Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1674: I will fight you

The Blood Lord is naturally not afraid, and the two great powerhouses fight back and forth between the halls. If this hall had not been passed down from the ancient times and far surpassed the enchantment, it would have been smashed by the tyrannical killings of the two.

Bang bang bang!

Blood splashed into the sky, flying feathers fell into the dust.

Lin Yanyan and Ran Hongfu looked at the two big monster races with red eyes in the middle of the hall, and they were shocked in their hearts.

In the shocking storm, they even had to resist the aftermath with all their strength.

A strong man who is comparable to Sanxian's Consummation Realm is so terrifying.



However, just after dozens of moves, a figure in the storm was suddenly shaken out.

The golden light and shadow cover her body, it is a small shadow!

Xiaoying was shaken back again and was defeated!

The figure rolled to the ground, and a fierce gully was cracked, which was a thousand feet long before it stopped.

At this time, Xiaoying's armor shattered, his hands were dripping with blood, and he thought of getting up and fighting, but his legs were already broken.

Serious injury, an unprecedented serious injury.


Ran Hongfu and Lin Yanyan exclaimed, never expecting that this blood master is so strong that even Xiaoying is not an opponent.

"Hehe, you are really strong, beyond my expectation."

"At a young age, I can resist so many tricks. It seems that the bloodline of the sky-covering flame sparrow is really extraordinary."

"However, these are useless, all your blood will be used by me!"

The storm turned blood, and the blood master also looked a little embarrassed.

Ling Tian ruined his large formation, and when his essence and blood were unable to supply energy, his combat power was also used a little, but a little less.

However, it is still tyrannical.

The Blood Lord sneered and fell from the sky.

The temptation to cover the bloodline of the Flame Sparrow was far better than Ran Hongfu, and even he felt that as long as this blood, he could increase his combat power again, thus defeating the restriction of the bloodline and escaped from ascending to heaven.

Amidst Jiejie's weird smile, the blood master clenched his big hands into fists, as if he was about to blow Xiaoying with a punch.

"Hehe, if you want to move my brother, you have to pass me first!"

However, at this moment, a cold drink suddenly sounded from the corridor beside the main hall, accompanied by a scream of tearing the air, almost instantaneously!

The void is torn apart, the voice has not fallen, but the figure has already manifested.

Ling Tian is wearing white clothes and white hair!

"Blood Lord, I have heard of the name for a long time, I will pick you up with this punch!"

A sharp light flashed in Ling Tian's eyes, and his mind instantly relaxed. He no longer suppressed the impact of his body's strength, but took the initiative to integrate his mind into it.


The next moment, Ling Tian's dark eyes suddenly turned into the color of gold and blood, and his violent aura broke out. The white hair also turned into a pale blood. The clothes hunted and hunted, just like the demon war **** came to the world, and the whole person revealed an extremely fierce aura. .

With a punch, fighting against the blood master, there was a loud bang, and the two figures trembled at the same time, and then separated instantly.

And at the core of the fight, a pitch-black ball of light spread out, the space shattered, and the violent fluctuations produced by the two crazy devourers.

Just now Xiaoying was only on the verge of consummation against Sanxian, but Ling Tian was different now.

Ling Tian took Xiao Ying back to the Royal Beast Space to heal his injuries, and raised his hands to wrap Ran Hongfu's two women into Taoyuan.

Then slowly raised his head, with a sneer sneer from the corner of his mouth, just before the fist blasted out, the feeling of power penetrating through the limbs was really good, as if there was no **** between the world and the earth to be trapped by him. At the same time, the intention of raging and killing madly breeds in Ling Tian's heart.

The rich murderous intent was condensed in the void, and the color was pale, Ling Tian had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and slowly opened his hands, revealing the color of enjoyment.

It feels good to have power.

"You... are the guy who has the blood of the Dragon clan and ruined my five blood towers!?"

The Blood Lord was shocked by Ling Tian's punch, and he was shocked immediately.

"No, why does your breath soar so much out of thin air!?"

"The breath of the blood crystal sky stone! You actually refined the eyes of the five-square formation? No, impossible, you are not a descendant of the dragon race, you are a human race!"

The blood master suddenly opened his eyes wide, his face looked incredible.

"Yes, I am Human, so what can I do!?"

Ling Tian raised his eyes, the black light in his hand surged, and the ink shook out, slowly condensing.

"Human race, this lord hates the human race the most. I think back then, the blood lord died at the hands of the human race!!"

"For thousands of years, I have never forgotten!"

"Today, seeing you reminds me of them!"

"No matter what, I will kill you!"

"Die me!"


With a terrible roar, the current Blood Lord seems to be crazy, his eyes are chaotic, and he is all caught in a tyrannical murderous intention. The only thought is to kill Ling Tian, ​​no matter what, he must be killed!

He didn't know what hatred it was, and made the blood master roar frantically.

An existence of Sanxian perfect combat power shot frantically, and the eruption of power and terror exceeded the limit of anyone's imagination. Almost the entire Scarlet Hall collapsed in an instant.

Sanxian Consummation is still the top giant in this world, and it already has the power to contend with this world.

Not to mention this great hall.

The two reappeared on the boundless harmlessness, and the blood master turned into a sky full of blood shadows and culled.

At this moment, the sky burst and the sea of ​​blood boiled.

Ling Tian's **** eyes flashed coldly, and the corners of his mouth smiled deeper. At this moment, his feet took the next step, and the figure instantly stepped forward, lifting his big arms to fight with him without any hesitation.

At this moment, the two powerhouses are all controlled by power, and the only thought in my heart is to kill each other!

Kill kill kill kill!

The Sanxian fights successfully, and the specifications have reached the highest level of the bloodline. If it is not in this strange space, it is extremely stable, otherwise the two people fight like crazy, they will definitely collide with the power of the space, and even break the rules, and then It causes the entire space to collapse, and then no one can get out!



The sea of ​​blood bursts and evaporates, the space ripples endlessly, and the degree of turbulence becomes more and more tyrannical. Ling Tian and the Blood Lord had already exploded their combat power to an extremely tyrannical level right now, and the blood splashed down, both hitting each other severely.

But under the control of strength, the two powerhouses no longer felt the pain.

The supernatural power storm caused by the two raged in this space, and other monster races entered it, even if the powerhouse of the half-step Sanxian Consummation realm, they would be instantly shocked into powder, and their form and spirit would be destroyed.

Ling Tian's white clothes had already shattered under the tyrannical vigor, the golden flesh was covered with bloodstains, his complexion was pale, but his eyes became more and more bloody. At this moment, Ling Tian was like a mad devil, and the Dragon Phoenix Supreme Decisively urged him to the extreme, exploding his physical combat power to the peak level.

"The Seven Lights of the Holy Dragon, the third level!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian lifted his hand, and ten percent of his blood was poured into it. A golden dragon roared and roared out.

A bang blasted into the blood mist in front of him, and the next moment, the blood master screamed and was chopped out of the blood mist.

Today's Ling Tian, ​​in terms of combat power, has stabilized the blood master, let alone, there are top martial arts blessings such as the Shenlong Qi Yao.

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