Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1617: The Sixth Floor of the Four Elephant Tower of the Terror of War Soul

"What? Existence even more terrifying than the ancient and early beginning martial souls, Master Jing Chan, the demon war soul was really that terrifying that day!?"

Leng Aotian raised his brows, and was shocked when he heard this.

Not only him, but few people present seemed to have heard of the so-called Heavenly Demon Battle Soul.

Even Hong Lao, the lord of Nine Heavens, looked over, frowning and said: "About this heavenly demon battle soul, I have also seen a few words in the handbook of the previous pavilion master of Nine Heavens."

"It's really the same as what the Master Jing Zen said."

"The Demon Battle Soul that day was stronger than the ancient times, not only because of the combat power it blessed on the demon witch, but also because the Battle Soul is a whole, although its energy seal also needs to be unlocked layer by layer, but it is far away. It's easier than the human race came in the beginning."

"Don't forget, our human race is too early, but they are all fragments. Only the complete set can compete with the witch's heavenly demon war spirit."

"Therefore, if the human race does not have a complete set of ancient and primordial martial arts, there is absolutely no possibility of resisting the magic witch."

Jing Chan also took a breath, "The most important thing is that the demon war soul that day seems to have no restrictions, and can be directly blessed on the already powerful demon country lord. It is not like our human race at the beginning, except for the day on the island. Outside of the early days, others can only be used by juniors."

"In that case, things are really not optimistic. I am afraid that we need to find other ancient times as soon as possible, and try our best to let you juniors, get together!"

Leng Aotian frowned and kept rubbing his hands, looking a little nervous.

"It's easier said than done, I don't know how many years Tianyu Xiandao has been looking for, and now it is not only the first island owner who has assembled a complete set!?" Ye Tianche spread his hands.

"Actually, you don't need to be too anxious. As far as I know, it's not a day or two for the witch to invite the demon war soul. They have been planning this for thousands of years, but they have not succeeded until now."

"We still have time." Jing Chan smiled suddenly, trying to relieve some of the atmosphere.

Xiao Feng shook his head, not so optimistic, "We can only do our best, and hope that the Demon Witch Clan will give us some time."

"However, I am more worried about our human race than on the side of the witch, haha, I am afraid that the threat is no less than that of the witch."

He sneered and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Now that Ling Tian is completely torn from Cang Mang and Gui Gu, they may not know how they will stumble in their backs."

"Furthermore, Ling Tian went to Sendai on his own without notifying Tianyu Xiandao, which is tantamount to slap Tianyu in the face together. I'm afraid that it will happen soon, there will be some action over there."

"It depends on what they are playing with."

Ling Tian snorted and turned the ring on his finger, "Don't worry, we have just killed the witch army, even if he is angry in the heart of Tianyu Xiandao, but after all, he is the Supreme Sect of Human Race, he will definitely not immediately go down. Black hand."

"Why, he must have a reason to deal with me, right?"

Leng Aotian curled his lips, "Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid that you are a little underestimated by the old ghosts in Xiantai. Those island owners are all human beings. There is no way to make Tianyu Xiandao a human race. Supreme!?"

"Finally, whether he is Tianyu Xiandao or the Demon Witch Clan, but soldiers come to cover the water and earth. With us people here, we definitely won't let them mess around."

"What we need to do now is to find some news about the Martial Soul of the Beginning. This matter is the most important thing, let it go."

Master Jing Zen got up, the light and shadow flickered, and then disappeared.

Hong Lao didn't say anything, so he followed and left.

Leng Aotian stood up with Xiao Feng and the others, and Wen Tingjun said: "Ling Tian, ​​don't worry, I have many classics from the Wen family. I'll go back and let people look for them, maybe there will be clues!"

"Thank you very much, then."

Ling Tian bowed his hands and sent everyone away.

Standing in front of the Imperial Palace, the Zongmen is now very lively. After the gang of beggars, Wushuangcheng and Wen's merged in, the Imperial Heavenly Sect had no shortage of disciples at all.

What's more, Ling Tian still has his own Tang Sect.

The Tang Sect disciples are all over the Eastern Region, and although most of them have low cultivation bases, they are the ones who win Tianxin most. In other words, Tang Sect disciples are considered direct descendants.

Moreover, in the past three days, many disciples wanted to worship the Imperial Heaven Sect. Ling Tian had no time to hesitate about these, and they were all left to Master Yifan.

The original Lagerstroemia Taiqing Sect was divided into six halls, each with its own inheritance, and covered all the martial arts veins like the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion.

It is enough to meet the martial arts training needs of any human warrior.

