Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1226: Smashing Thunder with Unarmed Hands

Prince Gong's Mansion.

Prince Gong was meeting guests in the secret room. Suddenly, he flew directly to the palace's high sky, shaking all over in shock.

"Nine Tribulations Thunder!"

"It's not the robbery of Emperor Duwu, it must be that Ling Tian is about to advance to the soul!"

"Quickly order to go down, all the people in the palace, evacuate from Chang'an City!"


Yunzhou Lingnan.

Yuan Tiangang was in the Thousand Star Sect, having a drink with his apprentice Mo Yuan.

Suddenly, Yuan Tiangang shook suddenly, got up suddenly, looked to the north from a distance, pinched his fingers, and his face changed drastically.

Immediately, he flew back to the Thousand Star Sect Hall and found that the three idols enshrined in the hall were blooming with a faint light.

"Hahaha, it's done! That kid is finally about to condense the soul!"

Suddenly, Yuan Tiangang looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Master, as for you, he is nothing more than condensing the soul."

Mo Yuan walked in and whispered.

"What do you know? That kid gathers the soul, and has the martial emperor's combat power. The trouble in this world is finally coming to an end. Fortunately, I calculated some clues before and sent the news to Ji Jiuyou. Now The entire Nantang magic gate should already be in action."

"God demon, demon, I want to see if you are great in this world, or are the people who the gods look after are great!"

"As long as he wins and will be able to ascend from this realm in the future and the seal is lifted, we will all have the possibility to return to the upper realm and worship Tianzun."

"Mo Yuan, it's time for us to leave. It's a pity that we missed this battle."

Having said that, Yuan Tiangang smiled mysteriously, his whole body fluctuated with strong vitality, and the next moment, he disappeared in place.

"Mystery of God..."

Mo Yuan rolled his eyes and slapped his lips: "Ascent to the upper realm, it seems that I have to work hard too."


The North Wilderness, the south of the Tianban Mine Ruins.

Tuoba Yongye flickered in the void at an alarming speed.

"Damn it, forcibly breaking through the realm of Emperor Dou, the grudge is unstable and the speed is too slow!"

Although his speed is already extremely terrifying, he teleports directly in the void, but it has been two days before he is about to reach the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins.

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In this way, Tuoba Yongye felt anxious.

The Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins contained all his secrets. Since Ling Tian chose to fight him there, they must have known something.

If the secret there is discovered...

Whenever he thinks of this, Tuoba Yongye panics in his heart.

The Heavenly Demon Cauldron and the remaining ghost energy are hidden under the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins. If they are all destroyed by Ling Tian, ​​then he will fall short.


However, just as Tuoba Yongye was walking through the void, a great momentum in the distance was accompanied by dull thunders, causing Tuoba Yongye to suddenly stop in the void.

"This is, Jie Lei?!"

Tuoba Yongye was frightened, but when he saw the huge robbery cloud that spread from the distant sky, his expression changed drastically.

"Nine Hundred Miles Jieyun! Someone has been promoted to Emperor Wu?!"

Tuoba Yongye looked at the direction of the robbery cloud, and the Faxiang seemed to be above the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins.

"Not good! It's Ling Tian!"

"Little bastard, no wonder you have such confidence to challenge me!"

"You can't be promoted to Emperor Wu, can the Yuanshen realm resist the Nine Tribulations Thunder? I am afraid that you have no chance to fight me!"

"I want to see, what do you do!"

Tuoba Yongye's face several times, and finally escaped into the void again.


And in the north of the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins, Yin Hong's army, who was rushing towards the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins, also saw the robbery clouds emerging from the sky in the distance. For a while, their expressions were all excited.

The young master has crossed the robbery!

Promoted to the soul!

Moreover, this robbery cloud is so grand, once the soul is achieved, it will definitely be even stronger!

Perhaps, I can really compete with Na Tuoba Yongye!

All the warriors of the army also sensed the change of the world here, and raised their heads to show admiration and awe.

Over the sky forbidden mine market.

Ling Tian stood in the void, his armor was hunting, his white hair was dancing in the wind and thunder, and the whole body exuded endless tyrannical power, without fear of the formation of the thunder on his head.

At this moment, Shenzijue and Zhanzijuekijue are connected to each other and revolve on Daojie. Some changes are taking place. Although it is still not clear, Lingtian's aura is in the three great beginnings. Under the influence of Wuhun, he reached an unprecedented state of horror.

Ling Tian had no time to think about the magical phenomenon of Wuhun in the early days. As long as he could bless his combat power, that would be enough.

Because at this time.

The catastrophe is about to come.

Above the tens of thousands of feet above the sky, the incomparably dark robbery cloud looked like ten thousand black dragons entangled and tossed, and the thunder light was densely covered with dark colors, faintly revealing the terrible purple-red color.

The calamity hadn't landed yet, it was to make the heaven and earth of the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins become discolored. Within a thousand miles, all the monsters were shaking with their heads.

Ling Tian's Yuan Shen Tribulation was already the nine-fold Tribulation Thunder that would only appear when an ordinary warrior was promoted to the Martial Emperor of the Separation Realm.

But even so, Ling Tian didn't have the slightest fear in his heart.

Since he came to this world, he has been going against the sky. I don’t know how many hardships he has gone through. The opportunities he has accumulated are far beyond ordinary warriors, and his combat power has even crossed a realm. Perhaps for others to face it. There was no possibility to survive this catastrophe, but for Ling Tian it was a chance to achieve him.

Taichu Jing possessed the secret technique of Netherworld, and with the help of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, he could temper his glazed warrior body.

And behind Ling Tian and in his hands, Lao Hou and Xiao Lei also felt the pressure of Heavenly Tribulation emanating from the void, and they were already roaring with excitement. This Thunder Tribulation is the best tonic in the world for it, and if it is successfully passed through, it will also make their strength skyrocket.


It was at this moment that the first thunder robbery came in an instant.


As the robbery cloud was tumbling, a black lightning flashed out instantly like a black devil fish. This robbery did not look like an ordinary thunder at all, and in the tossing and turning, it seemed that this dark thunder robbery already possessed its own intelligence, and wanted to kill the little human race below.

Compared with the huge Thunder Tribulation Thunder, Ling Tian's figure is as weak as an ant.

With the appearance of this first lightning, Ling Tian's space instantly seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, and the space seemed to be imprisoned, except for the hard connection, Ling Tian could not escape.

Faced with a robbery thunder that was enough to kill all the primordial powers.

Ling Tian is as steady as a rock, holding a sword and standing still.

It seemed that he didn't take this first robbery thunder in his eyes at all.


Suddenly, Ling Tian raised his eyes, and in his eyes, the light flashed, as if it could wipe out the void, and the momentum of the whole world exploded. At this moment, it seemed to suppress the thunderous roar.

The next moment, Ling Tian's shoulders shook, and the space within a hundred li's radius trembled at the same time, and then collapsed instantly. The Dragon Emperor Supreme Art drew the true essence, and the general situation rose out of thin air.

A kick hit the void, Ling Tian's figure shot out violently, facing the black robbery thunder, his complexion was calm, his dark eyes were silent.

Make a fist with your left hand, bend your arm, and go straight!

Ling Tian made his move, seemingly slow, but in fact it was as fast as rushing to thunder. Under the blessing of Longhuang Jue, his flesh was as tight as a dragon. At this moment, he directly bathed in Longwei with a punch, and he was in direct opposition to that robbery thunder.

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