Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1654: Hongfuxianggong Ran's son-in-law

"What am I!?"

"I am Hongfu's father-in-law and Ran's son-in-law!"

Ling Tian jumped, and the light and shadow appeared directly under the stele, staring directly at Cao Fei, and then slammed down on the stele with a palm.

"Isn't it enough? Let's take a look, whose blood is stronger!!"

Ling Tian's voice fell, and the whole body was enveloped by the rising pale golden demon energy, and the vigorous blood aura rose to the sky and injected into the blood stele.


The scarlet stele shook, and the entire body of the stele trembled.

All the monster races of Cao Ran's family looked together, but they suddenly discovered that the blood-colored light on the stone tablet was covered with a layer of pale gold, and then went straight up, but between three breaths, it exceeded thirty. The location of Hachijo.


With a rapid roar, the **** brilliance stopped abruptly, but what made the Cao Family Monster Clan unable to believe was that the brilliance had stopped at thirty-nine feet.

It's only a ten-foot difference, but still overwhelming Cao Fei!

"Hiss, Sanxian 4th-Rank pinnacle bloodline!"

"It's a fifth-tier bloodline!"

"It looks like it is a mysterious dragon and lion. The blood of this monster race is indeed more advanced than Qingguang Yuntianma."

"Where did this guy come from!"

At this time, not only the Demon Clan of the Cao family was shocked, but even the Ran family looked at each other.

Ran Hongfu's father-in-law, Ran's son-in-law?

what's going on?

Bai Ling and Hou Ji Ling also glanced at each other, their mouths opened wide, completely unable to believe them.

In just a few days, why did Jin San'er become the madam's maid-in-law?

Although this may be true, it is too fast.

When Lian Ran Hongfu listened, her pretty face blushed.

Secret Dao, even the Monster Race recruited by the Ran family, is eligible to enter the bloodline.

Of course, she did not refute.

In my heart, there is still some joy.

"Afu's mate..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Cao Fei stared, but Ling Tian's bloodline was a bit more powerful than his Qingguang Yuntianma.

It is already a fact. ‘

"Hehe, what, do you have any questions?"

"I just want to tell you, don't take yourself too high. When I entered your Cao's dungeon, I just had nothing to do and took a look."

"Do you really think that in this Blue Wind City, you are the strongest arrogant talent?"

"What a joke."

Ling Tian retracted his palm, his momentum splashed, and Cao Fei was not weak at all.

Moreover, its pale gold breath spreads all over, making it look more noble.


"You are insulting yourself!"

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Cao Fei's complexion suddenly changed ugly, and he stepped forward to the eroded gravel, "Since you compare, then continue to compare!"

"Blood is tyrannical? But that doesn't represent combat power!"

When the sound fell, Cao Fei's hand was surging with brilliance, condensed into a blue-gold moon-covering long knife, and his hands were clenched.


With a loud shout, Cao Fei slashed down with the long knife in his hand.

The blade was biting, and at the moment it was cut out, all the monsters in the martial arts field were silent.

In Ran's mansion, only the terrible explosion of the long knife tearing through the space could be heard.

Bang bang bang!

Cao Fei's sword is extremely powerful, the rank of that weapon blade is not low, far surpassing Yan Kite's Halberd, and Cao Fei's cultivation base is also beyond the demon's ability in the audience.

The light touched the gravel erosion, and the stone **** broke apart one by one, like cutting tofu.

In the end, the sword light sank into the eighteenth stone ball and disappeared.


After three breaths, the eighteenth gravel ball cracked in half.

Eighteen stone **** were broken with one knife.

Cao Fei in the middle of the Sanxian period was so powerful that he could smash eighteen stone **** with a single blow.

This is already the combat power of the mid-stage Sanxian Dacheng, and it is not much worse than Ran Hong.

No wonder, this Cao Fei dared to come to Ran Mansion when Cao Tianxiao was no longer.

"Hehe, this is the gap, do you still want to compare with me!?"

The long knife landed, and Cao Fei looked at Ling Tian proudly.

He has absolute confidence, better than Ling Tian.

"What's the point of hitting this pile of rocks."

"Since you are not convinced, come up."

"You and I are really good at it, come to the game, it doesn't matter whether you live or die, what!?"

All the demons thought that Ling Tian must surrender, but the latter flew directly to the ring opposite the stele.

"This guy is crazy!? Want to challenge Cao Fei in the ring?!"

"I really don't want to live anymore, whether he is alive or dead, do you really think he is Cao Fei's opponent!?"

The demons were surprised.

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting, I'm Cao Fei in Qingfeng City for hundreds of thousands of miles, you are the first junior who dares to challenge me!"

"Well, since you really want to die that way, then I will fulfill you!"

Cao Fei naturally had no reason to refuse, and immediately jumped and flew into the ring.

"Jin San'er, you will regret your stupidity."

The long knife in Cao Fei's hand was lowered, and his body was surrounded by a storm like a storm.

"Stupid, you are indeed stupid enough."

Ling Tian chuckled, shook his neck, his right shoulder shook, and there was a humming, a black light suddenly tore through the space and appeared in his hand.

The light is as strong as ink-colored magma, and finally condenses into a mighty stroke.

Li Feng pointed directly at Cao Fei.

"You are a weapon, a medium-grade quasi-sage soldier!?"

Cao Fei could feel the sharp and sharp aura on it, even far away.

This weapon is so extraordinary, even more than the Moon Blade!

"God, is this Jin San an adventure that I met with Ran Hongfu? How come such a powerful weapon appeared one by one!"

"Yeah, the value of this grand sacredness alone is absolutely inestimable."

"Winning or losing, it seems really hard to say."

Ran's demon clan is like seeing a ghost, and Ran Ruoxuan's eyes are full of jealousy. Now she suddenly feels that the Yan Yuji in her hand is simply rubbish.

"Don't be too surprised."

"There are so many things you can't think of!"

Ling Tian took a step forward, and the pale golden demonic energy all over his body made faint ripples along with his step. Suddenly, there was a strong and solemn coercion, and a thick and fierce aura appeared on him, and his cultivation level urged him to the peak of the initial stage of Sanxian, just like that of Ran Ruoxuan.

"Hmph, stubborn, let me see what you can do!"

Sensing the aura of the opponent, Cao Fei's eyes flickered with cold light, and the Moon Sword danced between his hands, and he blasted over.

There was a piercing sound, and the knife burst out with a sharp blue light. It was hundreds of feet away from the body, and the speed was extremely fast. Almost instantly, he slammed in front of Ling Tian, ​​the sound of the sword light was powerful, the demon power was strong, and the shocking Ran Palace was trembling.

It's really not weak.

I have to say that this Cao Fei does have some strength, and he is not even weaker than his father Cao Tianxiao. .

The Cao family's background is indeed profound. If you are a junior at the peak of the ordinary initial stage, you may be defeated with a single shot.

Unfortunately, it was Ling Tian that he ran into.

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