Ling Tian plans to let Ye Tianche, Xiao Feng, Wen Tingjun and other seniors have the highest cultivation level, as the head of the six palaces, in charge of each department, so that it can save a lot of his thoughts.

Anyway, Ziwei Taiqing sect has everything, everything is not lacking.

"The discussion is over!?"

Ling Tian was thinking, a warm fragrant breeze hit behind him, Ling Tian had a sharp heart, and didn't turn his head back, the big hand on the right leaned back, and he held the slippery little hand that came out.

In this world, Qin Mingyue was the only one who could have no gap with Ling Tian and had a tacit understanding of Tiancheng.


"Hehe, I actually wanted to take this opportunity to marry you..."

Ling Tian turned around, looked at Qin Mingyue's pretty face like a bright moon, and suddenly smiled.


Of course Qin Mingyue was taken aback, then nodded Ling Tian's forehead and smiled: "Are you not stupid? What kind of marriage is here? My father is not here..."

"Oh? So, are you willing to marry me?"

Ling Tian raised his brows, with a joking smile in the corners of his eyes.

"Bah, if you get a bargain, you still sell well. If you don't marry you, who else can I marry?"

Qin Mingyue flushed, and pinched Ling Tian's waist severely.

"I just don't know if we still have a chance to return to Nantang. Seriously, I'm homesick..."

Qin Mingyue and Ling Tian stood side by side in front of the Imperial Palace.

Although the imperial palace was full of immortal atmosphere, in Qin Mingyue's eyes, it was not as warm as the Southern Tang Dynasty.

There is no way to replace the hometown.

"Yes, it will definitely be."

Ling Tian grasped Qin Mingyue's bare hands and gradually used force.

When he became the supreme of this world and solved all the mysteries on his body, he returned to Nantang.

No matter what method is used...

"Hey, brother-in-law, look who this is!"

At this time, Qin Shaoyang flew up from the bottom of the mountain, with a little girl beside him.


Ling Tian's eyes lit up, and the one who followed Qin Shaoyang was the little girl he had presented to the Bing Po Bell on the West Sea.

"Big Brother Ling Tian!"

Seeing Ling Tian, ​​Han Duoduo didn't have the godlike awe of Ling Tian like others did. He opened his arms and ran up with small steps.

"Duo, why are you here!?"

Ling Tian quickly reached out and hugged the little girl.

"Well, I actually followed the masters of the Wanfo Temple three days ago, but they said you were busy, so they didn't come to you!"

Han Duoduo said milky voice.

"Haha, brother-in-law, Master Jing Zen said that this girl is very talented, but she doesn't have Buddhism Huigen and is not suitable for taking refuge in Buddhism, so I want her to practice in the Imperial Heaven School.

Qin Shaoyang came up.

"Well, that's fine too."

Ling Tian squeezed Han Duoduo's face and smiled: "Duo Duo, you are still young. When you become stronger, my brother will teach you cultivation."

"Now, you can just play with your brothers and sisters, do you understand it!?"

Han Duoduo nodded obediently, "Duo Duo understands that Duo Duo will be very good."

"Well, let's go, I will take you to meet those brothers and sisters..."


After coaxing Han Duoduo to play at the inner gate of Imperial Heaven Sect for a while, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue returned to Taoyuan.

But at this time, Taoyuan was also very lively, Ji Jiuyou and Liu Yiyi both entered Taoyuan, and even Li Shishi followed in.

No way, I don't know when Qin Mingyue told Liu Yiyi and Li Shishi the secret of Taoyuan. If Ling Tian doesn't let this crazy girl in, she is afraid that she will turn the sky upside down.

At this time, the three daughters and Tao Yaoyao were rubbing mahjong, while Tantai Jinzhu Laohou and Xiaoying were fighting the landlords nearby. As soon as Ling Tian came in, he thought Taoyuan had become a casino.

Qin Mingyue naturally wanted to accompany her sisters, and Ling Tian, ​​who was despised everywhere, could only put Xiao Lei on her shoulders to enter the Four Elephant Pagoda.

Ling Tian: "Xiao Lei, we are not like them, we have to become stronger, we have to cultivate!"

Xiao Lei: "I want to play."

Ling Tian: "No, you don't want to."

Xiao Lei: "..."

In the end, Ling Tian was sitting alone in the Four Elephant Pagoda, looking at the group of happily playing outside, he could only curl his lips.

"Insulting gentleman!"

After all, after closing the window, Ling Tian was about to sit down cross-legged, but suddenly remembered that he is now in the Martial Emperor Realm, and he should be able to try to enter the sixth floor of the Four Elephant Pagoda.

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