Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1394: Xiaoying exits [Four more thanks to Wu Bai for guarding]

Seeing the existence that knocked Ling Tian down the sky, Ran Min and the others were shocked.

There was a look of horror on his face.

There is no way, from that to above the figure, they can feel that terrifying aura.

In their view, that is an invincible existence.

Compared to the black gold pterodactyl in Blackwind Canyon, it is so much stronger!

"Ling Tian!"

Zhen Moran exclaimed, and was about to fly over to take Ling Tian.

It was the first time that he saw Ling Tian injured and vomiting blood.

"do not come!"


However, before Ling Tian landed, his figure suddenly shook, and immediately Ling Tian shot directly into the sky from below.

After erasing the blood on the corners of his mouth, Ling Tian's complexion also rarely showed a trace of hideousness.

Indeed, he hasn't been injured for a long time.

Even, he didn't even know what it was like.

Now, I finally remembered the long-lost feeling.

The Black Fiend Demon Emperor in front of him was a Tier 4 top.

The combat power was worse than the sky-shielding flame bird.

If Ling Tian hadn't been negligent for a while, he wouldn't have been shaken by the opponent.

Now he is absolutely sure to kill this proud moon silver wolf.

"Very good, come again!"

Ling Tian hung in the sky, with the Long Yuan sword in his hand carrying a scabbard, pointing directly at the Proud Moon Silver Wolf in front of that Moon Palace.

"Huh, life and death."

Aoyue Yinlang did not expect that under his blow, this human race was not killed immediately. In a short time, the frost rose in the pale eyes, and the figure disappeared again in the next moment.

When he reappeared, he was already on top of Ling Tian's head, and the black maces in his hands were crossed, like a Mount Tai, crashing down.

When the Black Fiend Demon Emperor was transforming, although he could use the weapons of the human race, he could not use the weapon soul in it, but the demon emperor had a powerful monster power far superior to the human race.

Moreover, that pair of mace is also a quasi-immortal soldier, even more powerful than that of Chi Punishment and Cangyun Halberd.

With such blessing, the horror of this attack is also appalling.

"Hehe, but a mere animal dare to be rampant in front of me, get out!"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, and his heart was angry. This time, the Long Yuan sword in his hand collapsed an inch from its scabbard. In an instant, the bright sword light, like thunder, suddenly appeared above the sky.

The Xiao Lei inside had already roared angrily, surrounded by the sheath, screaming into the void.

"Broken, stars!"

Ling Tian held the sword in his hand, enduring the severe pain on his body, the Supreme Beginning Sutra and the Dragon Emperor Supreme Jue, at this time, directly erupted to the limit, surging endless energy into the sword body.

Suddenly, a sword light shot up into the sky, surpassing the world.

It seems that there is only this sword in the sky and the earth!


Jian Guang squinted, Ling Tian's primary pinnacle sword domain, wrapped in sword light, directly slashed towards the demon emperor.


Above the sword, Dan Mu Yuanjing bloomed with emerald green light, giving rise to endless thunder light, which was terrifying to the extreme.

This is the first time that Long Yuanjian has been unsheathed, but just showing an inch is enough to suppress everything.

Click, clang!

Jian Guang directly chopped off the fallen double mace, and a dazzling flash burst out, like the sun surging the sky, so that everyone can only use their hands to shield the light, when it is impossible.

Then there was a loud noise, in shock.


However, the ensuing impact airflow still caused many warriors who were not strong enough to be lifted out, and some even vomited blood in shock, causing serious injuries.

The battle between the strong, just after the prestige, is so terrifying.

"How is the result?"

"Hi, it looks like that Proud Moon Silver Wolf is injured!"


However, what everyone cares most is the result between Ling Tian and the Demon Emperor.

At this time, the light in the sky faded, Ling Tian was still floating in place, but the Proud Moon Silver Wolf was cut and flew out.

Even under Ling Tian's sword, the double mace in his hand was blown away.

"Ling Tian is really strong!"

"The sword in his hand is really powerful. It's just an inch out of its sheath, so powerful, what if you pull it all out?"


Everyone was shocked.


However, a shocking Sirius roar suddenly sounded among the mountains.

The next moment, in the midst of everyone's inhalation, a huge black wolf climbed up from the mountains.

This giant wolf is hundreds of feet long, and on the head, there is a pinch of silvery white hair, which is particularly eye-catching.

"The body of Proud Moon Silver Wolf!"

"Aoyue Yinlang is completely angry!"

The next moment, Aoyue Silver Wolf screamed, and then killed Ling Tian with a roar.

"Master, leave this guy to me!"

Ling Tian was about to move forward with his sword, but at this time, the light and shadow flashed beside him, and a small shadow in a silver-white feather robe suddenly manifested in the air.

"Are you out?"

Ling Tian was astonished, took a look at Xiaoying, but also found that Xiaoying's aura had become extremely powerful at this time!

Swallowing the terrifying crystal nucleus energy of the Heaven-shielding Flame Sparrow, coupled with the retreat in the Four Elephant Pagoda, made Xiaoying's combat power soar!

Now, he has directly achieved the Tier 4 Demon King!

Moreover, Ling Tian faintly felt that Xiaoying had become different from before.

Before, Xiaoying was as cold as frost, but now, his body exudes a fiery breath.


Xiao Ying nodded, but the next moment, the figure suddenly blurred, and her breath disappeared completely.


A sharp cry followed, but a huge silver eagle falcon appeared in mid-air!

This eagle and falcon spread out its wings, which is hundreds of feet long, no smaller than Aoyue Yinlang at all.

Moreover, his body was covered with silver feathers, but his back had a fiery red pattern. On the golden claws, there was also red fire rising, and the sharpness contained a boundless atmosphere of violence.


The Eagle Falcon's speed was reaching the extreme, and the Proud Moon Silver Wolf hadn't reacted yet, it was directly caught on the back by the sharp claws, and a **** wound was directly torn open in an instant.

Under the sharp claws of the eagle falcon, the fur of the proud moon silver wolf is like paper.

The two powerful demon emperors fought together, shaking the earth, but the proud moon silver wolf was the one who had been slaughtered back and forth, as if there was no way to deal with the huge eagle falcon.

The defeat is just a matter of time.

"Hey, what is this? It can suppress Aoyue Silver Wolf?" Ran Min and the others frowned.

"This... looks like Ling Tian's pet?" Zhen Mo Ran curled his lips.

"God horse? Pet?"

Everyone looked at each other, really don't know what to say.

Just a pet of Ling Tian, ​​can it compete with the Tier 4 top Black Fiend Demon Emperor?

This still keeps people alive!

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