Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1790: Ancient Medicine Garden

However, when Ling Tian took the warriors and generals guarding the corridors in a lossless uniform, and then controlled them for his own use, the two women could already stuff two eggs with their small mouths open.

When it's over, not only is the formation method, Ling Tian is even a puppet, and he is also quite accomplished!

The warriors were controlled, but within half an hour, Ling Tian urged twenty-eight generals of warriors to march ahead of the three. Everywhere they went, all obstacles were swept away. I was afraid that even the owner of the tomb had never thought about it. Let's live through the scene like today! ?

Lu Zhiyao looked at the back of Tsing Yi, who was walking in a leisurely courtyard, and felt more inferior in his heart.

She has always been very energetic, even if her martial arts talent is really poor, but she is confident that she can get an excellent spirit bone, earth and heaven, she will reach it someday.

But looking at Ling Tian in front of her now made her feel helpless inexplicably.

Perhaps, he was really not good enough for Ling Tian.

But Zhao Min was different. She was originally the Queen of the Immortal, the stronger Ling Tian was, the more joy and pride she felt in her heart.

Soon, after passing through the passage that was nearly a hundred miles long, everyone finally saw the light coming through at the end, and it finally came to an end!

But when the three of them stepped forward, they discovered that it was a thick stone gate that appeared in front of everyone.

Shimen is polished with a kind of crystal stone that looks extremely luxurious, so it looks radiant, not only that, but there are formations flowing on it. Obviously, it is not so easy to want to pass.

"There are also pictures on this stone gate. It seems that there are flowers, flowers, and grasses. After this stone gate, there is no garden!?"

Zhao Min looked at the totem on the stone gate, and said with some doubts.

"Hehe, maybe you can guess more boldly, maybe it's...Yaoyuan!" Ling Tian hugged his shoulders, with a conclusion in his heart.

This ancient tomb was built according to the palace where the owner of the tomb lived before, so the refining pavilion, the alchemy pavilion, the Tibetan scripture pavilion, and even the medicine garden are essential.

"What, Yaoyuan!?"

The two women's eyes brightened when they heard this. If it was a medicine garden, it was really a treasure. Although this tomb has existed for tens of thousands of years, even if there is a little medicinal material, the ingredients are all in it. Over ten thousand years, there may even be orphans, and that value is incalculable.

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly break the formation above and let us in!"

Lu Zhiyao urged it.

"Well, look at Hao Le!"

Ling Tian took a deep breath, surrounded by sword shadows on his palms, bursting with sharp rays of light, even though Xuan was pressed against the gate.


Sure enough, after Ling Tian touched Shimen, Shimen trembled, and even the ground under his feet seemed to be roaring!

Ling Tian didn't expect that breaking such a stone gate formation would cause such a big movement.

It didn't take much time to crack the formation. Ling Tian took away his hand after half a cup of tea, and Shimen slowly opened in response.

At the same time, in the other three directions of the tomb, Jiang Yingfeng, Lin Yusheng, and Murong Ziyan were all looking at the Shimen in front of them, frowning.

Their accomplishments in the formation are not that high, even if they can break the formation in front of them, it is afraid that a lot of time will be wasted.

But when they were at a loss, they found that the Shimen in front of them was shaking. After half a cup of tea, Shimen opened by themselves!

This caused the three of them to be surprised.

However, even though the Shimen automatic opening was a bit weird, when they saw the scene behind the Shimen, they all took a breath.

"Sizzle, the smell of medicine!"

"Sure enough, it's a medicine garden!"

When a gap was opened in the stone gate in front of Ling Tian, ​​a strong herbal fragrance poured out of it.

Ling Tian was a little fascinated by the smell of medicine.

After entering the ancient tomb for so long, I can finally gain something.

"Looking at Yaoxiang, the scale of this medicine garden and its inner spiritual medicine level should be quite high, let's go in and take a look!"

Zhao Min's eyes were shining, and as a businessman, the temptation of treasure to her was still quite big.

"Moreover, there may be spiritual bones in it! Hurry up, Ling Tian!"

Zhao Min pushed behind Ling Tian, ​​and the three of them walked into Shimen with the twenty-eight warriors.

As the three of people stepped into the distance, everyone's vision suddenly opened up, and a dazzling sun shot into the gloomy corridor. After seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was shocked.

Behind the Shimen, there are no bluestone corridors, no formations, no warriors and warriors. Instead, it is a garden like a paradise outside the world. Not only is it blooming like a brocade, but it is also full of green willows, and there are many spiritual grasses. You can't even see the end at a glance.

Behind Shimen is not only a medicine garden, but also a medicine garden with its own space!

Such a scale makes the three of them amazed!

Even Zhao Min's net worth was suppressed.

"Uh, we, it looks like... we got lucky!"

Zhao Min muttered intently.

"It should be, this, it should be able to sell a lot of immortal stones!"

Lu Zhiyao also nodded.

"No, I'm afraid there will be changes!"

However, Ling Tian's shocked face suddenly changed, and he whispered immediately.

But before his voice fell in the medicine garden, the outside air poured in, starting from the feet of the three people, all the prosperous willows in front of them began to wither and rout a little bit.

The speed is getting faster and faster, but in the blink of an eye, the paradise of the world has become a dead and yellow land.

"This... how can this be like this!?"

Zhao Min shook his body and almost fell to his knees.

Looking at everything in front of me, it was as if the fairy stone in Chengshan turned into powder, which made people feel heartache.

"What we have just seen, but they have been transformed from the essence of this medicine garden for tens of thousands of years. In fact, the spiritual veins here have long been unable to support the growth of these spiritual medicines. Perhaps they were long since tens of thousands of years ago. Has withered."

Ling Tian sighed and stepped forward, "However, don't be discouraged. These spirit grass spirit flowers themselves are the most noble fertilizer. It is very possible that there are still strong vitality spirit medicines. No matter how bad they are, you can find some seeds."

Zhao Min and Lu Zhi looked at each other when they heard the rumor, and there was light flashing in their eyes. Then the two women rushed into the medicine garden like a whirlwind, and Ling Tian was taken aback.

And, soon, the two women have gained.

Zhao Min in the distance suddenly gave a soft hey, and his body floated tens of feet away with his footsteps.

"Aventurine Moongrass! It really is a moongrass. I have been searching for this spirit grass for a long time, and I finally saw it today!"

In front of Zhao Min, there was a bunch of light blue spirit grass. Although only a handful of them were hidden under the soil, they shone with crystal light like gems.

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