Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1131: Saint Angel? The Huns are furious [three shifts]


Jizhouhou groaned, shook his head and said: "I don't know, there were no prisoners in the underground palace. I don't know, who else is locked here by the Hungarians like me."

"It's strange. With such a formation seal, the identity should be no worse than that of Master Hou."

Ling Tian suddenly became curious.

"Hehe, what's the point of guessing then? Can you just break the formation and see?"

Tao Yaoyao shrugged.

"It makes sense, then just take a look before leaving."

Ling Tian'an couldn't help being curious, stretched out his hand and concocted like the law, thousands of sword shadows turned into sharp cones, directly pressing on the formation.


There is nothing unusual.

This formation was also directly broken.

Feeling this scene, Jizhouhou's brows were also raised, but they returned to normal in an instant.

With a big wave, Ling Tian wiped out the black mist and stepped directly into it.


However, to Ling Tian and Tao Yaoyao's surprise, this secret room was completely different from the one where Jizhouhou was imprisoned.

The former secret room of Jizhouhou was in dilapidated condition and full of corruption.

However, the secret room in front of me is like a female boudoir!

Ling Tianhuan moved around. On the walls, light sources made of pearls were scattered, reflecting on the tables and chairs carved from the finest sandalwood. Different patterns were meticulously engraved on them. Wan feeling.

Ling Tian stepped forward and found that there was still a yellowish plain silk on the table, a Duan inkstone was placed next to it, and a few brushes were inserted in the pen holder. In the porcelain pot by the window, there is a delicate and beautiful Liupin Linghua Pearl Plum.

Turning his head, it is the dressing table that the daughters of the boudoir have, on which there is a jewellery box with brocade bronze mirrors and plum blossoms carved in red lacquer, and a gold-inlaid golden crown and a bunch of rare The upside-down rosary seems to secretly indicate that the owner of the room is not an ordinary woman. Provoking the bead curtain made by Yingluo, on the other side is the bedroom, and the sandalwood canopy bed is hung with lavender gauze tents. The whole room looks simple and elegant.

Ling Tian moved his eyes, and walked over to the bed quietly, reaching out to raise the bead curtain.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

But it was a sharp dagger, piercing through the bead curtain and piercing the door of Ling Tian's face.

"Ha ha..."

Ling Tian chuckled, and directly held the dagger in his hand with his bare hands.


The dagger struggled in Ling Tian's palm, but no matter what, he couldn't make an inch.

Moreover, it didn't hurt Ling Tian at all.

"You let go!"

A scolding sounded from inside the bead curtain.

The sound is clear and pleasant, and it is very beautiful.

"Girl, I am also a human race. Since I met you in this underground palace, I will naturally not let you stay here again. I will take you away."

Ling Tian put down the dagger and directly raised the bead curtain.

However, when Ling Tian saw the figure sitting cross-legged on the bed behind the bead curtain, he couldn't help but froze there.

This is definitely a peerless woman.

There are countless Ling Tianyue women, and they have seen too many of them.

From Liu Yiyi’s elegant breeze, to Qin Mingyue’s wealth and wealth, to Cui Tuer’s seductive and unparalleled, even women such as Cui Chenxiang and Ji Jiuyou are peerless beauties at the level of disaster to the country and the people.

Ling Tian was even picky about beauty to the extreme.

But at this moment, when he saw the face behind the bead curtain, his heart trembled.

A woman made Ling Tian shock like this with her face, and it hadn't happened in a long time.

This is a girl who doesn't seem to be seventeen or eighteen years old.

A faint soft light enveloped the girl's body, and the long silk-like blond hair dragged onto her waist and hips. The girl wore a pure white gauze skirt with delicate patterns on the skirt and a pair of crystal clear feet under the skirt. , Exposed in the air.

The most peculiar and most beautiful thing is that a pair of small white crystal wings stretched out from behind her, making the girl look like an angel.

The girl raised her face slightly, raised her brows, her crystal blue eyes looked at Ling Tian angrily, but she had no deterrent at all.

The girl's complexion was extremely fair, even white a little scary. The long eyelashes on her blue eyes fluttered like summer butterflies, her pink lips were slightly raised, and her delicate facial features could not find any blemishes.

The purity of this woman, I am afraid that only the little princess Li Shishi can compare.

However, if it is said that Master Li's little devil looks like a little fairy, then the girl in front of her is a little angel.

