Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1578: Lord of Wangxuelou

"Wow, this poem is really superb. It's feminine and domineering. It's really the ultimate praise of my martial arts female generation."

The maid held the empty bottle, flushed, and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Brother Zhan, do you still have this wine?"


Although there are still many stocks in the ring, Ling Tian knows the reason why things are rare.

"Then this bottle can always be collected by me. I don't know who is so powerful and can make such a powerful poem."

Although the maid is not a national color, she is also extremely beautiful, and her cultivation is also a first-order martial emperor, and her behavior at this time is like a gentle girl.

"Haha, it's okay, if the girl likes it, you can take it."

When the maid heard this, she was overjoyed and quickly put the bottle away, "Thank you, Brother Zhan!"

"Wine is good wine, and poetry is also good poetry, but under the wind and snow in the northern region, it is not very suitable for the scene."

However, that Leng Xuanye took another sip of Feixue Stuff, his expression changed, but at the end he was full of loneliness.

"Zhengzi, bring pen and ink!"

Leng Xuanye suddenly got up, stood in front of the window, looked at the boundless flying snow in the northern region, and suddenly let out a low drink.


Yin Zheng seemed to be prepared long ago. When he stepped forward, his sleeve robe was floating, and he spread pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of him.


Seeing this scene, Ling Tian was also astonished. Didn't expect that at this time, Leng Xuanye would still feel emotional?

Not only Ling Tian, ​​but also the warriors around the 32nd floor saw this, and there was no surprise. Instead, they surrounded him, seemingly waiting for Leng Xuanye to wave a few splashes of ink.

At this time, Ling Tian also noticed that there was a small case in front of each window, which seemed to be specially prepared for this purpose, and on the wall between the windows, there were many calligraphy from everyone, which Ling Tian hadn't noticed before. , But now I saw it.

I saw that Leng Xuanye pondered for a moment, picked up his pen and dipped his ink, and started writing.

Sick and independent heart mourning.

Shang Si is the clan Xu Fengtai.

Leaning on the railing to drink the wind and snow.

Invincible only dreams.

With eloquence, Leng Xuanye held the pot in one hand and waved in the other. He didn't even stop, and he did it all at once.

And when this poem was finished, Ling Tian, ​​who stood behind him with his hands, shrank his pupils.

This Leng Xuanye, such a handsome literary talent, such a magnificent heart!

This poem does not contain any gorgeous words, but a few lines depicts a young man who has the aspirations of the Wei clan but is unable to raise aspirations due to illness.

But now, Leng Xuanye is standing here, this poem is written by himself.

He once dreamed of protecting the frontier flames for the human race, but now he is invincible in all battles and can only be realized in his dreams.

This is really sad.

Around the people who saw this poem, the martial artist sighed again and again.

Xue Qing and the others hugged their shoulders and looked at each other, all sneered in their throats.


Feixueyong was crushed by Leng Xuanye, and he sighed and was about to put down his pen.

However, at this time, a big hand stretched out from behind and took the pen.

"Brother Tianling, you..."

Leng Xuanye's heart moved, but a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Brother Leng, you are arrogant, but just a mere ailment. Can you stop you?"

"My hands are itchy for a while, and let me write a song too, how about sending you?"

Ling Tian's face was full of pockmarks, but he raised a fluttering look.

He couldn't bear Leng Xuanye such a arrogant arrogant sinking down.

In any case, he must find a way to make this Tianjiao realize his dream of invincible battles.

Not only because of Leng Xuanye's heart and ambition, but also because of his invincible battles, he Ling Tian, ​​once also wrote about it.

Now, this is the first time he has seen these four words appearing in the writings of others.

"Brother Zhan, you still don't..."

Before Yin Zheng had finished speaking, the surrounding martial artists laughed. They were all out of the range of the soundproofing formation at this time, and they were all audible.

"I said you Mazi, don't show your ugliness. Who doesn't know that Leng Xuanye is the number one talent in the Northern Territory. His dark night son was sealed because of his poems, but not because of his combat power. You If you want to write a song for Son of Dark Night, are you really afraid of being laughed out of your teeth?"

Xue Qing hugged his shoulders and laughed, but the other disciples of Xuanming Guigu also started chirping.

"Brother Tianling, please..."

However, Leng Xuan's eyes flickered, he actually let go, stepped aside, and gave Ling Tian up.

Ling Tian stood in front of the case with the pen without any formality.

At this time, more and more people came around, and even the strong man who was hooked down from the top floor by Dufang Liquor saw this scene and couldn't help but also surround him.

It’s rare for Young Master Dark Ye to splash ink, but now someone still wants to give him poems?

"Ah! The big shopkeeper!"

The little servant was standing on the stairs leading to the 33rd floor, but now a cold hand was placed on his shoulder. The little servant turned his head back in shock, but nodded again and again.

Behind him was a woman who was covered in a black gauze skirt, with a smoke-like hair bun, and her snow-white face was covered by black gauze. She could not see anything except her graceful and tall figure.

"Quiet, go down."

The woman said coldly, but her eyes were always condescending, looking at the figure holding the pen in front of the case.


Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian had a draft in his heart. Leng Xuanye still had nearly half of his paper. Ling Tian didn't change the paper, so he started writing with ink.

A hundred years of shame will never snow; when will the human hatred end?

Carrying the gods, arranging ferocious beasts, the ice sheet is destroyed by the vast sea.

The lofty ambition is hungry for the North Demon Meat, and laughs and talks about thirst for the blood of the Devil.

Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que!

The eloquence, Ling Tian's stylus and silver hook, like a warrior who has returned for revenge, roaring towards the monster clan in the north of the icefield, and the magic witch clan outside the vast sea!

Everyone understands that Ling Tian wrote about the battle five hundred years ago!

This Ling Tian is still thinking about revenge?

"A hundred years of shame, it's not snow yet!"

"Hungry for the Northern Demon Meat, laugh and talk about thirsting for the blood of the Demon Witch!"

"Hahaha, good poem, happy!"

"Little Er, serve wine!"

Before taking the case, Leng Xuanye yelled to himself, with no excitement. When he raised his hand, he asked for wine.


A ray of light flickered, but it was shot from a bottle of Feixue brewing electricity.

Everyone looked back and saw that the person who shot was actually a woman in a black evil dress, shrouded in a faint black mist, and immediately bowed respectfully.

Ling Tian also turned around and looked around, but when he saw this woman, he frowned.

Although he didn't know this woman, the slight coercion on her body caused Ling Tian to suddenly move in her heart. Although this tyrannical aura was still invincible to the Taoist Qitian, Ling Tian was only in Feng Xuan and the sea of ​​clouds. Pavilion Master has experienced it.

Who is this woman, is it comparable to the Lord of Sendai?

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