Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1679: Optimus Dragon

This white light was what he once gave to Qin Mingyue Bai Yan, the offspring of this mount capable of turning to the sky, and his bloodline was extremely pure and noble.

Having not seen it for such a long time now, it has actually become so big, almost the same as Xiaoqing, reaching the peak before crossing the catastrophe.

Although the cultivation base is not a big deal in the monster race, the speed is reaching the extreme.


However, Ling Tian suddenly frowned. He clearly saw that there was more than one person on Bai Yan's back. Behind Qin Mingyue, Liu Yiyi and Ji Jiuyou were both present, and they seemed to be wounded! ?

Seeing this, Ling Tian was shocked.


In a blink of an eye, Bai Yan had already arrived, and Qin Mingyue's three daughters flew down.

"Ling Tian..."

After a long time of separation, the three women's miss for Ling Tian could not be suppressed.

Ling Tian also opened his arms and hugged all the three women in, enjoying the blessing of the people.

"I really didn't expect you two to come in too, what about the others!?"

"Also, Jiuyou, what's the matter with your injury?!"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

Qin Mingyue's three daughters glanced at each other, and then said: "Wen Wan, Master Xuan Ye and Gucheng have left the land of blood."

"Except for Ye Gucheng, the three of them have already assembled a complete set of Primordial Martial Spirits."

"Oh? Is it so smooth, then have you ever met someone from Tianyu Xiandao?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect the other teams to be so smooth. As a result, now the Yu Tianzong is equal to four more with a complete set of ancient and early combat power.

"Oh? So, did you run into it?"

Qin Mingyue was surprised, "In the land of the Baiqi clan bloodline to the north, I did encounter the island owner of Tianyuxiandao. They actually seized the body of the disciple inside the door and mixed with the monster clan. However, I was killed. Up."

"The same is true for us."

Liu Yiyi and Ji Jiuyou also nodded.

"Why, there are also people from Tianyu Xiandao in your bloodline place?"

Ling Tian nodded, "Yes, but that person is Yan Yan..."

"What!? It's Yan Yan!"

However, when Ling Tian's voice fell, the third daughter was shocked.

Lin Yanyan appeared in the Demon Realm, and they were even more shocked than Ling Tian.

Ling Tian will encounter Lin Yanyan's whole story, and Tianyu Xiandao's plan, and talked to the third daughter.

Qin Mingyue took a deep breath and said: "Huh, I really didn't expect Yan Yan to have such an adventure, but this way, it can be regarded as her great opportunity."

"However, that day Yuxian Island was really a wolf's ambition, such a vicious plan. Now we have eliminated three. Except for Yan Yan, there should be three island owners left on Tianyu Xiandao. Moreover, it is still powerful. The strongest three!" Ji Jiuyou frowned.

"Well, since these three island owners did not appear in the bloodline of the Sifang Demon Race, they fell within the Tianpeng Clan in the middle, and, most likely, they were also in this dragon domain."

Qin Mingyue frowned, suddenly intent to kill in the light of her eyes.

"Jiuyou, what's the matter with your injury?"

"Also, who is that on Bai Yan's back!?"

Ling Tian frowned suddenly, and suddenly realized that Bai Yan looked like a figure lying on his back.

"He was rescued by us on the way here, sister Jiuyou, also because of this injury."

Qin Mingyue stretched out his hand to photograph the figure, Ling Tian glanced at it, and suddenly frowned.


Although this figure was covered in cuts and bruises and was already severely wounded, the dripping blood was pale gold, and the power of the blood was permeated. Ling Tian couldn't be more familiar with this.

This bloodline breath is clearly very similar to him, it is the Dragon Race!

"Well, we saw that he was being chased by a group of black dragons on the way, so we rescued him. Those black dragons are very powerful. I also used a lot of hands and feet to solve it, but the injury was a small one. It's nothing serious."

Ji Jiuyou didn't care.

"It seems that this dragon domain is really not easy."

"Go, let's go back to the cave mansion first."

Ling Tian said, turning around.

However, it was suddenly discovered that Qin Mingyue's three daughters were standing still, and their eyes finally met with Ran Hongfu behind him.

For a time, the scene was a bit awkward.


Inside the cave.

Ling Tian was healing the dragon martial artist on the stone bed.

In the other secret room, Qin Mingyue's three daughters and Ran Hongfu were talking happily.

Ling Tian didn't introduce it, but maybe it was the intuition between women. It only needed a look in the eyes to understand everything.

But what made Ling Tian breathe a sigh of relief was that the women actually got along very well, if not, Ling Tian would really have a big head.

"Hey, where is such a little dragon, the blood is really good, I can't help but want to eat it."

With a flash of light and shadow, Yang Lin manifested from Taoyuan while holding the wine bottle.

"Senior, you can't eat this..."

Ling Tian's expression changed.

"It scared you. I don't eat dragon meat anymore. What are you afraid of? However, the blood of this little guy is really good. Don't you always look for dragon blood to cultivate the dragon blood body? I just look at him. Not bad."

