Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1234: The Demon's True Body


In the dust of the mine market today, Tuoba Yongye struggled to get up.

But at this time, he has no momentum.

Obviously promoted to Emperor Dou, but because of the unstable fighting energy in his body, he was now hit by Ling Tian's terrifying finger. The powerful energy penetrated him, and the fighting energy in his body instantly violently rushed away, making him almost into a devil.

Not to mention fighting with Ling Tian, ​​now self-protection is a problem.

To blame, I can only blame Ling Tian for being too terrible today!

"Your finger, is it supernatural powers?"

Standing upright with his shaky body, Tuoba Yongye looked at Ling Tian and asked unwillingly.

"Is it supernatural? For you, it doesn't make any sense anymore."

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth raised slightly, and Tuoba Yongye was quite disappointed.

too weak.

And the pure Yang finger just now, in terms of power, the rank is definitely supernatural power level.

The horror is there, Ling Tian can still continue to practice and will be even stronger.

"I'm not convinced, you don't want to kill me, I'm under the command of Lord Demon, if you dare to move me, your entire human race will be forever!"

"If you don't believe me, we'll just wait and see."

Tuoba Yongye saw the killing intent contained in Ling Tian's downcast eyes.

When even whispered.

"Hehe, my human race is overwhelming?"

"Don't I kill you, you won't move my human race?"

"That day the devil will let me go Nantang? It's ridiculous!"

Ling Tian shouted angrily, "Don't say it's you, you will definitely die. I will definitely not let go of the devil that day. He wants to enslave my human race, and he has to ask me whether to agree or not!"

"Hahaha, what are you? Lord Tianma is a venerable one in the upper realm. In his eyes, this realm is just an ant-like mayfly!"

"If you want to be an enemy of Master Tianma, you are looking for death!"

Tuoba Yongye laughed loudly.

"Venerable Upper Realm? So what? This realm, not the upper realm, even if it is a dragon, I have to hold it!"

"You don't want to scare me with the demon. If he is really that powerful, why doesn't he come to save you now?"

Under Ling Tian's questioning, Tuoba Yongye's expression was also a little faint.

Although Lord Tianma is the venerable of the upper realm, his clone was respected and injured by the Tianji sword in this realm tens of thousands of years ago, and almost fell, and his strength has long since been inferior to the previous one.

Now, after ten thousand years, he awoke and used the Heavenly Demon Scriptures to occupy the Martial Emperor's heart demon and occupy the Southern Tang Dynasty, but he had to repair the wounds left by the Heavenly Sword Sovereign, and fell asleep several times to restore some of his strength.

Today, it has not been awakened for a hundred years.

"Hehe, how do you know that Lord Tianma will not come to save me? Lord Tianma will wake up soon. His horror is beyond your imagination. Even if the Lord only regains one percent of his combat power, he can definitely kill you. Crush!"

Although he was frightened, Tuoba Yongye still cried blood and smiled.

"Huh, you should worry about your own life and death."

"I don't care how good he is, you must die today."

Ling Tian raised his arm with one hand and shouted, "Come on!"


In an instant, within the red thunderstorm that had been absorbed above the head, a trembling dragon screamed throughout the world.

Xiao Lei had absorbed most of the power of the thunder, and his whole body had already become blood red, and he had not been able to digest it in the future. Hearing Ling Tian's call, he heard a dragon chant and rushed down from the sky.

The huge dragon body turned into a dazzling long sword in Ling Tian's hands. On the sword's edge, it carried the sharpness towards it, which made people afraid to face it.

Now, this Longyuan sword has completely become a quasi-immortal weapon.

Moreover, Xiao Lei's strength will skyrocket after experiencing the catastrophe.

At that time, with the addition of the blessing of the eyes of the Ziwu Seven Star Array, this Dragon Abyss Sword, the advanced fairy sword, can become a fairy soldier among the fairy soldiers in one fell swoop.

The future is boundless.

But now, this sword of his is about to pay homage to the Hungarian emperor.

Jianfeng pointed directly at Tuoba Yongye.

The latter was trembling all over, how could he think that he was about to be killed by the human race not long after he had just become the emperor of the clan.

"No, you can't kill me!"

"Master Tianma, Master Tian, ​​save me!"

Tuoba Yongye yelled.

But with Ling Tian's ruthless sword swept down, Tuoba Yongye's roar stopped abruptly.

Above the Tian Forbidden Mine Ruins, golden brilliance rose to the sky, and then bloomed like dazzles.

At this moment in the vast northern wilderness, there was a heavy snow in the sky suddenly.

This is the feedback from the heavens received by the fall of a clan of emperors.

Dou Huang Tuoba Yongye died just like this under Ling Tian's sword.

