Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1160: Apprentice? Mysterious Ore

Ling Tian frowned slightly, and took the weapon back. He didn't expect that Tuoba Yeluo would walk so simply.

The most powerful prince of the Hungarian nationality is indeed good.

Even if you want to kill him, you must pay an extremely high price.

That way, he couldn't continue to Mu Cangyuan.

Now that Tuoba Yeluo retreated, although it was a pity that he didn't leave it behind, Ling Tian didn't have much regret.

"Is the general okay?"

At this time, Ouyang Ke and Na Lanjun both flew up to ask.

"Our business, what about you?"

Ling Tian turned around, his body flashed, put on a silver-white gown, and smiled.

"We are okay, but the big formation you set up is ruined again."

The two of Ouyang Ke turned around and took a look. Although there was already a mess around the city of Shubei, the city was intact, and the warriors in it were all safe and sound.

"It's okay for the big array, I'll make another one."

Ling Tian waved his hand, "Go on, thanks to you this time, otherwise I won't be able to insist on coming."

"Let's give these to you."

With that, Ling Tian threw the Dou Jing of Tier 2 Dou Wang and Dou Jiang to the two of them.

"Why are we embarrassed to ask for this?"

Nalanjun shook his head.

"Let you hold it, you all need it urgently, otherwise you will be bullied by Tier 2 Fighting King next time, but you will be ashamed."

Ling Tian gave him a sideways look.

"Then we are disrespectful."

The two of them were hesitant, and they also took it.

This stuff is now rare.

"General, the identity of Tuoba Yeluo is extraordinary, he is fine, what is he doing here?"

"Is it possible, just to capture my human women?"

The three fell from the sky, Ouyang Ke frowned.


Ling Tian shook his head and took a deep breath: "But he definitely didn't come for Jizhou, otherwise, he wouldn't have brought just a few Hungarians."

"Then he suffered such a big loss this time, he died Tier 4 Douwang, he will come to retaliate. Or, I now report to General Li Qingcheng, let him send troops?"

Nalanjun frowned.

"No, he won't retaliate."

Ling Tian waved his hand and categorically said: "Jizhou has no attraction to the Hungarians. He really wants revenge, but he will never be in Jizhou."

"No longer in Jizhou? That's..."

Ouyang Ke and Na Lanjun glanced at each other, and surprise flashed in their eyes suddenly.


"General, do they dare to fight Yanzhou?"

Ling Tian was noncommittal, "Perhaps, anyway, you have to improve your cultivation level as soon as possible."

"It's easy to say that the cultivation base is just that the equipment is worse..."

Nalanjun scratched his head.

"Hehe, with me, you are still worried about this, are you hitting me in the face?"

Ling Tian pointed at Nalanjun and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are indispensable."

"Hey, how dare we slap you in the face, but with your words, our brothers are relieved. This time we came out, but didn't rely on home at all. We want to make a world of ourselves."

Nalanjun smiled.

"Not bad."

Nodding his head, Ling Tian walked around the city of Shubei and re-arranged the great formation of the city.

"Well, I still have important matters, so I will stay soon."

"Respectfully send the general!" The two saluted.

Ling Tian waved his hand and summoned Xiaoqing to leave, but his eyes swept away, but he found a human girl standing below outside the city, staring at herself blankly.

"Miaoyin, come back! Don't make the general disgusted!"

Inside the city, the old man of the Lin family shouted anxiously.

Ling Tian's eyes condensed, and he also recognized that this woman was the one Hungarian wanted to capture before.

However, his eyes swept over the woman, but in a moment, his pupils shrank.

This woman is a bit extraordinary!

Although this girl looked like she was in the realm of a spring, she was still beautiful and her charm was hidden inside.

With just a glance, Ling Tian could basically conclude that there must be a very high martial spirit in this girl's body, but it hasn't been activated yet.

If the martial soul manifests, this will definitely be a genius girl!

Moreover, Ling Tian also felt a smell of minerals from this woman.

It seems that this woman also has a talent for Jianshi.

At a glance, he almost saw through the girl, Ling Tian also took the mount and dropped.

"Wonderful sound!"

Seeing Ling Tianzhen falling from the sky, the old man of the Lin family was even more anxious, and rushed out of the city, kneeling to the ground from a distance.

"Don't blame the general, the granddaughter is ignorant!"

However, Ling Tian supported his arm vacantly, and did not let Old Man Lin kneel down.

"Old man, you don't need to kneel on me. I am not a rich person, Ling Tian, ​​and I can't afford to kneel down as someone else."

Then, Ling Tian looked at the girl, his handsome face floated over and smiled like a breeze: "Girl, what's the matter? If you have any difficulties, just tell me."


Lin Miaoyin leaned her hands on the sides of her legs, stirring her fingers, looking a little nervous, but she still pursed her mouth and lowered her hands and said, "I, I want to worship the general as a teacher!"

"Worship me as a teacher?"

For a while, Ling Tian was also stunned.

This is the first time.

"Haha, girl, are you kidding me, do you want to worship the general as a teacher? He is still a disciple himself!"

Behind him, Ouyang Ke and Na Lanjun couldn't help but laugh.

"So what, the general's martial arts is the world's top man, and he can accept disciples!"

Lin Miaoyin pouted and said, not stage fright at all.

"Yeah, you little girl is really good at talking."

Na Lanjun smiled with his arms folded.

"Girl, your qualifications are good. If you want a chance, I can introduce you, but I have no plans to accept a disciple."

He never thought that one day he would accept a disciple.

He thought that accepting disciples was an extremely troublesome thing, and he seemed to have nothing to teach.

"No, senior, Miaoyin just wants to worship you as a teacher, please accept me!"

Lin Miaoyin thumped and knelt directly to Ling Tian.

"You don't need to say any more."

"Ouyang, take care of their family."

Ling Tian shook his head and exhorted him to leave.

"Senior, please accept the wonderful sound as a disciple, and the wonderful sound will be served by a teacher!"

Lin Miaoyin refused to give up, took out a stone from his sleeve and held it above his head, shouting anxiously.

"Miaoyin, you are crazy! What kind of person is the general? I haven't seen a treasure of heaven and earth. Hurry up and put it away and follow me!"

Old Man Lin couldn't stand it anymore.

Ouyang and Nalan also shook their heads, "Girl, are you kidding me to wait? Such a stone is used as an apprenticeship? It's too shabby. If it is passed, where will the face of our general be put?"

However, Ling Tian, ​​who was about to turn around and leave, swept through the ore in Lin Miaoyin's hand, and his whole body was shocked.

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