Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1189: Drinking Xiao Thirteenth

Xiao Shisan's storm sword power was already small, but Ling Tian had the assistance of the four elephant towers, allowing him to raise the flame sword power to a high level in one breath under the help of the four elephant towers, and it was already great!

With this sword coming out, the entire mountain forest seemed to be shrouded in fire, and the burning sword power spread out, causing Luo Zijun's face to change drastically, and he quickly retreated.

"Sanyang Real Fire Slash!"


The two figures split a sword and a sword, and the two energies collided fiercely at the moment when the phantoms of the swords crossed each other.


At this moment, the two terrifying auras intertwined, soaring upwards, soaring into the sky, as if the dark clouds above the sky were pierced into a huge hole.


The dazzling dawn condensed into a golden beam of light through the hole, covering Ling Tian and Xiao Shisan. That kind of light, in this dimness, is particularly conspicuous, and even the handsome faces of the two can be clearly seen from a hundred miles away.

Luo Zijun opened his mouth wide, his eyes filled with unbelievable expressions. Under the golden beam of light in front of her, Ling Tian's white hair soaring to the sky, the black clothes that Xiao Shisan lifted up, and the shaking swords in the hands of the two people seemed to have solidified into eternity at this moment.


But in fact, the two shot very quickly, just like this, the competition was over.


Blood stains spilled from the corners of Xiao Shisan's mouth, and after holding the knife back thousands of feet, did Ling Tian's energy be dissolved.

But Ling Tian didn't move, returning his sword into its sheath.

The dark clouds in the sky were also completely twisted by Ling Tian's battle. The clear sky made people feel a touch of warmth in the depression.


Ling Tian smiled faintly.

"Hehe, Dacheng's sword power is really surprising."

In the distance, Xiao Shisan flew back, his expression returning to normal.

"White-haired, white-clothed, fire sword Thunder Dragon, and young junior with a terrifying flame sword, there is no second person in Nantang. Want to come to you to be the leader of the Longmen, Ling Tian, ​​right?"

"Why, logically speaking, you should be in Yanzhou. What happened to my Qianmu Mountain?"

Xiao Shisan put the treasured sword into its sheath and looked at Ling Tian.

"Since Brother Xiao is straightforward, then I won't be oblivious. I'm here to buy a large amount of Hexagonal Diamond Wood!"

"Six-square diamond wood?"

Xiao Shisan frowned, "Hehe, you really are here to talk about business. If that's the case, you have to follow the rules."

"Please, both of you, come to my villa and sit down. As for the vajra, let's talk about it slowly."


Ling Tian and Luo Zijun, who was flying up, looked at each other, then said: "Then it will be annoying."

Although Ling Tian didn't want to waste time, he also didn't want to have **** with Xiao Shisan, because he could see that this person was like a treacherous person.

In the future, there may still be useful places.

Therefore, facing the invitation of Xiao Shisan, it is really hard to refuse.

Chiba Villa.

The villa is located on the edge of the West Sea. Standing on the pavilions of the villa, you can see the boundless West Sea as far as you can see. The scenery is extremely beautiful.

"Haha! Dragon Gate Competition?"

"Brother Ling, you are joking. I, Xiao Shisan, are just a vulgar person. How can I have the face to step into Zhongzhou? I would not participate in the Longmen Grand Competition, and I would not even bother to participate!"

"Don't talk about these upsetting things, don't you want Hexagonal Vajra?"

"You have to follow my rules when talking about business!"

"Come on! The meat! I want the best shark fin of the sea dragon whale! And the hind leg meat of the fire gold bull king, put me on the fire, I want Brother Ling to taste our craft!"

"And that wine, bring up my treasured Drunk Fairy Ice Spirit Wine, I want to drink enough today!"

Xiao Shisan put the slightly cramped Ling Tian on the mat, and after a while, a group of big men came in, resisting the meat, and set it up on the fire cauldron. An altar of wine was brought up.

"Come on, brother Ling Tian, ​​I don't like the merchant's style, Xiao Shisan, don't you want the hexagonal vajra? You drink me so much, I can give you nothing for nothing!"

"But you can't be drunk! I look down on people who drink poorly!"

"And Sister Luo, you drink too!"

Xiao Shisan was extremely bold, filled the two of them with wine, and then waited for the red eyes to watch.

"If this is the case, then Ling Tian will accompany him to the end!"

When Ling Tian heard the words, he didn't think much about it, and drank all the drinks in the evening in one sip.


However, Ling Tian really underestimated Xiao Shisan’s collection. After drinking a glass of wine, Ling Tian felt an extremely icy cold first, and then unmatched scorching heat. Under the two heavens of ice and fire, even Ling Tian God, even the divine mind began to vibrate, a little bit drunk!

It was unimaginable before this!

I can only say that this wine is really extraordinary.

However, Ling Tian knew that he himself could not be drunk, so the sword shadow in his body was dispatched, and the alcohol was directly strangled, allowing Ling Tian to restore his clarity.

In this way, the two exchanged cups and started drinking together.

There is nothing that can't be solved by one barbecue, if there is, then two!

This time, Ling Tian finally realized that the famous sayings spoken by ancient philosophers were simply the philosophy of life!

Ling Tian didn't know how much he had drunk, in short, he finally drank Xiao Shisan.

"Brother, don't you want that six-sided vajra? It's not a secret, only I know where this thing is, I will take you there now!"

"Go to sea!"

The red-faced Xiao Shisan waved his big hand, and in an instant, the villa shook suddenly, and he rose directly from the ground and headed towards the West Sea.

This scene surprised Ling Tian and Luo Zijun.

This huge mountain villa is unexpectedly a cloud boat?

Where is the motivation?

Ling Tian got up and stood on the railing of the pavilion with Luo Zijun, trying to find the thing that was pulling the mountain villa Yunzhou, but they looked around and didn't find it.

It is absolutely impossible for such a huge cloud boat to travel on its own energy.

"No, we are not in the sky, but at sea."

"That thing should be below!"

Ling Tian's eyes rolled, and his divine consciousness went deep into the sea, and he found a monster air permeating the entire bottom of the sea!

Immediately, Ling Tian and Luo Zijun flew up to the sky, and then looked at the mountain villa below, they all couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Well, why is this a big turtle!?"

Luo Zijun widened his eyes.

"This should be an earth dragon! Tsk tsk, this thing is really rare enough."

Ling Tian murmured, and was also surprised by the behemoth under Qianye Villa.

This demon beast is thousands of feet large, carrying the mountain villa on its back, and even the rocks and trees on its back, obviously it has been carrying it for many years.

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