Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1407: Golden Dragon Ape

"Really strong..."

After a long time, Kun Ziyu, Ran Min, Zhang Jing and others, only then glanced at each other, but everyone's eyes were filled with a deep shock.

Now, through this battle, Qin Mingyue has completely convinced the martial artists of the two domains.

With this kind of combat power, among all people, only Ling Tian can be its opponent.

Ran Minzhen's Mo Ran and his ilk are incomparable.

However, when I thought about it, these people became more excited in their hearts.

Because they have strong people like Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue, they will have more confidence in entering the Five Elements Realm in the future. By then, more abundant resources will be available.

Kuma Chi knelt and died under the barrier, and the group of lamas in the Jialuo Temple immediately fled in all directions.

But now that everyone in Kun Ziyu is there, how can they be allowed to escape.

Zhen Moran, Ran Min and the others all shot together, but after a dozen breaths, they killed all the lamas on the spot, and none of them were spared.

At this point, all the tianjiaos of the Western Region disciple overlord Zongmenjialuo Temple were all ruined in the Secret Treasure outside the sky.

If it is spread out, it will definitely make people sigh.

The Jialuo Temple was destroyed, and the warriors in Liziyu naturally had no objection to returning to Lingtian.

A group of powerhouses fell before Hunyuanzong's formation.

Liu Min frowned and said, "Ling Tian, ​​what should we do now? If as Shao Yang said, there is a formation within this enchantment that needs to be irrigated with the blood of a warrior. This... is a little troublesome."

After all, the Liziyu martial artist behind him changed his complexion, and his heart became anxious.

They were really afraid that Ling Tian and the others would turn their faces and deny them. By then, they would be really cannon fodder.

"It's okay, I'll try it."

Ling Tian waved his hand and stepped forward.


Liu Min nodded, Ran Min and others might not know how powerful Ling Tian broke the formation, but Liu Min had seen it.

Before Ling Tian stepped forward, he used his sword shadow to quickly break the formation barrier outside the Zongmen ruins.

However, just as Qin Shaoyang said, after the outer barrier was broken, a **** thin film array appeared within it.

Under the barrier of this formation, everyone still couldn't get a glimpse of the true meaning of Hun Yuanzong.

Ling Tian frowned.

From this formation, he could feel the strong **** air in it.

Before this Hunyuanzong was destroyed, it really laid down this **** defense formation.

"Forget it, such a formation shouldn't exist."

Ling Tian shook his head, and didn't want to use the sword shadow to break the formation. The sword shadow burst out of his body, the power of the sword domain condensed into the sword light, and the sword hit the eye of the formation.


The strength of the sword domain that was fully urged, how sharp, even if Ling Tian did not release the sword, it still made that moment unstoppable.

After a blast, the blood-colored film shattered like a mirror, cracking open.


A strong aura of heaven and earth suddenly swept away, causing everyone to take a breath.

"Here, is Hun Yuanzong?"

"It really deserves to be the first sect of Liziyu, this kind of weather is no different from Shanhaizong!"

"That's right, and it seems that the sect area is larger, and if there are no accidents, the resources in it should be enough to make me wait for a lot of money."

Everyone looked at the scenery of the mountains and rivers slowly emerging in front of them, and they were all amazed.

Ling Tian also nodded. Although this Hun Yuanzong has been wiped out for a long time, the weather of the sect is still there, the green hills are still green, and the palace is as new.

"Well, so all the outer formations have been broken, everyone can enter it to hunt for treasures, but you are still careful, there are still powerful Black Fiends guarding them everywhere, don't kill them."

"Hahaha, Brother Ling, don't worry, there is no Black Demon Emperor that can resist the martial artists of our two domains!" Ran Min laughed, then waved his hand, "Let’s go, brothers, don’t look at it, search. With this Zongmen ruins, our cultivation base may be able to rise even before the opening of the Five Elements Realm."

As Ran Min swept into it, five thousand martial artists didn't want to wait any longer, and rushed in with fiery eyes.

Even if he encountered the Black Fiend Demon Emperor, he seemed to have seen some treasure, and was besieged and killed.

