Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1807: Kowloon Gold


Ling Tian used the Long Yuan sword to lift the heavy coffin floor open, and as expected, he found that the underground was a dark hole, and he did not see the existence of similar stone steps.

Zhao Min's two daughters leaned forward, but they didn't frown when they looked at the dark entrance that looked like a black hole.

"This, how does it look weird, and it seems to be very hot inside, if this goes on, I am afraid it is dangerous!?"

Lu Zhiyao had already put on that armor, a little worried.

"The following is the final secret of this tomb. It is dangerous and reasonable."

"So, you wait up there first, I will go down and see, if there is no danger, I will tell you."

Ling Tian said, mentioning the Dragon Abyss Sword, he was already ready to go down.

"Ling Tian, ​​be careful."

Zhao Min suddenly grabbed Ling Tian's arm and said.

"rest assured."

Ling Tian nodded, took a deep breath, and jumped into the black hole.

Sure enough, as Ling Tian expected, this black hole was vertically downwards, I don’t know how deep it was, and it was constantly spewed out by extremely hot waves of fire. With the depth, it became more and more scorching, that is, Ling Tian’s physical body was tyrannical. Change to Zhao Min and Lu Zhiyao, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Ling Tian's figure fell, letting the heat wave hit, Tsing Yi hunting, white hair rushing to the sky, his eyes were calm in the dark passage.

After falling for a while, not knowing how many feet, Ling Tian's eyes flickered, and then vaguely saw the cyan light surging below, it should be the end.

Finally bottomed out, outside Ling Tian, ​​the red light of the candle dragon's overlord body lit up, frantically resisting the heat wave that could almost melt the fairy artifact, the falling speed suddenly slowed down, the body was as light as a leaf, and it slowly fell to the stillness. ground.

At the bottom of the black hole was a grotto that looked extremely wide. Ling Tian's eyes were covered with candle dragon true flames, dispelling the surrounding fire waves. Only then did he discover that there was a pool of blue spring water under his feet.

The spring water looked extremely viscous, and under such scorching heat, it was not even cleaned by the formation.

Looking up along the pond, Ling Tian found that there were still drops of dew falling from the cave.

The vast pool of water in front of me was formed by the falling water.

Being able to reach the scale of the square in front of me, God knows how many tens of thousands of years it took to form.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand and took the falling dew in his hands, but he suddenly discovered that the falling water itself was extremely cold. I think it is precisely because of this that he can resist the scorching high temperature in the cave! ?

Although he didn't know what the dew was, Ling Tian discovered that the dew contained an extremely strong aura of immortality, which was tens of thousands of times stronger than the elixir of that place!

This thing is absolutely extraordinary, it must be the treasure of the day!

However, Ling Tian's concern is naturally not this dew.

Instead, fire!

Such a terrifying heat wave filled the cave, so what was the initiator! ?

Ling Tian, ​​who was bathed in the true flames of the candle dragon, suddenly turned around. The next moment, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his pupils contracted violently!

In the grotto, Ling Tian looked at the object in front of him and took a deep breath, before reluctantly suppressing the shock in his heart, his eyes became more shocked.

Because at this moment, in the middle of this cave, there is a group of vigorously burning flames!

The flame was green and red, and it was burning fiercely at this time.

The flame is big enough to have a radius of one hundred feet!

Moreover, this kind of fire has forty-eight layers!

Its shape is exactly the same as the mural that Ling Tian saw on the door of the coffin chamber above!

It turned out that what was turned on this stone gate was the kind of fire in front of me.

This green and red fire seed seemed to be in the cracks of the stone, and most of the entire cave was densely packed, like a spider web-like vein of fire.

Ling Tian frowned and thought about it, this kind of fire, he had seen it on the Ten Thousand Fire Ranking, and his name was Qing Xun Yang Yan!

Forty-eight levels of fire, it has already been considered the best in the wounded ground grade fairy fire.

Although not as good as Murong Ziyan's eighty-one immortal fire, it was also stronger than the candle dragon's true flame in Ling Tian's body.

After Jian Ying couldn't evolve more than thirty-six levels of fire, Ling Tian no longer despised fire.

In any case, the forty-eight layers of fire in front of you are absolutely treasures!

"Huh? No, there is something in the fire!"

However, Ling Tian's gaze slowly passed through the forty-eight layers of blue-red flames, but he suddenly discovered that there was something else in it!

"It's a coffin!"

Suddenly, Ling Tian exclaimed.

The thing in the middle of the fire became clearer, and it was a huge coffin with a size of several tens of meters, the whole body was blue and black, and it was densely covered with some mysterious texture!

Not only that, on the coffin, there are nine dragons surrounding it, carrying the coffin slowly turning over in the fire, like a living thing!

Although these nine dragons were carved, they looked like the heavens and the earth were created on their own. They were tightly wound on the coffin, and it seemed that they were sealed here!

From a distance, this huge blue and black coffin is simple, simple and majestic. It is suspended in the flame as simple as that, but it has its own suffocating aura emanating from above. It is vertical and domineering, and it wants to penetrate the surface!

"Who is it that can have such a tyrannical method to create such a terrifying coffin, and also put it on top of such a fire!?"

Ling Tian was astonished, and he was overwhelmed.

The scene above the mural appeared so real, so how could Ling Tian calm down! ?

Ling Tian gradually approached Tinder, and the totem on the coffin became clearer, and in the end, there were even words appearing in it.


It's the word Qingxiao again!

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

Could it be that this is really the tomb of Emperor Qingxiao?

In front of him is the coffin of Emperor Qingxiao! ?


However, Ling Tian still shook his head fiercely.

Even though the word Qingxiao appeared twice in Lianxu here, Ling Tian couldn't accept the fact that this was the coffin of the Great Emperor Qingxiao anyway.

Although Qingxiao is not recorded in various ancient books today.

But no matter how you say it, at least it is also the fighting power of Emperor Wu! ?

Such large tombs and coffins, even if they are a bit peculiar, are still far from enough.

"Don't look at it, this is one of Qingxiao Great Emperor's suspicious graves!"

However, at this moment, a large green and black cauldron appeared on Ling Tian's head.

A slightly lonely voice rang out from it.

"Senior Qing Xu? Are you awake!?"

The sudden appearance of Qing Xuding made Ling Tian startled.

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