Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1784: Dongfu Chapter

"Hehe, very good, coincides with what I thought!"

Ling Tian sneered, even if he turned to look at Lu Zhiyao, "Miss San, it's not too late, let's lead the way quickly!"


Lu Zhiyao was about to turn around instinctively, but suddenly remembered, "You are ordering me!?"

However, looking at Ling Tian's straight-eyed look, Lu Zhiyao couldn't happen again.

Had to fly away.

Under the leadership of Lu Zhiyao and Zhao Min, everyone found an extremely hidden gap in the cliff that could only be passed by one person under the mountain stream, and squeezed in through it.

Not to mention, if it weren't for the two women to lead the team, I was afraid that Ling Tian would not want to find such a top secret place in a short time.

The crowd continued down along the gap, and after reaching a depth of a hundred miles, they walked out of the narrow rock gap and reached a fairly wide grotto.

It was pitch black in the grotto, but it could be seen clearly under the background of the soldiers' swords and the radiance of the whole body.

This grotto was formed naturally, but it seems that because of the earthquake, a piece of rock on the wall peeled off, revealing a very complicated and mysterious totem.

Everyone stepped forward and looked at it, and they all felt that the totem was a few years old, and it seemed extremely mysterious, and it should have been left from the ancient times.

However, Ling Tian saw the difference from it.

That is the formation!

On this stone wall, it was part of the formation that was exposed!

Moreover, standing in front of this stone wall, Ling Tian felt the flames underground more clearly.

Even, he seemed to be able to hear the muffled sound of flame explosion!

The sound was suddenly far and near, sometimes it seemed to be in front of the eyes, sometimes it seemed to be under the endless abyss.

I don't know if it is an illusion.

But in short, this is definitely one of the entrances to the so-called ancient cave mansion!


However, when Ling Tian took a closer look at the lines on the cave wall, he suddenly became suspicious in his heart.

Because of these lines, he was even faintly familiar.

But for a while, I can't remember where I have seen it.

It's a formation we've seen! ?

Not like.

Or is it some kind of **** pattern seen in the dojo?

It doesn't look like it.

"what's happenin?"

Zhao Min on the side suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, is this the entrance to the cave mansion? How to break the formation!?"

In fact, Ling Tian’s own 100,000 sword shadows can also break the formation,

But now that everyone was there, and Zhao Min looked confident, Ling Tian didn't want to come out.

"You just do what I said."

Zhao Min looked at Lu Zhiyao, "Sister, borrow your pendant for a use."


Lu Zhiyao soon picked off the jade pendant.

Sure enough, at this moment, a faint gleam of light bloomed on the pendant, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark cave.

Ling Tian frowned, but he was facing the pendant in his heart, and he didn't feel at all. He had never seen this thing before, and he didn't know what it had to do with himself.

Zhao Min took the pendant in his hand, and immediately made a seal with one hand, condensing his spiritual thoughts on his fingertips, and clanging on the mountain wall.


In an instant, the mysterious ancient patterns on the cave wall burst forth with dazzling light, and the energy within it surged, and the formation patterns hovered on the cave wall like a dragon coming alive.

Not only that, above these patterns, there are five colors of brilliance, intertwined with each other, and a burst of heat gushes out from it.

"Golden Tinder, the point is in the gossip hurdle!"

Suddenly, Zhao Min yelled, Gu Chen's expression changed, and before half a breath, he flashed directly in front of him, the fire rose in his hand, condensed in the middle, and clicked on the stone wall with a bang.

In an instant, the golden lines on the stone wall suddenly disappeared.

"Water and fire, gossip stem!"

"Wood fire seed, gossip shock position!"


Zhao Min shouted one after another, Lu Zhiyao and Ling Tian both steadily stepped forward, offering the fire to drop.

It wasn't until the last person stepped back that Zhao Min came out with both palms and patted directly on the cave wall.


In an instant, there was an explosion, and the light of the formation on the cave's rock wall suddenly dissipated.

The stone wall was also shattered in response to the sound except for a dark whirlpool.

The Five Elements Bound Yan, is it really that simple to be opened?


Not only Ling Tian, ​​but other people including Lu Zhiyao and Gu Chen were a little surprised.

After all this, I'm afraid I didn't even have a cup of tea! ?

"Uh, it seems to be opened, I am also a bit weird, it seems to be too smooth..."

Zhao Min pursed her mouth, which also surprised her.

"The easier it is to enter the cave, the smaller the chance of proof that it contains. It seems that we can't find any top-quality spiritual bones this time."

"Hey, I thought that sister, you could find some amazing opportunities, it's really disappointing!"

Zhang Rong said happily.

"Huh, if the chance is too small, you can not enter!"

