Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1467: The Lord of the Boundless Palace apprentices beggars?

For the top ten on the Feitian list, you can choose to go to Sendai first.

Starting from the tenth place, Yu Weiyang directly chose Jiuxiao Yunhai Pavilion. She was born in kendo, and in the Yunhai Pavilion, she also had contacts with her Yu family, which was already planned.

The ninth place, You Qiandan, entered the Xuanming Ghost Valley with the Martial Spirit of the Beginning as he wished.

However, when Xu Zaidao reached eight, everyone stopped talking.

They all looked at Ling Tian at the top of the list, as if they were waiting for his arrangement.

They want to continue to follow Ling Tian.

This is the Sanxian who made the Four Greatest Mount Sendai, a little surprised.

The deputy pavilion master of the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion Jiange thought for a while, and he stepped forward and looked directly at Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​you are a swordsman, and the world of Swordsmanship, all of my Nine Heavens Cloud Sea sword pavilions, would you be willing to worship my sword pavilion? ?"

"Buddha Amitabha, the superintendent of Lao Na Wanfo Temple, watch the donor body with Buddhism practice. If he can convert to my Buddha, he will become a stunning talent!"

Everyone was amazed, but they didn't expect that Wanfo Temple would also make a move.

The mother-in-law Yinkui of Xuanming Ghost Valley did not speak, and Ji Jiuyou also fell behind and did not show up.

In the end, it was Qi Ying of the Boundless Battle Hall who sneered, just about to speak.

A horror of the weather suddenly swept from the southern sky.

That coercion, even the aloft Twelfth Island Lord, also manifested, frowning.

Under the astonished gaze of the crowd, a figure suddenly emerged from the golden platform of the vast battle hall.

This person was covered in gold armor, his complexion was red, Kong Wu was powerful, and a war knife behind his back, shone with a bright light and a frightening atmosphere, covering the world, making people all touched.

"Hi, the Lord of the Boundless Battle Hall, the sword immortal Feng Xuan!"

"The Lord of the Boundless Battle Hall is here!"

In an instant, a warrior immediately recognized this person.

Even the faces of the other people who climbed Xiantai and scattered immortals were frozen and jealous.

Ling Tian waited for the younger generations, even more so.

Although this Feng Xuan's aura has not been released, its coercion is already quite terrifying, almost infinitely different from that of the twelfth island owner, at least there is also a cultivation base in the late stage of Sanxian.

However, what made Lin Xiao's heart sank was that Feng Xuan fell, his eyes locked on Ling Tian.

Could it be that this guy came for Ling Tian.

Ling Tian offended the Boundless Battle Hall, is he still inevitable after all?

The palace lord Feng Xuan's relatives arrived, and I was afraid that it was the twelfth island lord, and he couldn't stop it.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Feng Xuan suddenly smiled.

"Ling Tian, ​​your martial arts talents are outstanding, but are you willing to enter my vast battle hall?"

"Although it is said that the world of swordsmanship can do the best, but I am not convinced by Feng Xuan. If you enter the boundless world, I can personally accept you as a disciple, and select the world's top swordsmanship and martial arts for you. !"

"how is it?"

It's astonishing to drop his chin. This Feng Xuan is here to accept disciples himself? !

Could it be that he didn't know that Ling Tian just killed Jiang Xian and slapped Qi Ying in the face?

"Hall Master, he Ling Tian..."


Qi Ying was startled, just about to speak, but Feng Xuan waved his big hand and slapped Qi Ying off the golden platform.

How terrifying is the powerhouse in the late Sanxian period?

Just a slap made Qi Ying's face covered with blood, and she fell to the ground, wailing again and again, and couldn't say a word.

If he is more serious, I am afraid that he can directly slap this Vice Palace Master to death.

"Something unruly!"

A hideous flash flashed across Feng Xuan's face.

Immediately, he smiled again, and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"I have a promise of gold for Feng Xuan, you don't have to worry about it."

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on Ling Tian's body.

Dao Xian Feng Xuan went out in person and took Ling Tian as his disciple.

This kind of courtesy, I am afraid that it has never appeared in the previous hundred contests.

In their opinion, Ling Tian had no reason or the courage to refuse.

After all, Feng Xuan was the lord of Xiantai, and he was also a giant in the late Sanxian period.


It's no different from looking for death, I'm afraid.

"Haha, sorry, I won't enter the vast battle hall."

However, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

That Ling Tian actually spoke, and decidedly resolutely refused!

Ling Tian sneered in his heart, how could this Feng Xuan wipe out his suspicions.

There is no good intention to accept oneself as a disciple.

Afraid it is for your own Zhanzi soul, right?

Even if he disguised his Zhanzi Soul torn and shattered, the temptation was still not small.

And if he could accept himself as a disciple, then the Boundless Battle Hall was ashamed today and would have to return.

Ling Tian also had to admire this Feng Xuan, being able to go out in person at this time.

It can be said to count the birds with one stone, quite old and spicy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Not in?"

Sure enough, Feng Xuan's face suddenly changed in that chuckle, extremely gloomy.

"I'm afraid I won't tolerate you!"

"Today, if you don't enter my vast battle hall, you won't be able to go anywhere else!"

"Whether it is Jiuxiao or Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, who would dare to ask you?!"

After all, Feng Xuanhu looked around and made all the scattered immortals of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and Jiuxiao bow their heads and dare not speak any more.

This is the Southern Territory, close to the vast battle hall, how dare they provoke Feng Xuan?

Lin Xiao smashed his hands, feeling anxious in her heart.

He wanted to talk, but he didn't dare to interrupt at all!

This little girl, the errand for herself is really not easy.

"threaten me?"

Ling Tian's face was also cold.

Feng Xuan is strong, so strong now that even if he has all his cards and exhausted everything, he will die forever. The only possibility is to hide in Taoyuan.

"Threat you? Haha, what Feng Xuan gave you is a great opportunity!"

"Do you think that the three big climbers really want you? Face me, they dare not put a fart!"

"I Feng Xuan accepts you as a disciple. How many warriors in this world can't even think about it?"

"In addition to me, who else can you worship as a teacher, who can compare to me Feng Xuan?"

"If you don't enter my door today, Feng Xuan, I promise you that you won't leave the Southern Territory!"

Feng Xuan held his hand and drank, his words like a knife.

Although the three big climbs to Sendai have been counted down, the crowds of immortals dare not say anything back.

The fact is also true, now Feng Xuan has spoken, unless the three major climbers also come here personally and accept Ling Tian as a disciple.

Otherwise, no one would dare to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian lowered his gaze, and stopped at a figure under the golden platform.

"Since you don't want me, then I Ling Tian, ​​I won't go anywhere!"

"The Four Great Climbing Xiantai, but you! One day, Ling Tian will personally open the mountain and establish the sect and become the fifth Climbing immortal!"

"As for apprentice?"

"Hehe, someone who is better than you, I don't know where it is!"

Ling Tian smiled proudly before falling down abruptly.

"Senior, please accept Ling Tian as a disciple!"

Ling Tian directly knelt on one knee and kowtowed forward.

And let everyone including Qin Mingyue Zhang Jing look at each other, not knowing why.

What Ling Tian bowed to was an old beggar who was ragged, unkempt, skinny, curled up under the golden platform!

Ling Tian would rather worship an old beggar as a teacher than invest in Feng Xuan's school.

This is simply a big ear scrape for Feng Xuan.

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