This was the girl's first feeling for Ling Tian.

However, what Ling Tian couldn't believe was that this girl was not a human race!

Ling Tian couldn't feel any human aura from him!

This girl is of the Hungarian nationality!

But Ling Tian never expected that the Hungarian men were hideous and ugly, like evil spirits, but this woman could be so beautiful.

It is simply unimaginable.

"Human race, you trespass into my boudoir, no one can save you, wait for death!"

The girl shouted again.

Facing Ling Tian's unscrupulous gaze lingering on her, a blush rose on her white face, and she was very embarrassed.

"Hehe, I'm dead? That's too much thinking."

Ling Tian looked at the beauty in front of him, and didn't understand why such a peerless beauty was in this dungeon, and the cultivation base was still so low.

"What are you going to do? Tell you, I'm Wanyan Jinzhu, a saint of the Hungarian nationality. If you move my finger, my mother will definitely level your human race!"

The little beauty said coldly.


Ling Tian raised his brows and rubbed his chin and said, "Hehe, that's a coincidence. You Huns imprisoned my Human Race Zhouhou as a bait. Then I will pay the other way, you let me go!"

After that, Ling Tian stretched out his hand, grabbed the Wanyan Jinzhu arm directly, and pulled it up.

"Don't hold me up, let go!"

The little beauty struggled desperately, but how could her strength struggle to survive Ling Tian.

Ling Tian hugged him directly in his arms, put his arms around the soft and warm waist of the little beauty, and curled his lips and said, "I am not interested in you. You'd better be honest with me, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Yaoyao, she will leave it to you, if you dare to make trouble, just **** her with a needle!"

After that, Ling Tian directly threw the playing with Jinzhu into Taoyuan.

Ling Tian couldn't bring this girl back in this way, the goal was too big, he was afraid that he couldn't explain it clearly.

Moreover, he has also considered.

This girl said that she was a Hungarian saint. Although he didn't know what the saint meant, she wanted to come and her status was not low.

The goal outside is too big, so let it stay in Taoyuan to be safer.

Moreover, Ling Tian felt that this woman was of great use. After the battle in Fengtian City, Ling Tian didn't want outsiders to know that the saint was in his hands.

Then, inside and outside Fengtian City, all the core Hungarians who knew the saint was here must be killed.


Tao Yaoyao rubbed her hands and returned to Taoyuan together.

Ling Tian walked out of the secret room and directly burned the ashes of the secret room with a fire, leaving no clues, and then helped Jizhouhou to leave.

Outside the city lord's mansion, Ling Tian just came out when he saw Qin Mingyue and others, who had been forced into the core position of the city by dozens of fighting kings.

"Mingyue, flying smoke and sinking, you're done, let's go!"

Ling Tian stood in the square and shouted.

In an instant, the three of them suddenly broke out their ultimate move, left the battlefield, and flew straight to Ling Tian.

"Hehe, listen to the Huns, I Lingtian in Jizhouhou took it away. If you don't agree, you can go out and fight with my human race!"

Ling Tian Yangtian laughed.

The next moment, a terrifying pressure suddenly rose from the outside of the city. Outside the city wall, a black hill rose slowly and flew towards Bu Feiyan and the others astonished.

That amazingly huge strange bird, as long as thousands of feet, after spreading its wings, understanding is even more terrifying.

"Hehe, come and leave as long as you want? Leave it to me!"

The strange bird shouted, extremely fast, and was about to fly into Fengtian City.

Ling Tian was also very surprised at the fighting power of this Dou Wang, but it was a bit terrifying.

But the next moment, the five of them were already standing in the formation that had already been portrayed.

"I'm sorry, you, Ling Tian, ​​I really want to come here, I will take the little beauty, goodbye!"

The voice fell, just as the claws extended by the strange bird were about to be caught, the five screamed and disappeared in place.


With a shocking explosion, the entire City Lord's Mansion of Fengtian City was directly razed to the ground.

The strange bird fell, and the black mist rose, turning into an old man in black armor.

The old man has purple eyes and a weird purple totem painted on his forehead. His figure flashed, directly set off the ruins and entered the dungeon, but the next moment, at the bottom of Fengtian city, his roar suddenly sounded.

"Terran Lingtian, my Helian Mountain will crush your Terran army!"

"The soldiers of the Qiangjie tribe follow the order, and the army will attack!"

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