Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1614: An unpredictable one

Thinking of this, a hideous look suddenly appeared on Feng Xuan's face, "Huh, do you still want to use the begging Taoist fox!?"

"Tell you, today, the Taoist beggar can't save you!"

"Ling Tian, ​​don't you pretend to be garlic with me here. The gold inscription on Ye Gucheng's Wushu Soul from the beginning was originally the thing of my vast disciple Jin Yao. You killed my true disciple of the Sect in the Xihai, what else can you quibble about?"

After Feng Xuan said, there was a big uproar above the venue.

It turns out that the ancient and early beginning of Ye Gucheng's body was the thing of the true disciple of the Boundless Battle Hall.

And Ling Tian killed a true disciple of Dengxiantai! ?

He also took away people's primordial martial spirit and gave it away. This, it would be too courageous.

It's no wonder that this vast battle hall is so prosperous and mobilizing, and a pair is going to kill Ling Tianzhu in this posture.

This is blood feud!

"Hehe, the master of the palace's blood-spitting skills is really insightful."

"Could it be that if your true sect disciples are only allowed to kill people, there is no reason for Ling Tian to fight back!?’

"At the time above the West Sea, your disciple Jin Yao and I had no grudges, but they wanted to kill me, but he was too weak and I raised my hand to kill him."

"Then I deserved the Wuhun in the early days. I will give it to whomever I want to give away!"

"Your vastness is talking about the sky, and I am also Ling Tianzhanli. I have recorded the images at that time with the formation method. Feng Palace, do you want to see it!?"

But Ling Tian had already prepared.


Feng Xuan was speechless immediately. Of course he knew that Jin Yao wanted to kill Ling Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that Ling Tian would still leave the image. If it was made public, then he would be passive this time instead.

"Hall Master Feng doesn't have to be so angry, if you want to openly attack me Ling Tian, ​​I am not afraid of Ling Tian at all."

"However, today is the day when I Ling Tian established my own sect and rebuilt the Eastern Territory ascended to Sendai. Please also Feng Palace Lord to take away the hostility of your vast battle hall, and accept it for me!"

Ling Tian's face suddenly became cold, how could he be afraid of the vast battle hall?

This posture is simply a rebuke to the boundlessness.

In the presence of so many Eastern Territory warriors, Ling Tian was a bit of face, and he didn't give Feng Xuan any.


"You are just a mere junior, dare to speak to our Palace Master Feng Xuan like this? What are you!"

"That is, we need to rebuild the Eastern Region and climb Sendai. It's worthy of you guys!?"

In a short time, the main hall masters around Feng Xuan all laughed in shame.

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I know you are crazy, but are you crazy? Do you think you can rebuild if you go to Sendai and say rebuild!?"

"My Cangmang once sat on three ancient disciples of the beginning, and there are countless arrogances under my sect, with a strong background!"

"You are also a person from Jiuxiao, and the juniors behind you dare to establish sects, you are really not afraid of being wiped out!"

Feng Xuan was ashamed and angry, and immediately sneered.


However, what they were waiting for was Ling Tian's long smile, and the sea of ​​clouds trembled.

Ye Gucheng, Qin Shaoyang and the others also laughed happily there, as if they had heard some terrific joke.

"Ling Tian! What are you laughing at!?"

Feng Xuan was furious.

He brought almost all the masters from Cang Vang, but he didn't come to Haiyue City to be ridiculed.

By now, he really couldn't help but force his shot, Ling Tian's appearance was really too exasperating.

"I laugh at your ignorance!"

"Laughing at you stupid!"

Ling Tian put away his laughter, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils were full of mockery.

"At the beginning of Wuhun Tianjiao!?"

"You Cangmong once had three ancient and early Wuhun powerhouses, think so much!?"

Ling Tian's hands behind his back suddenly raised, and a gust of wind swept across the sky.

"Then I will let you see today, I am not qualified for Ling Tianyong and stand on my own sect!"

"Everyone, before you kill the enemy, please show up!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and all the doors and windows of the top-level box of the Yutian Pavilion behind him were opened, and the figures within it slowly flew down from the Yutian Pavilion.

There are as many as six things!

Five women and one man.

But the appearance of these figures caused all the martial artists including Feng Xuan to take a deep breath.

Because these figures are without exception, behind them are all the tyrannical primordial martial soul mysterious light.

The strength of its breath, the dazzling brilliance, and the invincibility of coercion, are all undoubtedly ancient times!

Together with Ye Gucheng, these people stood half a step behind Ling Tian, ​​their ancient aura trembling endlessly, making the earth tremble!

If Ling Tian is counted, there are as many as eight people in front of the Yutian Pavilion at this time, with only the Ancient Grade Primordial Martial Spirit!

In addition, Qin Shaoyang and others who are above the Double Antiquity Taichu, there are a total of 13 people!

Thirteen descendants of Tianjiao who possessed the primordial martial spirit!

This, this is too terrifying.

"It's against the sky, it's against the sky, isn't this human race's primordial martial arts worthless!"

"Oh my god, where did Ling Tian find so many top talents!?"

Thousands of masters in the vast battle hall were all dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with jealousy.

"This, this... how could it be true!"

Feng Xuan's body shook in the sky even more, and he couldn't help but stepped back three steps.

The scene in front of me is really unbelievable.

At this moment, Feng Xuan knew almost all of those who appeared behind Ling Tian.

Needless to say, Qin Mingyue, Liu Yiyi, Ji Jiuyou, and Master Li, they were all top disciples who had climbed to Sendai.

But when did Young Master Dark Ye and Fairy Baixiao Wen Wan get the beginning of the ancient times?

This Ling Tian, ​​is it true that one must sit back and forth without being successful! ?

"Hehe, what, is there anything Fengxuan Hall Master has to question now? Although these arrogances will not all be incorporated into my sect, they are not comparable to your so-called vast battle hall!"

"What qualifications do you have to question me!?"

Ling Tian sneered.

"You...do you dare to mock my vast battle hall!?"

Feng Xuanyu was incoherent, and Ling Tianzhao's heart had been messed up.

"Haha, Ling Tian, ​​you really have such a big tone, the Boundless Battle Palace is not qualified to question it, what if you add me?"

However, Ling Tian's self-reliance sect seems to be destined to keep twists and turns.

Just when Feng Xuan was speechless, from the northwest, dark clouds suddenly rose up in the sky, and the sound of ghost crying gradually began.

Transmission formations shone from the deep mountains, black pillars soaring into the sky, and then the dense figures surged over in a cold voice.

But in a moment, the sky full of black shadows spread beyond the venue, and the number was astonishing, as many as tens of thousands!

Each of these warriors are covered in black robes, and among them there are many puppets with different shapes, but with terrifying auras among them.

And among the black clouds in the sky, there was the shadow of the skull that had been pitch black, floating on it.

The huge shadow of the skeleton is like a ghost in hell, and the figure is huge, covering a thousand feet!

The coercion was even stronger than Feng Xuan.

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