Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1245: Nangong Yan Meteorite of Kunlun Saintess

The two women didn't know where the primordial martial souls came from, and their cultivation base at this time also soared to the realm of the original spirit.

Under the blessing of Wuhun in the early days, the combat strength of the four women has all been increased by a big increase.

But even so, the combat power that erupted was far from the realm of Emperor Wu.

The four girls volleyed, and then suddenly raised the sword in their hands, from four directions, to kill the demon.

For a time, the four rays of light flew across the sky, and the momentum was amazing.

After all, the four martial spirits from the early days came out together, but it was extremely rare.

"Hehe, it's really interesting, do you come to die?"

"Just relying on you ants, dare to shoot at me?"

"Such a fragile Martial Soul of the Beginning, also worthy of being rampant before my eyes!"

"Get down!"

However, in the face of the siege of the four women, the Tianma simply dismissed it.

The Tai'a sword swept all over, and two half-moon-shaped sword shadows swept away, and then shook above the woman’s battle light and shadow. Only four bangs and bangs were heard. The four women were directly caught by the sword before they even entered. Qi swept down from the sky, life and death are unknown.

The strength gap is really too big, and the four women are vulnerable to a single blow in front of the demon.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you seen it?"

"You are a trash yourself, do you want to protect the human race?"

"Do you deserve it too?"

The sky demon floated above the sky, looking down at Ling Tian below, with faint voices scattered, arrogant to the extreme.

But for now, he is an invincible existence in this world.


"There's a kind of... you come at me!"

Ling Tian struggled to stand up from the ground. Although he was faltering, he still stalked his weapon to prevent himself from falling.

"Look at what you are now, come at you? I can't take a sword with my hand."

"It's fine, I don't want to continue, kill you, I will take back the Martial Soul of the Beginning, and welcome the arrival of my people from outside the territory."

The demon shook his head lazily, and the Tai'a sword in his hand chopped down at will.

Although this sword seemed unremarkable, it was still not what Ling Tian could bear.

If Guo Lingtian was hit, he would definitely die.

Looking at the slowly falling black sword aura, above Ling Tian's weapon, Lao Hou and Xiao Lei have slowly risen out. Although they have exhausted their strength now, they are still willing to live and die with Ling Tian. .

Ling Tian's eyes were straight, looking at the sword energy falling from the sky, he was already ready to fight to the death.

In Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao and Tantai Jinzhu were frantically summoning Ling Tian to take shelter in Taoyuan.

As long as he enters Taoyuan, even if he is a demon, there is nothing he can do about it.

But Ling Tian didn't want to.

He came to rescue Qin Mingyue.

He wants to kill, who blocks and kills.

Even if he died, he would never choose to escape.

He knew that if he escaped, Qin Mingyue would die, and all the people would not escape bad luck.

He had no choice but to fight to death.

Ling Tian put his arms in front of him, preparing for the last fight.

But just at the moment when the sword energy was about to descend on Ling Tian's head, the ice crystals burst in the air.

Above Ling Tian's head, I don't know when a barrier formed by freezing ice appeared.

The barrier was huge, covering a thousand feet, directly blocking the sword of the demon from the outside.


And within the ice barrier, a red figure suddenly appeared.

This figure was surprisingly the Nangong Yan who had taken Ling Tianhan's character decision before!

Since Nangong Yan arrived in Jizhou, he had never taken any action, but he did not expect to take action to save Lingtian during this shocking battle.

"Hehe, is Jiuzhong Binghan? This is rare, but you are looking for death with just a Martial Soul from the Beginning!"

However, the Heavenly Demon of the Heavenly Demon above the sky did not put Nangong Yan in his eyes at all, and the sword body of the Tai'a Sword in his hand shook, and the ice barrier below was shattered.

After that, the sword energy still swept out and swallowed Nangong Yan directly.

In this moment, Ling Tian clearly saw Nangong Yan looking back and smiling, his face was like a demon.

"no no!"

Ling Tian let out a startled roar, but in the next moment, he was directly swallowed by the aftermath of sword energy, and his whole person was cut and flew out again.

Today's Ling Tian is like a small stone on the verge of breaking, letting the devil ravage him.

The sky, like a meteor, slid down from the sky, and then fell.

The breath, by this time, was already faintly inaudible.

Even the weapons in his hand have already fallen.

After exhausting all his strength, Ling Tian now has no ability to hold the weapon.

Falling on the edge of Tianjue Mountain, Ling Tian's will was already dizzy.

He opened his eyes and saw a cold light in front of him, floating above his head.

This was the primordial martial spirit he gave to Nangongyan, but now the primordial spirit is still there, but Nangongyan has been ruthlessly killed by the heavenly demon.

Even, there is no trace left.

He really lost, as the demon said, in fact, he can't protect anyone.

"The devil... I hate it!"

In the dust, Ling Tian clenched his fists tightly.

His vitality is losing.

All he has is unwilling.

The demon slowly flew towards him, never in a hurry.

Ling Tian now is like a dead fish.

Not far from Lingtian, the sea of ​​people outside Tianjue Mountain was densely populated, and Terran warriors watched their heroes on the verge of falling.

This time, it never faded away.

They also understood that if Ling Tian died, they couldn't live either.

"Little Lord!"

Yin Hong and the others knelt together, weeping blood in their eyes.

Today, they are desperate.

If Ling Tian was given some time, then he could definitely protect the human race.

Blame it, but now the demon is too strong!


However, at this moment, among the army behind Yin Hong, a dark array of light flickered, and immediately two figures emerged from it.

One person was dressed in a black robe, exactly Yin Biluo.

The other one was a woman with bright teeth in a goose yellow dress.

This person turned out to be Ling Tian once saved in Xihai, Xiao Shisan’s sweetheart, Lord Wanbi!

"Mr. Bi? Why are you here!"

Xiao Shisan's eyes were blood-red, and he was also startled to see Lord Wanbi arriving.

"Of course I'm here to save Lingtian!"

"In the beginning, Ling Tian saved everyone on my island. Today, it's time to pay it back!"

Jun Wanbi pursed his mouth and glanced at Xiao Shisan, "Thirteen, in fact, I have a secret that I haven't told you. I am actually one of the Four Immortals, the saint of Kunlun in the West Sea."


Xiao Shisan was completely confused.

He didn't understand what Wanbijun said.

What Four Immortals Mountain, what Xihai Kunlun, what saint?

However, Lord Wanbi has no time to explain.

She shook her head at Xiao Shisan, took out a stone directly under the gaze of everyone, and then handed it to Yin Biluo beside her.

"You quickly handed this thing into Ling Tian's hands, the Lord of Kunlun said, this thing can save our lives."

Although she didn't know what was inside the stone, Yin Biluo naturally knew that this thing was not trivial. She had previously been ordered by Ling Tian to go to the West Sea to find the Kunlun Immortal Mountain, but this Lord Wanbi took the initiative to find him.

Everything seems to have been counted.

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