Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1826: Murong Zining

However, the face of this woman is extremely cold and tall, although she looks charming, but her body seems to be naturally noble, and it seems that there is a basin of cold water pouring down in people's hearts.

The woman also straddled a mount, but although the mount looked like the Scarlet Eagle clan, it was different from the others in that the fire-red fairy flames rose from the monster beast's body, and the head was more similar to the dragon clan. , Above his head, there was a fiery red feather, like a crown.

"The noble species of the Red Eagle clan, the Red Flame Dragon Eagle, this female identity must be extraordinary!"

Zhao Min frowned as he watched the approaching team.

"Well, it must be."

Ling Tian nodded.

Obviously, these whole elite teams are headed by this woman, and the latter's cultivation base is even higher than that of the young generals headed by him, reaching the mid-term stage of the Earth Immortal Triple Layer.

In this Haoran City, it should be considered a very powerful arrogant.


However, this group of soldiers went wild and fell directly from the sky, knocking many warriors' mounts or immortal treasures into the sky, and many warriors had been seriously injured.

But for this, the soldiers and guards who patrolled back and forth turned a blind eye.

Until these soldiers fell to the ground, they still rushed towards the city gate without any intention to stop.

"Sister, be careful!"

In the crowd, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

A young girl was standing in the middle of the crowd. Although she was dressed plainly, her face was face to the sky and she was full of flawless youth.

However, the girl did not respond to the cavalry torrent behind, and she seemed to have some hearing problems.

Behind her, a warrior who was somewhat similar to her had been knocked into flight, but in the midair, he still did not forget to exclaim.

The girl seemed to be just a half-step immortal. In front of this mount torrent, what was fragile was like a white orchid, instantly swallowed, and died in front of this city gate.

Everything happened too fast, when the girl finally felt the cavalry behind her, it was already very close.


Under the city gate, Ling Tian snorted and summoned Xiaoqing, which turned into a black and black light, tearing the space apart, roaring with a grin, and rushing toward the torrent.

And Zhao Min behind him wanted to stop, but it was too late.


Xiaoqing felt the anger in Ling Tian's heart, and he roared, shaking dozens of miles around the city gate.

It rose up with billowing smoke and dust, and exploded with indomitable momentum, reaching the extreme speed.

And forced by Xiaoqing's aura, the young general at the forefront of the mount torrent also screamed in anger, and strangled the mount under him.

If not, the two mounts will inevitably collide directly with each other.

After getting up, the hundreds of knights all slowed down.

Ling Tian let out a cold snort on Xiao Qing's back, and the latter flicked his tail on the mount, which instantly reduced the speed, and then Ling Tian stretched out his big hand and took the girl onto the mount.

"Presumptuously, dare to stop Miss Murong's guard, you are not going to die!"

However, when the cavalry reacted, the young general at the head would sip towards Ling Tian, ​​and that posture was about to rush to kill.

"Zhao Tai!"

"Fine, it's just some passers-by, my dad is still waiting for me to return home quickly!"

However, the female general surrounded by the cavalry waved her hand and stopped everyone.

However, it never squints.

"But Miss Murong, this fellow..."

The young general named Zhao Tai was unwilling.

"Haha, did your dad let you be my escort, wronged you?"

"What I said is a military order!"

The woman's voice was like a knife, as sharp as the one between her crotch.

"Zhao Tai dare not!"


Then Zhao Tai took a hard breath, but still gave Ling Tian a fierce look, then strangled his mount, preparing to leave with the cavalry.


However, what surprised the cavalry and everyone around him was that Ling Tian was at the sound of the mount and gave a soft drink.

What is this guy doing! ?

Can't it be seen that this cavalry team is the guard of the city lord's mansion! ?

Originally, the woman was no longer held accountable.

This guy, still want to make trouble?

The woman who had passed Ling Tian stopped her mount again, she turned her head slightly to the side, and did not speak.

"If you hit someone, just want to leave like this?"

Ling Tian helped the young girl off the mount, and the long sleeves of Tsing Yi moved into the wind.

"What do you mean!?"

Then Zhao Tai was caught on fire, when he turned around.

"Apologize and compensate."

Ling Tian pointed to the warriors lying on the ground groaning behind him.


Unexpectedly, after Zhao Tai was stunned for a moment, he suddenly laughed without anger, and the cavalry around him also burst into laughter.

It's like hearing a joke.

"Boy, what kind of thing are you!"

"Let Miss Murong apologize? You don't pee and take pictures of yourself!"

"And those people! It's just a group of pigs and dogs without eyes. They didn't kill them. It's the little master, Zhao Tai, kind!"

"Miss Murong is here today, I, Zhao Tai, don't kill anyone!"

Then Zhao Tai pointed to Ling Tian, ​​turned around and left.


However, Ling Tian made a stern cry behind him, and the volume was louder than before.

It's more like scolding and ordering.

The so-called Miss Murong also turned her face slightly, Yu Guang looked at Ling Tian.

Immediately, Dai Brow moved slightly.

"Ma De..."

However, Zhao Tai seemed unbearable. He cursed in a low voice, twitched the corners of his mouth, and turned around to kill him.

Now Ling Tian looked like it was only the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal Second Layer, and it turned out to be impossible! ?

"Zhao Tai!"

However, Miss Na Murong still screamed, causing Zhao Tai to stand there with wide-eyed eyes.

"Haha, apologize!?"

"I, Murong Zining, have never told others to be humble."

"Even if it's what I said, they can't afford it."

"Do you want them to die!?"

Miss Na Murong is still just turning sideways, but the bright red corners of her lips are chilling.

"Miss Murong's forgiveness, we have no eyes!"

"Yes, we don't need to apologize!"

"We are not in serious trouble, boy, don't hurt us!"

But when Miss Murong's voice fell, the injured warriors behind Ling Tian all stood up with grinning teeth, but instead pointed their spears at Ling Tian.

"No, you saw it too."

Miss Na Murong shrugged, and immediately the lingering light fell on Xiao Qing behind Ling Tian.

"The mount is good, you can give me a price."

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