Jizhou to join the war and fight with the Hungarians!"

"Chief Ling Tian is not afraid to stand alone, so what am I afraid of waiting! A month later, I will go to Jizhou to join the war!"

"I am coming too!"

"We all go!"

In Xiaoyao Academy, everyone's enthusiasm was ignited.

The fighting spirit is high, and it is true in all the big mansions in Zhongzhou.

Outside the military plane of the Wuhuang Palace, a group of princes and generals looked at the extinguished light curtain, but for a while, they all fell silent.

This Ling Tian is too crazy!

Moreover, this did not put Wang Ting in his eyes at all.

To rescue Jizhou and defend against the Hungarians, this is what the royal court should do.

Why did Ling Tian tell everything that Wang Ting should have said today?

Moreover, it was before Wang Ting had decided on the expedition plan.

Isn't this hitting all the generals in the royal court in the face?

Could it be that they don't want to lead soldiers to kill the enemy?

Among the generals, Yuwen's body was shaking with anger.

The Military Aircraft Department has already discussed and decided that this time he will lead the army to fight against the enemy in Jizhou.

However, today Ling Tian not only emptied all the supplies in Zhongzhou, but now, he doesn't even let go of the hearts of the people!

In this way, what if Wang Ting decree to make him a general?

Not all the limelight was robbed of him by Ling Tian! ?


Yuwen gritted his teeth angrily, his fists creaked.

If it weren't for not knowing where Ling Tian is now, he would even kill him directly.

"This arrogant! I think he can dig out some splashes when he goes to Jizhou alone! Hmph, go, everyone, continue to discuss!"

After a long while, Prince Rong shouted angrily and called everyone back to the Military Aircraft Department.

In fact, he was relieved.

He was really afraid that Ling Tian would expose his conspiracy to the public just now.

If that's the case, it's troublesome.

Even if he can still settle everything, everything he has done for so many years is in vain.

If he loses his heart, then he will not be able to take charge of Nantang.


Xuanwu Gate on the northern border of Zhongzhou.

Here is the only way to Jizhou and Yanzhou.

Even if it is Yinbiluo, it is impossible to use the formation method to cross the weak river.

Therefore, you can only take a boat here.

"Ling Tian, ​​from here, you will be in Jizhou, I can't continue to send you off. I still have to meet in Yanzhou, where, our mission has not been completed yet."

"Before this, the Dark Lingwei still can't give you any help, yourself, be careful."

Yin Biluo, who was covered by a black cloak, was standing by the river, watching the waves in the dark, moving.

"Hehe, depending on what you said, it seems that Ling Tian really needs protection. Don't worry, there are not many people who can threaten me in Nantang now."

Behind him, Ling Tian, ​​who was disguised, smiled faintly.

Yin Biluo turned around and looked at Ling Tian's ordinary face and said: "It's best if you don't need protection."

"However, next time you change your appearance, can you make yourself handsome, why is it so ordinary?"

"Come less, the purpose of disguise is to not attract attention, what's the use of being handsome? Can it increase combat power?"

Ling Tian rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay, that's okay, you save the trouble, I'm leaving, you take care."

Yin Biluo pretended to be a little impatient, so he flew westward and boarded a big ship.

"When did I mess around with flowers, really."

Ling Tian let out a sigh of relief, and got on the ship not far away, heading for Jizhou.

He didn't bring Ling Qiu'er with him. This time he went to Jizhou, the situation was complicated, and he didn't even have any existence to rely on.

Therefore, it is better not to bring Ling Qiu'er.

Moreover, Ling Qiu'er had just recently awakened, and although Wuhun was powerful, he still lacked too much cultivation.

Stay in Zhongzhou, let the eldest princess continue to train, and when the cultivation level is enough, she will take him over.

The ship moved, Ling Tian carried the thunder sword and the prison fire stick wrapped in cloth, looked at the sky, the red sun gradually rising in the red clouds, the corners of his mouth gradually bend.

"Jizhou, I am Ling Tian, ​​here comes."

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