Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1782: The evil door of the ancient cave

"Ling Tian, ​​in fact, I still want to tell you that if we are in front of Sister Lu then, we'd better not expose our relationship."

Ling Tian hugged each other on the cliff outside the cave for a long time, and finally they separated amid Xiaobai's impatient and anxious meows.

However, after the separation, Zhao Min sorted out his makeup and let the blush on his face fade.

"Huh? Why is this!?"

Ling Tian was puzzled by Zhao Min's cover.

"Can't you tell? Sister Lu privately, but she has already regarded you as her person, no one can touch it."

Zhao Min pursed her lips, the smile on her face disappeared, she was tangled.

"I became her person? Where does this start?"

Ling Tian frowned, and immediately smiled: "She saved my life, so this time I come to the Ancient Cave Mansion, I will try my best to ensure that she gets her chance."

"But I don't belong to her."

Ling Tian still couldn't accept Lu Zhiyao's thoughts.

"That said, I'm just afraid that Sister Lu is really moved."

"You don’t know that my sister Lu and I have been together almost since childhood. When I first entered Shuofang City, she was my first friend. We are in love with sisters. If you didn’t show up, between us, There will never be any barriers."

"But now..."

Zhao Min shook his head and sighed: "No matter what, what you listen to me is, in front of others, try not to expose the relationship between you and me."

"Is it ok!?"

Zhao Min's beautiful and heroic eyebrows suddenly turned into a pitiful look, causing Ling Tian to open his mouth, but he couldn't say anything at all.

Zhao Min and Qin Mingyue are different women. Her so many changes make Ling Tian not even know which one is the real one.

However, whether it was heroic, beautiful or pitiful, Ling Tian could hardly refuse.

"Never mind, just listen to you."

Zhao Min was overjoyed, and the big stone in his heart was finally let go.

Otherwise, if she and Ling Tian appeared in front of Lu Zhiyao holding hands by then, she knew that with Lu Zhiyao's temper, she would definitely break off friendship with her.

Lu Zhiyao's biggest weakness is that he is too extreme and stubborn, or in other words, too possessive.



However, at this moment, Ling Tian's expression suddenly changed.

Now his divine consciousness has returned to the level of the earth immortal. Although it can't cover tens of thousands of miles like in the lower realm, he can still sense the faint aura within thousands of miles around him.

Zhao Min's expression also changed, and he immediately took out the swiftly fixed Qi plate, with a continuous seal in his hand, and then hit the plate.

Sure enough, a few black lines suddenly surged in the fixed aura disk and surrounded them. Although they were still thousands of miles apart, they were really not far away.

"Sure enough, there are people, although they are not an army, but they are not weak."

Zhao Min's face was cold, and immediately said: "It may be that you used the fairy soldiers to kill the snake demon, which attracted the attention of the surrounding experts. It should not be too late. Let's leave here as soon as possible and go to Qingman Mountain!"

"Well, go now."

Ling Tian nodded, naturally he didn't want to stay here any longer, so the two of them removed all the aura and traces inside and outside the cave mansion, and only then did they summon Xiaoqing and head to the sky.

Half a day later, several figures passed by around the mountain peaks here. Although they all sensed that there had been a fight here, they were unable to find valuable clues.

Three days later, using Xiaoqing's top speed, he hurried endlessly until he reached the bottom of the so-called Qingman Mountain.

However, because of Ling Tian’s powerful sensing ability of the immortal cultivation base, or the reason for the existence of a strong fire in his body, when he approached this mountain range, Ling Tian felt a flame that seemed like nothing. I don't know how deep underground, it is surging slowly.

It was as if some flame **** was subdued in the veins, revealing a mysterious and dangerous aura.

Needless to say, Ling Tian only relied on his own sensitivity to feel that there must be a secret environment here.

Could it be that for so many years, the Qingman Snake Clan and other powerful people of various races have not discovered anomalies here, this is a little bit unreasonable!

"Minmin, have you discovered that Qingman Mountain has a strange aura!?"

On Xiao Qing's back, Ling Tian suddenly looked at Zhao Min who was leaning on him and asked.


However, Zhao Min was stunned, and immediately rolled his big eyes, shook his head and said, "What strange breath!?"

Immediately, she was shocked, and she took out the constellation disk and was wearing a jieyin, and then she was picking, "There is nothing, why can't you find anything!?"

"Well, I can feel the underground of Qingman Mountain, as if there is something hidden, like a flame."

Ling Tian nodded, but his heart became more and more confused.

It looks like it really seems that only he can feel the anomaly here?

"Hidden a ball of flame!?"

Hearing that, Zhao Min frowned his beautiful eyebrows tightly, and said: "I really don't want to hide it from you, I discovered this ancient cave mansion on Qingman Mountain together with my sister Lu."

"But to be precise, it's because of a treasure on Sister Lu's body!"

"Baby!?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, he really didn't know about this.

"Yes, that is a jade pendant, shaped like a jade bi, with green fire in it and complicated totem patterns on it."

"Later, I received an ancient map of Xijiang and found that in the ancient times, the landform here was completely different from the present, and the lines on that ancient map were actually the same as those on the pendant in Sister Lu’s hands. Almost exactly the same!"

"After that, we followed the location on the map and the center of the sinker to find the Qingman Mountain. After almost a year of investigation, we finally discovered the entrance to the outer layer of the ancient cave."

"It's just that, outside the entrance at the time, there was a formation to protect it. With the abilities of the two of us, we couldn't get in at all."

"Later, after returning to Shuofang City, I searched through the ancient books of my Zhao family, and finally found that formation, called the Five Elements Bound Flame Great Formation. It was an ancient formation, very strong, and It takes five tyrannical fires with different attributes to open the big array."

"Therefore, we are looking for disciples with super five attributes everywhere, because this ancient cave mansion is not trivial, so we are looking for local warriors in Shuofang City."

"Except for you, as for the others, no one should be able to discover this ancient cave mansion on Qingman Mountain."

Zhao Min thought for a while, and then said with a flash of inspiration: "By the way, I have checked the records about Qingman Mountain."

"It is said that this used to be the Qingman Mine. This kind of mine is very common in the chaotic battlefield, and it is also the main source of ore for the Qingman Snake tribe, but then the Qingman Snake tribe suddenly abandoned this mine. "

"Moreover, I left suddenly!"

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