Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1197: The supernatural power of city guards

However, Ling Tian kept smiling.

As soon as the Hungarian army stepped into the boundary of Yumen Pass, there were violent killing formations, strangling the Hungarians one by one in the air!

Not only that, under the formations arranged by Cui Chenxiang, the combat power of the Hungarian fighters was also weakened, and both attack and defense were lowered.

However, as a side of the battle, the Hungarians have no choice but to go forward and succeed in defiance. After one time consumption of the formation, the Hungarians once again sharply reduced tens of thousands. But at this time, the Hungarians' front is also completely approaching. Yumen Pass, the defensive formation at Yumen Pass, is already less than five thousand feet away, and even the human warriors on the walls can already see the hideous faces and bloodthirsty fangs of the Hungarian warriors.

"Hehe, it's time to perform real skills!"

"Where is Mo Minghai!"

Ling Tian shouted.

"The end will be!"

On the city wall, Mo Ming is in front of the sea.

"Give me hello to them with the giant cannon of gathering spirits!"

Ling Tian raised the sword in his hand and pointed directly at the Hungarian front.


Mo Minghai couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and with a big wave of his hand, on the city wall, the shady curtain on top of a hundred behemoths was lifted off, and among them, there was a statue with the size of more than ten meters. Black giant cannon!

And these things, many warriors on the wall, have not seen them at all, watching these pandemics at this time, they are all stunned!

"Hey, it's really a giant cannon for gathering spirits! Is this war-killing weapon reappearing again?"

Among the army, Cui Kuohai and Pei Renji were shocked when they saw the giant spirit gathering cannon!

However, before the Terran generals were astonished, the sound of the earth-shattering artillery caused a sensation in the entire battlefield!

Hundreds of giant cannons compressed all the energy in the spirit-gathering spar and poured it into the barrel. With a roar, the huge energy cannonball shot directly into the Hungarian army with a shining beam of light!


Energy cannonballs exploded among the Hungarian army, and in an instant, that terrifying energy impact blasted the Hungarian fighters to pieces!

The entire Yumen gate closed and became a barrage, and the Hungarians began to fall in pieces!

Up to now, the Hungarian army has two million troops, and has not even touched the wall of Yumen Pass!

"My lord, we have suffered a heavy loss, those giant cannons of the human race are too fierce!"

A Hungarian Dou Wang roared sadly.

"Bring on me fiercely. A hundred giant cannons can block my millions of troops? Rush up! If you rush under the wall of Yumenguan, those giant cannons are useless!"

King Mengman roared, and his gaze at Ling Tian became even more sinister!

"Kill kill kill!"

Under the urging of King Mengman, the Hungarian army pressed on again. Although at every step, countless Hungarian fighters died under the bombardment of the spirit-gathering giant artillery, the front was really getting closer.

"General, should we go? If we let them get closer, we won't have the distance to charge!"

Behind Ling Tian, ​​Pioneer General Pei Tianqing sledgehammer.

"Don't worry, wait!"

Ling Tian shook his head, making Pei Tianqing and the others look at each other, all shook his head helplessly.

"Don't worry, aren't there still a hundred mysterious guys on the wall that haven't appeared? We are still waiting for a good show!"

Ye Fan smiled.

When everyone heard this, they all looked behind them and took down the objects interspersed under the Spirit Gathering Giant Cannon. Although these things were not as huge as the Spirit Gathering Giant Cannon, they would never despise it.

These things can become Ling Tian's killer, and it will definitely not be simple.

Sure enough, after the Hungarians lost a large number of Hungarian fighters, they finally pushed the front to within three thousand feet of Yumenguan.

The Hungarian army was overwhelmingly pressed from the ground and air, and one hundred giant cannons were indeed too weak.

It's now!

"Where is Qianluyi!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, made a big move, and Qian Luyi stepped forward from the back.

"It's time to show me the power of the Thousand Chance Crossbow, how about it, are you confident?"

Ling Tian turned around and asked.

"The general, please review it!"

Qian Luyi turned around and raised his bare hand, "Thousand Chance Crossbow, shoot me the Huns into a sieve!"


With Qian Luyi's order, the one hundred thousand crossbows on the city wall instantly lifted the shady curtain on it. For a time, one hundred crossbow machines, full of brilliance arrows, aimed at the gate outside the pass. The dense Hungarian army.

Huh huh!

There was silence at first, and even the Hungarian army was slightly startled, but after a moment, suddenly, thousands of arrows burst out with dense, sharp beams of light, like a rain of five-colored arrows of light. The entire canopy outside the pass is shrouded!



"Run away! This thing can't stop it!"

Not only did Dou Ling Dou Jiang die in pieces, even Dou Wang was hit by the powerful light arrows that burst out in the rain of arrows. Dou Wang would not die immediately, but below Dou Wang, it was true. Was shot into a sieve!

Seeing the Hungarian warriors who died in pieces, King Mengman was completely angry.

"No retreat, no retreat, rush up, rush!"

He understands that if he retreats, he will lose all his momentum, and if he wants to go up again, the damage will definitely be more serious!

"Ling Tian, ​​you will play some conspiracies and tricks while waiting for the human race!"

King Monman was furious.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

Ling Tian levitated above Yumen Pass, combined the Thunder Sword and Hellfire Cudgel, then covered the pitch-black faceplate, and slowly ascended into the sky.

"My Terran Lingtian is here, Mengman tribe, who will come up for a fight!"

Ling Tian hovered above the sky, looking down at the already tiny King Mengman, who looked like an ant.

With this thunderous drink, the whole city reverberated with his blood-filled voice, his pride surged, and many commotions were quieted under this voice.

Only the words belonging to Ling Tian kept echoing in this city.

Terran Ling Tian openly invited to fight at this moment!

Who will fight!

It's crazy!

No one had expected Ling Tian to be so high-profile, and those Huns who had been aggressive before, looked rather ugly at this time.

Before that, they had concluded that Yumen Pass was going to be slaughtered, and Ling Tian would definitely be scared.

But now, their army has been tortured piece by piece, and now, this Ling Tian is arrogantly taking the initiative to invite battle.

This, who is here to die?

With Ling Tian's appearance, how could he look a little bit scared and horrified?

Could it be that Ling Tian didn't pay attention to the millions of troops of their third Hungarian tribe?

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