Ling Tian led Qin Mingyue and others all the way to the core of Hunyuanzong.

Their purpose is to come for Hunyuan Hammer.

The core place of Hunyuan Zongmen is hidden in a canyon.

When Xiaoying was not as good as Hunyuanzong, he sensed the powerful demon emperor's aura that guarded Lingbao.

Along the way, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue didn't need to do anything at all. All the demon emperors who appeared were all easily solved by Xiaoying.

"Hi, Brother Tian, ​​look, it's Hunyuan Hammer!"

Above the gorge, Qin Shaoyang suddenly exclaimed and pointed at the exposed altar in the valley.

Above the altar, a golden sledgehammer was suspended at this time, and it exuded a strong burst of aura. At a glance, it was extraordinary.

"Hehe, it's easy, it's not hidden."

Ling Tian nodded slightly, looking for this top spirit treasure, but didn't waste much time.

"However, it is said that this Hunyuan Hammer was guarded by the Hunyuanzong's Protector Saint Beast. If you want to come, it should be hidden in this canyon."

Qin Shaoyang said.


Sure enough, just when Qin Shaoyang was about to speak, the ground trembled violently, and a scorching and violent breath evolving into a substantial heat wave swept out, setting off billowing dust.

A hill moved slowly in the distance, and the outline at the end of the field of vision was extremely frightening.

"His, so big?"

"Sure enough, it is an ancient fierce beast, a golden dragon and ape!"

Qin Shaoyang took a deep breath, secretly shocked.

The behemoth that looked like a small mountain suddenly stood up, its huge body shining brightly under the sunlight. It was covered with golden hair all over its body, between its huge head and its mouth, there were sharp and cold teeth, and a pair of **** eyes were surrounded by golden flames.


Two flame pupils burst out directly from the eyes of the dragon ape. For a time, the fierce demonic aura swept the entire Hunyuan Sect. Na Ran Min and others all galloped toward the canyon for the first time.

The domineering aura of Dragon Ape's top demon emperor enveloped the entire canyon, and even Qin Shaoyang was forced by this aura, and he couldn't move his whole body.

"so horrible!"

Qin Shaoyang muttered to himself, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful Black Fiend Demon Emperor, and for a while, he couldn't stand it.

Had it not been for Ling Tian and the others, he would almost leave.

Ling Tian didn't care. From a distance, the blood of this top Demon Emperor was indeed terrifying, even stronger than the Proud Moon Silver Wolf of the Mountain Sea Sect.

It's a pity that the guardian here is not the dragon clan.

Ling Tian's own physical body is no longer enough now, but if he wants to refine the last dragon blood overlord body, he needs the blood of the Tyrannosaurus King.

Although the Tyrannosaurus clan is not a sacred dragon clan, its status in the dragon clan is not low.

The Tyrannosaurus King is one of the kings. Ling Tian still doesn't know how powerful it is.

But at the very least, he is also a dragon clan powerhouse in the realm of Sanxianxian.

So far, Ling Tian still has any clues.


Sensing that the sect was already occupied by the martial artist, the dragon ape in the canyon yelled up to the sky, hammering his fists indiscriminately on his chest, just like Hong Zhong Dalu, which made people deaf and embarrassed.

"Hmph, such a mindless monster, dare to disturb people, Master, wait until I get down and it will end up!"

Xiaoqing's face rose with a trace of anger, and the flames of both hands and claws were lingering, and he was about to rush down.

"No, you should also let me try my skills."

However, Ling Tian stopped Xiaoying.

Now this golden dragon and ape is in its heyday, and its combat power is stronger than Xiaoqing.

If the two demon emperors fight together, even if Xiaoying can win, it will probably cost a lot of money.

Therefore, Ling Tian didn't want Xiaoying's wool.

Besides, Lao Hou had been holding back for so long, and he was still unhappy.


Ling Tian fell into the gorge, dressed in white, holding a black club, with a black and gold ghost face on his face, and his white hair fluttered wildly with a flash, hunting.

It seemed that it was the coincidence of the banished immortal and the demon god.

Junyi, but domineering.

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