Yang Lin snorted and took a sip of strong wine.

"No, although this dragon bloodline is acceptable, it can't meet my requirements now."

Ling Tian shook his head.


"You, who are you!"

"Crossing into my dragon domain, I'm fighting with you!"

However, the dragon martial artist on the stone bed suddenly woke up, but when he saw Ling Tian and Yang Lin, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then opened his mouth and a golden flame spurted out.

"Hey, you little dragon, you really don't know good or bad, we kindly rescued you, why are you so kind and revengeful!?"

However, Yang Lin didn't move, and even with the flame dragon's breath jet, not even a single strand of hair burned.

The dragon clan was suddenly shocked and realized that the drunk old man in front of him was definitely a terrifying existence.

"It's boring, let's communicate with the younger generation, old man, I went to drink."

Yang Lin curled his lips and hid in Taoyuan.

Ling Tian tried his best to calm the dragon clan, "Friend, you must be afraid, we are good people, and saved you from the black dragon."

"You are not a dragon? Then, why is there a dragon aura on you?"

The dragon martial artist frowned, but was no longer so excited.

"Hehe, this is a long story, but it's not important. You were chased by the black dragon. I think you encountered some danger. Why don't you tell me about it. Maybe we can help."

Ling Tian pressed down the dragon martial artist.

At this time, Qin Mingyue's four daughters also walked out of the secret room.

"Longxuan of the Qinglong clan, thanks to the three girls for their help!"

And the warrior quickly rolled down from the stone bed and bowed to the three women.

"It's okay, it's just a small effort, but I saw you running away in a hurry, but what's the urgent matter?"

Ji Jiuyou frowned and asked.

Sure enough, Long Xuan's expression changed immediately, and he said anxiously: "No! I haven't sent the news back to Dragon Valley. I want to come and kill the dragon!"

"My dear benefactors, I implore you to help my Qinglong clan, otherwise, our Qinglong will be annihilated!"


Suddenly Long Xuan was about to kneel down.

Seeing this, Ling Tian hurriedly helped him up, "Brother Longxuan, don't worry, where is your Dragon Valley, take us first. The whole thing is, we said on the road."

"Good good! Thank you very much!"

Seeing Ling Tian's acceptance, Long Xuan was immediately overjoyed.


Between the deserted ancient mountains in the Dragon Region.

The huge Xiaoqing flew at low altitude, covering the sky and the sun.

On Xiaoqing's back, Long Xuan, the prince of the Qinglong clan, spoke of the change that Longyu was going through.

Now Long Xuan has put on a neat suit and is no longer embarrassed.

It seemed that he was extremely young and handsome, Ling Tian admitted that Long Xuan was almost as handsome as him.

And the cultivation base is also extremely high, on par with Ran Hongfu.

Hearing what he said, this area of ​​dragons is indeed the last place of refuge for the dragons. There are not many dragons left, but after thousands of years of reaction, the number is already extremely impressive.

However, the dragons have life and death, but the gods cannot tolerate the dragons, and even after the dragons die, they cannot enter the reincarnation.

In desperation, the dead dragons were buried in Congji Abyss, but for thousands of years, as more and more dragons died in the abyss, the formation of the town on it finally shattered.

Countless dragon souls that cannot escape reincarnation have been cultivated into the body of evil dragons, sweeping almost the entire dragon domain.

Countless dragon tribes were almost wiped out in five hundred years, and now, the only big tribe that can be counted is the Qinglong tribe of Longxuan.

The power of the evil dragon is so strong that they can only hide deeply and survive.

But half a month ago, Long Xuan's father, the Lord of Azure Dragon, forcibly attacked the realm of Sanxian Great Perfection, but was backlashed and his life was dying. Long Xuan left the tribe alone, looking for the genius and earth treasure to save his father's life.

But the treasure was not found, but it caused him to encounter the holy land in the dragon legend!

"What holy place?"

Ling Tian, ​​who was standing on top of Xiaoqing's head, suddenly turned around and looked at that Long Xuan.

Ji Jiuyou and other women also looked curious.

It can be seen from Long Xuan's expression that the so-called holy land is absolutely extraordinary.


"Actually, that is the biggest secret of my dragon clan, and it is related to the fate of our dragon clan."

Long Xuan bit his lip, his face tangled, obviously, he didn't want to say.

But he was afraid that Ling Tian would change his mind and would not save his tribe.

"Cut, what's the mystery, isn't the Dragon Sacred Land, the so-called Sky Dragon Palace? That is the treasure house of the Dragon Clan. Among them, the Dragon Clan's Xuantian Supreme Treasure Fengtian Bell is in it. Am I right?"

However, Yang Lin, who was sitting by the side listening to the story, suddenly sneered.

"Qingtian Dragon Palace, Fengtian Bell!?"

Ling Tian and the others were surprised when they heard this.

The name of this holy place is extraordinary when you hear it!

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