Yijian Feixue...

Clear world...


Reached out and took the Dou Jing on the ground back into his hands.

It was then directly incorporated into the Dantian Qihai internal refining and chemical industry.

Although this Dou Jing could no longer make Ling Tian break through in a short time, Dou Huang's Dou Jing was extraordinary, and his energy was so powerful that he might be able to promote Ling Tian to a small level.

Having solved Tuoba Yongye and relieved the human race's current disaster, Ling Tian still couldn't calm down.

The Emperor Dou was dead, but the demon of that day was the real scourge of the human race.

Ling Tian felt uneasy if the demon didn't get rid of it all day.

He glanced at Taoyuan. At this time, the Pearl of Tantai hadn't been repaired yet.

The Ice Soul Clock is a spirit treasure as powerful as the Celestial Demon Cauldron. It is not easy to repair it in a short time.

However, the Heavenly Devil Cauldron was now underground, and Ling Tian didn't want to let it go.

This is the spirit treasure of the demon, if it can be destroyed, then the demon will inevitably lose its combat power!

Thinking of this, Ling Tian's figure flickered, hiding directly from the sky above the ground.

It's not as good as the underground palace that is thirty miles underground. Seeing the buried bones, the Heavenly Demon Cauldron is still exuding a deep light.

"Hmph, Heavenly Demon Cauldron, had it not been for Emperor Wu to get the Heavenly Demon Scripture from you, my Human Race Martial Emperor would not have jumped off the Heavenly Cauldron!

"Today, I am going to ruin you!"

Ling Tian shouted angrily, directly raised the Long Yuan sword and cut it down in the air.


But the sword's edge fell on the cauldron, the huge explosion made the earth almost collapse, but under Ling Tian's full blow, the heavenly magic cauldron trembled with the gloomy light, although a trace was cut out, there was no trace at all. broken.

Long Yuanjian, it seemed that it couldn't hurt this Heavenly Devil Cauldron.


Such a scene made Ling Tian quite angry.

In my mind, perhaps only to put this heavenly magic cauldron into Taoyuan.

Otherwise, with Ling Tian's current methods, there is really no other way.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian waved his big hand and he was about to do it.

But the next moment, on the magic cauldron that day, a phantom suddenly appeared.

Xu Ying was dressed in a black robe, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"Huh, you wake me up?"

"Human race?!"

"How will you be here?"

"No, you moved the Red Refining Dojo?!"

The phantom asked again and again, and his tone changed.

"Hmph, don't stop the dojo, I already know all your plans, that Douhuang Tuoba Yongye was also killed by me, the next one is you, a demon!"

Ling Tianjian pointed at this phantom.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, the phantom looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Really ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"

"Little Yuanshen, I thought that your Human Race Martial Emperor was nothing more than that, but now you still want to kill me?"

"Hmph, I can see that you have that guy's breath, very good, it seems that you are the person that guy fancy?"

"Unexpectedly, my clone accidentally fell into this world, and there will be unexpected gains!"

"So, it seems that I don't have to wait for my children and grandchildren to arrive, as long as I swallow you, I can return to the upper realm!"

Ling Tian frowned. He didn't expect this phantom to react so much after seeing him. He said a lot, but he didn't understand.

"Huh, want to swallow me? Your appetite is big enough!"

The phantom shook his head, "Human race boy, don't take advantage of me. You will soon understand that you can't beat me."

"You and I are no longer on the same level at all."

"You don't want to escape, I have many methods, and I have your handle."

"I just like to see how you look when you lose your love."

"Including that idiot Emperor Wu, you will be the next moment."


"Trust me, we will see you again soon..."

When the voice of the heavenly demon fell, the whole heavenly demon cauldron suddenly spun up, breaking through the heavy mountains and rocks, turning into a black light, breaking through the void and disappearing.

Suddenly, Ling Tian could no longer feel the breath of the devil cauldron.


Ling Tian held the Long Yuan sword tightly, let out a long sigh of unwillingness, and flew out of the ground.

Above the sky, Ling Tian's face was extremely ugly. For some reason, his heart suddenly became more and more disturbed.

Can't say why, but it's frightening.

He had never felt this way before.


Suddenly Ling Tian bowed his head, his eyes fell on the stardial hanging with the peach pit on his chest.

But the next moment, Ling Tian's eyes shrank!

He hurriedly took the stardial in his hand, and what made his heart sink suddenly was that there was a light spot on the surface of the stardial that was supposed to have two red dots, and then gradually dimmed.

Then, even the faint will disappear.

This is a sign of a sluggish breath wearing a star dial.

Bright moon? !

Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, the whole person was stupid.

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