Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1251: Meet again

Three months, but in the Lingtian Four Elephant Pagoda, more than ten years have been spent.

For Qin Mingyue's yearning, it was like a raging fire burning him.

Far more painful than the injuries on the body.

He believed that Qin Mingyue would not die in Juetianjing, she must have also arrived in this world.

He wanted to find Qin Mingyue, and never parted again.

Even though, today's star dial, there is no response.

Ling Tian's voice was trembling, and he couldn't restrain Qin Mingyue's longing.

Every time, I can only use sword energy to vent.

So Ling Tian got up.

Above the Dragon Abyss sword in his hand, thunder light flashed.

The next moment, on the top of the mountain, the situation changed.

In all directions, there seems to be a sharp sword intent to shuttle back and forth.

As for the 100,000 sword shadows in Ling Tian's body, all of them now broke out, flooding the entire sword domain.

Ling Tian's sword domain, he named Wan Jian domain.

The so-called ten thousand swords into one.

He wants to achieve the strongest sword field in the world, there is no one.

In the next moment, the sword domain covering the vast radius of a radius suddenly trembled and turned into a Ling Tian shocking sword, directly swept out.

One hundred thousand sword shadows bathed in flames, swept across with Ling Tian's sword, the sword aura was invisible, but the mountain peaks were shattered wherever he went.


With a sword swept away, Ling Tian returned the sword to its sheath, with white hair flying in the wind.

"Ling Tian, ​​we can leave Taoyuan."

On the top of the mountain, Tao Yaoyao and Tantai Jinzhu came up.


Ling Tian nodded and looked at the world slowly manifesting above the sky.

Very strange.

Here, it should be an island.

Surrounded by the sea, dense jungle.

At this time, it seemed that it was early in the morning, and there was heavy fog in the deep forest.

"and many more!"

However, Ling Tian's gaze suddenly froze in one direction.

He clearly saw that in the mist, a very familiar figure slowly walked into his sight.

"Mingyue, it's Mingyue!"


Qin Mingzhu felt that he was going to die.

It's really dying.

He underestimated the horror of the Sea of ​​Silence, even if it was only a few thousand miles away from Haiyue City.

After three days of difficult sailing, her boat was overturned by the waves.

And she herself was also chased by a huge deep sea monster whale. She didn't know how she drifted to this seemingly barren desert island.

She was wounded all over, exhausted all her vitality.

She lay on the beach and spent a day and night recovering her strength before she stood up with difficulty.

But the faith in her heart is still there.

That is to dig herbs and earn spiritual stones.

The medicine basket and medicine shovel were gone, so she dug with her hands.

But what made her even more desperate was that on this small island, apart from ordinary vegetation, there seemed to be no valuable herbs at all.

Her hands were dripping with blood and her lips were dry.

But she still went deep into the desert island like a wood, looking for the herbal medicine she dreamed of.

She wants to earn Lingshi, otherwise, grandpa will die.

Grandpa is dead, she really has no relatives in this world.

She is afraid of being alone.

Because in that dream, she was leaving every time.

Qin Mingzhu knelt down again and again, grinning bitterly at the worthless plant.

In the end, she was about to collapse, tears bursting into her eyes.

"Why, why do you do this to me."

"What did I do wrong, do I have to do it alone?"

"Then I die, OK, let me die first..."

Qin Mingzhu cried out of strength, and slowly fell into the jungle.

In the dimness, she saw an elk and slowly jumped out of the fog.

Seeing this, Qin Mingzhu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, "I see whales when the sea is blue, and deer when the forest is deep."

"Perhaps, I can still see you, stranger..."

Qin Mingzhu's consciousness gradually faded, but when she finally fell into darkness, she clearly saw a handsome figure coming out of the fog.

The man was very handsome, his eyes were like stars in the sky, he had a unique mark on his forehead, and his white hair was lightly flying in the mist.

She also heard a voice.

"Mingyue, I'm here, don't cry, I won't make you cry anymore."

Then, she felt as if she was being picked up by that person, her chest was warm and very comfortable.

Comfortable, let her forget all the despair and fear, just want to sleep beautifully.


With this sleep, Qin Mingzhu felt the most beautiful sleep in her life, very heavy, but very warm.

Her whole body seemed to be irradiated by the sun, so comfortable that she didn't want to wake up.

However, Qin Mingzhu suddenly remembered something, and his eyes suddenly opened.

But what caught her eyes was a clean and tidy bed with a faint fragrance permeating it.

"Bed, bed?"

Qin Mingzhu shook his head fiercely to prove that this was not a dream at all, and then suddenly sat up from the bed.

She was surprised to find that she was in an attic. Next to the bed, there was a small window. In front of the window was a simple table. On top of the table, there was a lotus lamp. Under the lamp, there was a stack of rice paper. , And a book that hasn't been closed yet.

On the title page, there are five ancient seal characters written on Taishang Imperial Swordsmanship.

"Where is this?"

Qin Mingyue hurriedly got up and found that the clothes on her body were intact, and she breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

But shortly afterwards, her mouth swelled in astonishment.

Because, at this time, not only did her injuries heal all over her body, but her cultivation level also skyrocketed.

It was only the initial stage of Ningpao, but now, it is already the peak of Ningpao!

This, this is too incredible.

"Mingyue, are you awake?"

At this time, a voice that was as warm as the warm sun suddenly sounded from upstairs.

Then, a handsome man dressed in white walked down the stairs.

"You, who are you!?"

"I, why am I here!"

Qin Mingzhu was startled, and curled up in the corner, staring at Ling Tian in horror.

Although this person who appeared suddenly looks very handsome.

"I... my name is Ling Tian."

"You, you forgot about me."

Ling Tian smiled.

Although there is loss in this smile.

However, he was still ecstatic.

In order to scare Qin Mingyue, he could only suppress the excitement in his heart fiercely.

"What forgot? I, I don't know you, and my name is Mingyue, my name is Qin Mingzhu!"

Qin Mingzhu said.

"Haha, okay, then we only met today. If you haven't got enough sleep, just go to sleep. It's absolutely safe here. I'm going to practice swordsmanship."

With that said, Ling Tian closed the secret book on the case table, carried the Long Yuan sword, and pushed the door out.

Qin Mingzhu cautiously moved to the window and looked at the figure in the peach blossom forest, the figure in white clothes dancing with the sword under the colorful Luo Ying.

I can't help but throb.

It's really handsome.

She had never seen such a handsome guy.

Even three months ago, she set up a stall on Haiyuecheng Street and witnessed countless disciples from the Dazong Sect, none of them could compare to the person in front of her.

Moreover, Qin Mingzhu's eyes swept around, she saw the huge peach tree outside the peach blossom forest, and the clear pool of water, she suddenly felt that this place was so familiar.

It seems that this handsome guy in front of me, she seems to have seen it somewhere.

"No way, no way, Qin Mingzhu, you can't be an idiot, this is your savior."

"Oh, by the way, I'm here to collect medicine and sell spirit stones for grandpa to heal!"


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