Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1402: All parties alarmed the mountain of resentment

"Well, if that's the case, it's easy! It's not too late, we will pass now."

Ling Tian and others are overjoyed.

"Amitabha, you benefactors, poor monks have something to ask for."

However, Wu Jing was pursing his mouth at this moment. Although embarrassed, he still stepped forward and put his hands together.

"Oh? Master Wujing, please tell me if you have anything to do, but if you still want to convert Shaoyang to Buddhism, then you don’t need to open your mouth. With me, I won’t let him be threatened by anyone, that’s the one who climbed Sendai. Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, neither does it."

Ling Tian said with a straight face.

"Amitabha, what the poor monk did is not the case."

Wu Jing looked sad, "That's it. The poor monk just received the distress message from the big brother from the single Buddhist beads of the Fahua Temple. He should be in distress now."

"But in this literal domain, my Fahua Temple has always been alone, no one will help us, so the poor monk drooled and asked the donor to come and rescue."

"Poor monk, thank you."

After all, the Wujing monks all bowed to Ling Tian and saluted.

"Save people?"

However, Ling Tian frowned.

Now, they are going to the Hunyuanzong to find the Lingbao, this is the top priority.

"My God, if you go along the way, you might as well go and save it. After all, they helped me."

Qin Shaoyang couldn't bear it too, bit his lip and said.

"Ling Tian, ​​help them. With our strength, saving people is just a matter of hand, and there will be no time delay."

At this time, Qin Mingyue, who had recovered her memory, changed her voice.

Changed back to the original calm atmosphere.


Since Qin Mingyue had already spoken, Ling Tian couldn't help but agree.

"Do you know the position of your big brother and others?"

Wujing thought for a while and said: "I was waiting to separate from the big brother and the others at Resent Nian Mountain. He said that there was a lot of resentment there, and there were many evil spirits. So he took the four seniors to Duhua. I want to come, he It should be trapped there."

"Mountain of Resentment?"

Qin Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said with joy: "Tian Brother, that's a coincidence. We went to Hun Yuanzong and really passed there."

"It's so good, then let's go now."

Ling Tian waved his sleeves, and Xiao Qing appeared in the sky. The body of nearly a thousand feet covered the sky and the sun, and everyone who saw Wujing and others were dumbfounded.

"Hey, when did this Xiaoqing become like this? It's amazing, you!"

Qin Shaoyang jumped up and patted Xiaoqing on the head.

"Everyone, come up too, we are in a hurry."

Ling Tian greeted, and the three thousand warriors jumped onto Xiaoqing's back together and ascended into the sky.



Above Xiao Qing's head, only Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue stood.

At this time, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not speak for a long time.

In fact, after so many days of getting along, Ling Tian is also used to Qin Mingzhu's temperament.

But now...

"what's happenin?"

However, Qin Mingyue turned away, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes. In that way, it was clearly Qin Mingzhu.

"Uh... you really recovered your memory?"

Ling Tian was surprised, and his heart was even more dazed.

"Huh, otherwise, I really didn't expect that you fools would jump into the perfect patio together."

"Want to come, that sister Ji, and sister Yanyan should also jump after you!"

"Hopefully, they haven't had an accident."

In an instant, Qin Mingyue returned to her original appearance.

Seeing Ling Tian not talking, Qin Mingyue suddenly smiled and said: "Don't talk about this. I want to ask you, do you like Qin Mingzhu's me or who I am now?"

"like it all……"

Ling Tian blurted out.

"Oh, then I will sometimes be Qin Mingzhu, sometimes Qin Mingyue is better..."

Qin Mingyue shrugged.

"You really have you! But you just want to be happy. No matter what you look like, I like it."

Ling Tian hugged Qin Mingyue in his arms and said gently: "You don't know how important you are in my heart."

"For you, I can abandon everything, even the world and the entire human race."

"For you, I am willing to be a demon."

Qin Mingyue was also in Ling Tian's arms, nodding her head.

"Isn't it."

"If you are not in your mind, you are a guest to death."


Dry word domain.

This domain is the strongest among the eight domains of the Tianwai Secret Hidden, among which tens of thousands of martial artists are all the sects of the Southern Region.

The top Lingbao Guanhongsuo in its domain has now fallen into the hands of Jiang Hao, the first arrogant prince of the Southern Domain's first sect Qiantian Battle Hall.

At the moment when the barriers of Kunli's two domains were shattered by Ling Tian, ​​Jiang Hao, who was closed on a huge demon sky tower, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh? The barriers are fluctuating. Is it possible that someone wants to conquer other domains. Hmph, dare to do what Jiang Hao couldn't do. I want to know who you are."

Liziyu, outside the Hunyuanzong site.

Kuma looked at the group of lamas cracking the barrier formation, and his eyes became more impatient.


And just at this moment, a stunned roar suddenly raged from the sky, and a wave of vibration also swept from afar.

"what happened?"

Kuma Chi suddenly turned around, holding the blood-red Zen stick tightly in his hand.

"Big brother, this fluctuation is extremely far from our place, I don't know why."

A disciple of Jialuo Temple stepped forward.

"I don't know why, I'm very upset in my heart."

Kumah rolled his eyes, "Does it make it clear that they haven't come back?"


"These rubbish, killing a few bald donkeys from Fahua Temple and which two ants are so hard."

Kuma screamed all over his body, and suddenly angrily said: "Give me a faster speed of breaking the formation. Five days later, if you still can't break the formation, you all feed my blood!"


Resentment Mountain.

When Xiaoqing's huge body fell into this area, everyone felt on the ground, and the icy resentment that rose up was simply cold to the bone.

The whole area has only two colors, black and white.

The black color is made from the coagulation of blood and soaked in rocks for thousands of years, while the white color is the skeleton.

Here, it looks like an ancient battlefield in ancient times, or a cemetery.

"Hey, it's really evil, the resentment here is so deep that I have only seen it in my life."

Rao was so careless as Ran Min, and couldn't help feeling cold all over at this time.

"Well, such a place with deep resentment can easily produce powerful resentful spirits. This thing drifts in the middle of the three ways of humans and demons, and cannot return. I am afraid that it can be possessed by many black evil demon kings and used by them as parasites."

Zhen Moran's face was grim, "But in the final analysis, the last thing we deal with is the Black Fiend, it's not a big deal, everyone should keep an eye on it for a while, and don't be disturbed by the spirit of resentment."


Thousands of warriors behind him nodded in response.

"Black Fiend Demon Emperor! I saw them!"

At this moment, Qin Shaoyang in front of him suddenly exclaimed, and everyone looked around and found that dense black evil beasts emerged from the mountain range, among which there were many demon emperors.

"His, how come there are so many?"

Zhang Jing took a deep breath, "It seems, how does it match the beast tide."

"It's not much difference. I feel that the bald donkeys in Fahua Temple are not far from here."

Zhen Mo pursed his mouth, as the purple wings bloomed behind him, and then he leaped off Xiaoqing's back.

"Don't look at it. There are so many demon kings, but it's rare, a lot of demon crystals are in front, see who grabs more!"

Her voice fell, Zhang Jing, Liu Min and others laughed, and the wind surged down. For a time, thousands of warriors swept out, and the demon emperor was unstoppable wherever he went.

Combining the combat power of everyone in Kun Ziyu, even in the face of such a tide of beasts, it is enough to cope with it easily.

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