Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1409: Dragon Slayer

"Hehe, I mean it too."

Ling Tian looked at Dragon Ape, whose aura suddenly became stronger, with a light smile on his face, and his smile gradually became cold, his eyes gleaming like a sharp sword.

"That's it..."

Ling Tian stepped out in one step, and the power of the Tianyuan all over his body suddenly spurted, and immediately the Supreme Beginning Sutra and the Supreme Dragon and Phoenix were determined.


After receiving energy supply, Lao Hou immediately violently rose from the Du'er stick, and the roar spread throughout the Hunyuan sect, with rolling coercion, causing all the warriors in the sect to change their colors and look surprised. , All looking towards the canyon.

While Ling Tian held the Du'er stick in his hand, the Sanskrit sound flowed along the stick, and the Buddhist Sanskrit sounds roared in everyone's ears.

Although he hasn't yet offered a killer move, such a momentum is enough to make people stunned.

"Hi, Ling Tian is finally serious!"

"What kind of magical power is this, it looks like it really comes from Buddhism."

Many powerful people felt the astonishing fluctuations emanating from Ling Tian's body, and they were all a little moved, especially the rolling Buddhist sound on Ling Tian's stick, which made them look at the Fahua Temple and others on the side.

"Amitabha, the stick technique of Ling Tian's benefactor is indeed Buddhism supernatural power, but this stick technique is extremely powerful, maybe, only in the Sendai Ten Thousand Buddha Temples can you have such martial skills."

Wukong folded his hands together, and said solemnly.

The eyes of the disciples behind him were also full of envy.

"Is it possible that Ling Tian still has the roots of Buddhism wisdom? Unexpectedly, he is clearly not a Buddhism person, but he can still practice Buddhism to such a level!" Ning Caier bit her red lips and whispered softly.

"The benefactor of Lingtian has profound Buddhist attainments, which is beyond the reach of poor monks and others. In the mountain of resentment, the benefactor of Lingtian once enlightened us. If he can convert to Buddhism, it must be my blessing in Buddhism."

Wukong said again.

"Haha, Monk Wukong, then you think too much, no matter how my brother-in-law is, it is impossible to become a monk, so don't make this idea."

Qin Shaoyang laughed.

"The world is changeable. I can't control the way of heaven. Everything is possible."

Wukong did not squint.

"Cut, say you still don't believe it."

Qin Shaoyang shrugged.

"However, the dragon ape cannot be underestimated. It has the blood of the dragon clan and the ancient giant ape..."

Everyone turned their gazes into the canyon. At this time, the dragon ape already had a monstrous golden light. The golden stick of the quasi-celestial soldier in his hand was constantly shaking, and a harsh buzzing sound came out. As if to get out of hand.

That wave emanating from the dragon ape's body. It was also quite fierce. Obviously, the strongest Demon Emperor of Hunyuan Sect really wanted to end this battle early.

"Crossing into my sect, I want to move my treasure, even if I die in battle, I won't retreat!"

The corners of Long Yuan’s mouth fell apart. Although he had been suppressed by Ling Tian’s aura, his hands were tightly clasped on the golden stick. In a short time, on the golden stick, a huge golden lightning of several hundred feet was condensed. This kind of fierce to extreme fluctuations, madly exuding.

This demon emperor was able to use the stick martial arts!


The golden lightning flashed out, and the demon emperor's pressure around him began to boil.

"Jin Yao Lei Shan is destroyed!"

Looking at Ling Tian, ​​the dragon ape shouted thunderously, spreading rumblingly at the bottom of this canyon.


The shout spread, and the golden stick in his hand suddenly picked up, stirred the golden thunder of golden thunder, and shrouded it towards Ling Tian.

The golden thunder intertwined together, condensing into a huge golden mountain, which is huge, covering the sky and the sun.

Looking at such an astonishing offensive, the surrounding powerhouses were shocked, and this dragon ape’s ultimate move was absolutely capable of killing a powerful man in the late stage of the soul!

"Hiss, it's really scary, this trick, even if it's not a super supernatural power, it is definitely the pinnacle of super super supernatural powers!"

When this thought flashed in everyone's hearts, the Golden Thunder Mountain had already descended on Ling Tian's head, and then there was no pause, with a devastating force, it rushed to Ling Tian fiercely.

The huge golden mountain rapidly magnified in Ling Tian's pupils, and he hovered around the dragon and phoenix phantom, as if he had sensed the crisis in front of him, and he was screaming all over the sky.

"Hehe, it's a little unexpected, but that's okay."

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth also climbed up with the color of ice cold. The look in his eyes was as sharp as a sword. Then, he did not even have the slightest intention to shrink, holding his hands on the Du'er stick, taking a deep breath, and the Sanskrit sound was shocked.

"Sanskrit has no form, exorcism!"

Immediately, Ling Tian crossed the Duer stick, carrying a rolling Sanskrit sound, and directly smashed it towards the golden thunder mountain above his head.

Just when Ling Tian's stick blasted out, Lao Hou transformed into a body in it, and that vicious body emerged, causing the dragon ape to immediately shake his body!

The pressure on the bloodline made the dragon ape unable to resist at all.


Everyone squinted their eyes slightly by the bright light, and then they saw that Ling Tian’s shocking stick wrapped in black and red light was like this without fancy. On the huge golden thunder mountain.


The deafening roar suddenly resounded at this moment, and then everyone felt an indescribable and terrifying wave sweeping away. Under that wave of waves, even if everyone hurriedly urged the Zhenyuan defense, but for a while Some people were still thrown off their backs, quite embarrassed.

But at this moment, they didn't have time to care about this. When they stabilized their bodies, they looked at the place where the void was shattered and the light intertwined for the first time, and their eyes were full of surprises.

They could see the figure wrapped in the shadow of the dragon and phoenix under the broken golden thunder that swept away, but it was like a sharp sword, letting the wind blow, and standing still.


When they gathered their gazes away, suddenly a low voice came from the golden mountain. The voice was not loud, but it had an irresistible meaning.


In the next moment, the huge golden thunder mountain was shattered by the exorcism stick directly under everyone's gaze.

call out!

And when the golden thunder mountain was shattered, a golden light flew upside down and inserted directly into the mountain wall in the canyon. At this time, the light above the fairy soldier was no longer there.


At the same time, the dragon ape under the golden thunder mountain also snorted. Under the impact of the huge force, the bones of the whole body were directly shattered by the shock, and then a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and in his eyes, it appeared. The color of despair.

He really couldn't believe that his Demon King I was defeated by the human cudgel like this!

With one move, the outcome is divided!

The light dissipated, Ling Tian's eyes looked at the dragon ape whose breath was swiftly fading with cold eyes, killing intent flashed in his eyes, and suddenly rushed out, and then appeared in front of the latter, and then a stick was around. In the little moving eyes, he slapped it down fiercely.

"You shouldn't have lived till now."

"Now, Duer will send you off, go beyond reincarnation!"

With a loud bang, the Golden Dragon Ape was just like that, and it was shattered directly by Ling Tian's hands.

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