Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1619: Eight Kills from the Brahma Sutra

Ling Tian's feet shook, and the whole person rose into the sky again, floating above the Imperial Heaven Sect, like a dragon.

There was a shock on his handsome face, the black spirit and ghost mist filled it, and it was condensed into ghost armor, and between his arms, a huge thunder light wing suddenly bloomed from behind it!

In an instant, Ling Tian's body was full of radiance, like a god.


With a loud shout, Xiaoqing floated under Ling Tian's feet, turning into a dazzling stream of light tearing apart the void, slaying towards the demon witch clan army.

At this moment, Ling Tian shook the world by himself.


"Hehe, we should go too!"

"Jiu Xiao, Cloud Sea Sword!"

On the high platform, Qin Mingyue took a dozen Tianjiao into the sky, and his shoulders shook, and his aura also climbed to the extreme.

Qin Mingyue's Moon Flying Sword was in his hand, and behind it was a pair of bright thunder light wings that were indistinguishable from those of Ling Tian. With one flap, the whole person tore the void, shrank into an inch, and killed it.

"Raksha, Yin Ming sickle!"

Jiuyou was covered with demon shadows, his shoulders resisted this huge black sickle, and followed Qin Mingyue.

Immediately, Liu Yiyi Leng Xuanye and the other arrogant people were unwilling to be left behind, and rushed away angrily.

For a time, an army of hundreds of thousands of warriors of the human race, led by Ling Tian and other arrogances, burst out like a flood of seas.

Thousands of miles away.

In front of the Shichahai army, Qu Tutong was originally in the middle army, and from the bottom of the sea with the help of the sea monster to cross the sea boundary, he was already bound to win the Eastern Region.

It is impossible to say that there is no selfishness.

The Witch King's Court ordered Ling Tian to be captured and regained the treasure.

But what he values ​​is still the resources of the Eastern Region. Although the Eastern Region is already barren, the resources are still enough for his Shichahai army to consume for a while.

However, just when he led the army and was about to launch an assault, he found that thousands of miles away, a shocking light rose into the sky, with terrifying coercion and shocking endlessly, and there was a wave of hostility like the sound of holy thunder.

The next moment, as if opening up the world, before him, there suddenly appeared a mountain and river that stretched across thousands of miles, and the glow of light descended on the East China Sea. .

It was like a great wall, separating them.

"This...this is the treasure that Wang Ting wants!?"

General Shi Chahai's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart was horrified.

This Ling Tian didn't even run, and also descended the treasure on the East China Sea.

Doesn't he put his Shichahai army in the eyes?

However, with the arrival of the immortal, thousands of bright beams of light burst on the coast of the East China Sea, and countless human warriors gushed out of it, and even among them there were a few tyrannical to terrifying auras of the perfect realm of scattered immortals, stirring The whole sky of clouds.

At this time, the Eastern Region has changed!


And a roar and roar resounded through the sky. Under the astonished gaze of the hundreds of thousands of demon witch tribe army, a celestial figure wrapped in a bright streamer came and killed them. After that, hundreds of thousands of martial artists were like rain. When it fell, there was a tendency to swallow thousands of miles with anger, and the roaring sound made the sky and sea crumble, and the sea monsters all screamed and fled in fright.

"General, this...this is the human warrior of the Eastern Region? How come there are so many, so strong!"

The generals of the Demon Witch Clan were dumbfounded. When have they ever seen such a battle of Human Clan?

And it's the legendary barren Eastern Region?

"No, it's not just the warriors of the Eastern Territory, this Ling Tian is overcast for us!"

"He definitely knew that we were going to invade the Eastern Territory, so he ambushed so many strong human races here beforehand, just waiting for me to get in!"

Qu Tutong gasped for breath. With the power of his spirit, he could of course sense the aura of the two great immortal masters above the East China Sea. No, the four great immortal masters were all present!

In this moment, he understood.

He wanted to catch Ling Tian, ​​but this Ling Tian wanted to destroy his entire Shichahai!

"What? We, we got the trick?"

Behind Qu Tutong, some generals of the Demon Witch Clan changed their expressions.

"General, then let's withdraw! The human race is powerful, and our army is too small to be invincible!"

However, Qu Tutong turned around abruptly, and hit the general of the Demon Witch Clan to kill.

He held the spear in his hand, and the face under the armor became more and more fierce, "Hmph, my warrior of the witch clan doesn't know what retreat is!"

"Even if there are many human races, it doesn't matter, it's just a bunch of native chickens!"

"I, Qu Tutong, sits in Shichahai and waved down the twenty-one witch and fierce general. Why should I be afraid of his little human race!?'

"The tiger-wolf teacher of the Demon Witch Clan, follow me and kill him, and break through the human race!"

With a roar, Qu Tu laxatively turned into a black light, which swept over the sea and rushed to meet the Lingtian violently.

Behind him, the hundreds of thousands of demons and witches army seemed to have been enchanted in an instant, their morale was shocked, their eyes were scarlet, and they rushed towards the human army like crazy.

For a time, the warriors of the two tribes seemed to shake each other, like the impact of a mountain, and the sky broke and the earth broke.

Of course, Ling Tian had planned this battle for several months, and the elite human race he had mobilized exceeded 500,000. In terms of top combat power, it almost crushed Shichahai.

As Ling Tian said before, he was not trying to fend off the enemy outside the East China Sea, but to wipe out all of them.

And this seemingly crowded battlefield is about winning and losing, and naturally it is a duel between top combat powers.

Ling Tian swept across the void, and Yiqi appeared before the Demon Mist Army.

Facing the demon witch warrior who couldn't see the edge, under the ghost's face, Ling Tian's eyes flashed with scarlet killing intent.

He wants to kill all these hateful alien races who regard human races as pigs and dogs!

"Sanskrit, get up!"

Lifting the fist of Du'er, Ling Tian gave a low drink, and for a moment, his stick body lightly shook, and Buddhism coercion swept through the void. The sky seemed to be sung by Buddhism Sanskrit, the space was trembling, and the vitality was boiling.

The internal energy of Qi Haixing River bursts and is poured on the Du'er stick along the arm.

Lao Hou's body broke away from the stick and roared!

"Sanskrit has no form."

"The Brahma... Sutra... Eight... Kill!"

Although Ling Tian was full of energy and roared up to the sky, the shadow of the flying stick rushed into the sky, as if to shatter the entire East China Sea, crashing down.

The three-thousand-zhang stick shadow, and the terrifying coercion above it, locked all the demon witch warriors below on the surface of the sea. Except for panic, they could only watch the Ling Tian smash down with a stick.


The shadow of the stick enters the sea, even if it is the mighty force of the sea, but the eight killings of the Brahma Sutra seems to have the domineering arrogance of annihilation, under the shadow of the stick, there is no living mouth, and the shock wave raging along the shadow of the stick will be along the way All the witch clan warriors were torn apart and shattered.

Can't resist.

All resistance is in vain.

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