Lu Zhiyao looked at it coldly, and Zhang Rong gave a vague voice and stopped talking.

"Be careful, everyone, there is weirdness in it!"

However, Ling Tian from behind suddenly yelled forward and shook everyone behind him.


At this moment, from the vortex of the stone wall, a thick black mist suddenly reappeared. Not only that, the entire mountain and the earth shook violently in an instant, as if the sky collapsed.


And a burst of energy, as if being touched, found a vent, breaking through the mountain and soaring into the sky!

An incredibly sharp and scorching breath swept across Qingman Mountain.

The sudden change caused everyone in the cave to be shocked.

But I never thought it would make such a big movement.

"No, this vision is too grand. This place is definitely not an ordinary cave. The strong in the wasteland can be extinct. We have to go first, otherwise someone will come later!"

Ling Tian screamed, pulling up Zhao Min and rushing to the whirlpool.

Zhao Min turned around and didn't forget to pull up Lu Zhiyao. The three of them slammed into the mountain wall and disappeared.

The three Gu Chen were naturally unwilling to fall, and rushed in together.

At this time, outside the gap in the mountain wall, the huge and incomparable Qingman abandoned mine has an endless burst of blue smoke, like a huge pillar that can reach the sky, straight into the sky.

You can see everything within a radius of nearly half a million miles.


The son of the lord of Xiaofeng City, Jiang Yingfeng, has a heavy cultivation base.

When Xiaofeng City was broken, he was under the cover of the masters of the City Lord's Mansion, and went the other way, plundering into the wasteland to hide.

But while he was cultivating in the cave mansion, he was suddenly startled by the loud noise, and he rushed out of the cave mansion, and he saw the sky-reaching smoke pillar close at hand.

"Such a vision, there must be a great treasure **** soldier born!"

"Hahaha, God bless my Jiang family to make a comeback!"

With a big laugh, Jiang Yingfeng turned into a streamer and rushed out.

One of the three sects of Haoran City, the core disciple of Thunder Valley, and Lin Yusheng of the two immortals.

Walking through the wilderness and dense forests, he originally experienced in the Western Xinjiang and was guided by the sect, ready to go to Shuofang City to help the human army defend the city.

But the sky-reaching smoke column in the direction of Qingman Mountain suddenly rose into the sky, which made his heart tremble.

"This is the vision of Zhongbao's present world!"

"Within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, no one is my Lin Yusheng's opponent. This treasure is bound to be mine!"

"Unexpectedly, this trip to Xiaofeng City turned out to be my great opportunity for Lin Yusheng!"

"If I can gain something, I can definitely become the number one arrogant of Thunder Valley!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yusheng, who was covered by a blue thunder armor, was already eager to wait. He took out a ten thousand li teleportation charm, crushed it directly, and disappeared in place.

The first city in Western Xinjiang, Haoran City.

Murong's underground palace in the city lord mansion.

Tianxian Haoran City Lord Murong Zhi suddenly opened his eyes on the stone bed, and immediately he stood up, looking at a map of ancient scores in front of him.

This map seems to be carved on the leather of the fairy beast, and it contains a fascinating light.

It's just that, at this time, there is a scarlet bright spot flashing on this map, which is extremely eye-catching!

"Xianyu immortal soldier! Really the birth of an immortal soldier!"

"Looking at this breath, is it possible that it is the blazing halberd of the five heavenly immortal soldiers in the legend!?"

When Murong Zhi saw the aura on the map, his face changed drastically. Even if Xuan was ecstatic, he screamed, and called Murong Ziyan, the son of the city lord outside the door, the five immortals of the earth, who was known as the first arrogant of Xijiang. Come in.

"Father, what's wrong with you!?"

Murong Ziyan was also startled when he looked at his father's madness.

"My son, your chance has finally arrived!"

"Don't ask so much, you can use the teleportation array in Haoran City to immediately go to Qingman Mountain in the south of Xiaofeng City!"

City Lord Haoran rolled up the fairy leather map and pushed it into Murong Ziyan's hand anxiously.

"What? Let's go now. Isn't my father going to let me lead an army to sweep the alien army in the western borders, so as to win the battle, go to the middle-field holy city, participate in the battle for the rise of the immortal road?"

Murong Ziyan was startled.

"What are you fighting for!? If you can get that day domain immortal soldier, I will let your uncle praise you as the number one arrogant of Heavenly Sacred City, and what are you still fighting for the qualifications to ascend to the immortal road!?"

"What are you waiting for, go!"

Haoran City Lord said anxiously.

"What? Celestial Immortal Soldier!?"

Murong Ziyan's expression also changed drastically when he heard this.

Xuan even stopped staying for a while, turned around and walked out!

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