Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1193: return


The Dragon Fish Demon Lord, whose body was about to burst open, saw the gourd floating above his head, and the pressure that filled the sky scattered on it, making him despair.

"Damn it, get me started!"

With a loud shout, the Dragon Fish Demon Lord directly detonated the crystal nucleus, and with a violent buzz, the golden light instantly shone, and a terrifying energy swept through, as if to overturn the entire sea.


However, Ling Tian gave a low drink, and the explosive energy core that had not yet completely swept away suddenly shrank, and finally turned into a golden bead, which was taken in by the black and white gourd.



At this moment, the human warriors and fish monsters who were still madly running for their lives in the previous moment all stopped in amazement and stared blankly at the location where the dragon fish demon lord was before.

The explosion did not happen.

And the dragon fish demon master who had exploded just now disappeared.

The entire sea, from the riot to the gradual calm, except for the flame-colored figure of the human race still hovering, everything disappeared.

It's just like the Dragon Fish Demon Lord, who has never appeared here before.

"Hmph, the master of your monster race is dead, do you want to resist?"

Ling Tian leaned over and looked at it, and the countless fish monsters trembled and their livers and gallbladders were splitting.

In the next second, they dived into the bottom of the sea and fled for their lives.

The demon master is dead, how can they resist such a terrifying human race?

"Brothers chase and kill me, how much you can kill depends on your abilities!"

Xiao Shisan shouted, and the thousands of warriors in Qianye Villa shouted excitedly and chased them up.

"Haha, Brother Ling, you are really amazing. If we didn't have you today, we would have all finished playing. You saved our lives!"

Xiao Shisan flew up and watched Ling Tian tie the gourd around his waist, and his whole body faded, and he put on a brand new white coat.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you give me the six-square vajra wood, which will save more human races."

Ling Tian looked at Xiao Shisan and smiled.

"Haha, it's easy to say! Go, let's go down now!"

Xiao Shisan pulled Ling Tian and Luo Zijun together, and landed from the sky.

And the small island below, at this time, also opened up the formation to welcome Ling Tian.

"Fairy, are you okay, I'm late!"

Xiao Shisan landed on the small island, looked at the woman headed by the oncoming group, and hurriedly stepped forward.

"You are not too late. Without you, the human race on our island will suffer."

The headed woman wore a goose-yellow dress with bright and white teeth. Although she was not a godsend, she had a fairy aura on her body, and she had an excellent temperament.

Ling Tian looked at the woman, but his brows were clustered.

I don't know why, he always feels that the background is absolutely extraordinary at this time, although she seems to have a low level of cultivation.

"That's good, let me introduce you. This is the first person of our younger generation in Southern Tang Dynasty. Now he is General Ling Tian of Anbei, and he is also the descendant of Duke Ling, as I told you!"

Xiao Shisan pulled Ling Tian over and smiled.

"Oh, it turns out to be the descendants of Ling Guogong, no wonder it's so powerful."

The woman glanced at Ling Tian and nodded: "The little girl Wanbi Jun, is the island owner of this Luoyue Island and has seen the general."

"The island owner has praised it."

Everyone exchanged greetings, Xiao Shisan knew that Ling Tian was anxious, so he asked Jun Wanbi to take them to get the six-sided vajra.

But what Ling Tian and Luo Zijun didn’t expect was that the six-sided vajra wood hidden by the Xiao family was actually the same as the spiritual crystal stone, piled up in a treasure house on the island, and there were so many that they could be used together. The army of heaven was consumed.

He finally got the six-sided vajra, and the big stone in Ling Tian's heart finally fell.

Together with Luo Zijun, they put away all the six-sided vajra wood, Ling Tian and Xiao Shisan and Wanbijun bid farewell, and the two hurried back to Yanzhou.

Of course, Xiao Shisan also promised Ling Tian that he would go to Yanzhou to help Ling Tian after he settled Liangzhou's affairs.


Yumen Pass.

On the third day after the war, there was still no Hungarian movement outside the Guan, just like the tranquility before the storm, which was depressing.

Inside the pass, it was a scene of enthusiasm.

Ling Tian's 800,000 army knew that although they had won battles before, every battle in the future will definitely be more difficult than this one.

Therefore, everyone is working day and night to improve their cultivation base and temper their martial arts, not only to save their lives, but also to get more fighting crystals in the next battle.

In the army, there is a group of people who are closely training.

That is the refining master and formation master that Qian Luyi and Mo Minghai have drawn from the army, as well as the rarer organ masters.

They were named Engineering Corps by Ling Tian and were mainly responsible for war equipment.

They were divided into hundreds of teams by Qian Luyi and Mo Minghai, and they experimented with all the steps of the Great Spirit Gathering Cannon and Qianji Crossbow in batches.

Although there is no material, they can experiment with other materials first to increase the success rate and proficiency.

Everything is proceeding in a tense and orderly manner, only waiting for the Hungarians to attack the city.


In the main hall of Yumen Pass, Ling Tian and Luo Zijun walked out of the Qimen formation, and Qin Mingyue, who had already waited on the main hall, stood up suddenly.

"Hehe, I came back very quickly."

Ling Tian nodded, "Well, no accident happened when it was closed, right?"

"No, I just asked General Li and General Cui. According to the report of the scouts, it seems that although the Hungarians have secretly mobilized the army, but the number is small, Yumen Pass is safe for the time being."

"Well, that's good, let's go, now go and see Qianluyi and Mo Minghai."

When Ling Tian arrived at the formation organ camp, Qian Luyi and Mo Minghai were sitting together, worrying about materials.

"Hey, I don't know when the general will come back, can he find more spiritual crystals and vajra wood?"

Qian Luyi sighed, "Now, our mechanics have almost practiced. As long as the materials arrive, they can definitely make things in the fastest time."

"Yes, it doesn't need too much. As long as ten giant cannons can be made, I can guarantee that when the time comes, the Hungarian will be dumbfounded!"

Mo Minghai clenched his fist.

"Cut, I don't want much. As long as I can make ten thousand-arm crossbows, I promise that all the Hungarians flying in the sky will be shot into a sieve!"

Qian Luyi also squeezed his chin.

"Oh, did we both think too much, ten sects, that would require a lot of diamond wood and agglomerating crystals, it's too extravagant!"

In the end, Qian Luyi and Mo Minghai sighed.

In their view, it is simply impossible to find so many materials in such a short period of time.

After all, these things have disappeared in this world for too long.

"Haha, how can ten doors be possible? I want you to make a hundred doors for me! No, make one thousand doors, ten thousand doors, the more the better!"

Just as the two sighed, Ling Tian, ​​who was standing outside the account, couldn't help but smile and opened the big account and walked in.

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