Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1860: Shengyan opens Lingtian's stall【large

The rank of the Five Elements Longyuan Sword is now between the 5th and 6th ranks of the Earth Immortal, and perhaps it is completely enough to deal with the ordinary Tianjiao.

But in the face of those chief immortals, there is still a big gap.

At the very least, that Lan Yunche's Yunlan Immortal Sword, according to legend, is the existence of the eighth rank of Earth Immortal!

Even if the Five Elements Longyuan Sword is in Ling Tian's hands, it will never be detrimental, but now, it will definitely not be the opponent of that Yunlan Immortal Sword.

Therefore, Ling Tian used the second Crimson Fire Thorns gem to inscribe a medium-grade prestigious inscription.

The effect of this inscription pattern is of course to increase the power of the immortal technique, but compared to the same inscription of the lower grade, the increase is stronger.

Ling Tian finally used the last Crimson Fire Thorns gem on the unicorn arm armor.

The grade of this armband is unknown.

Even Ling Tian felt that the unicorn coercion within it was more powerful than Xiao Lei, but it hadn't been fully aroused yet.

In the last inscription, Ling Tian still painted a mid-level prestigious inscription pattern, so that when Ling Tian held the sword, the two prestige in his hand could make the power of the Long Yuan sword skyrocket again.

Finally, the three inscriptions are connected to form wings of fire.

After reaching the middle rank, the wings of fire can obtain special formation blessings.

Ling Tian’s Fire Wings are just sophisticated enough. The special formation activated is called Yuren. As the name suggests, it can form a light shield in front of him when facing the enemy, and the defense skyrocketed in a short period of time.

It can be regarded as an extra life-saving means.

It is said that the blessed things outside the body such as Xianbao and Fuzhuan are not allowed to be used on the banquet of Tianjiao. Everything depends on yourself.

After all the equipment was inscribed, Ling Tian brought the equipment of Zhao Min and others. All the inscriptions were engraved with blue breeze dazzling gems. Although the formations were all inferior, Ling Tian’s inscriptions were extremely accurate, and the bonuses were not those. The ordinary wings of the wind can be compared.


"The wind is blowing up!"

The last day of Tianjiao's feast.

Ling Tian broke through the barrier, holding the five-colored Dragon Abyss sword in his hand, flying above the sky.

With a sword out, under the blessing of Overlord Swordsmanship, Ling Tian's sword was sharp and directly tore through the space.

The long sword does not have any complicated moves, and it is flat with one sword.

The wind blows and the clouds fall.

The dense kendo wind blade swept out, and directly strangled the mountain in front of him that was comparable to the fairy realm into countless rubble.

This is one of the first three ultimate moves of the Tianji Sixiang Sword Art!

Tianji's four elephants, now Ling Tian knows, only the first three elephants are wind, fire, and thunder.

Wind is an introductory sword elephant.

For triple.

The first is the violent wind.

The second one, the sun and the moon are overwhelming.

Third, the storm is flat.

Ling Tian used the shortest possible time to refine the first refining, but even so, it was more tyrannical than the five swords of the Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship.


Above the high mountain, watching the billowing smoke and rocks, Ling Tian directly raised his hand.

Between the palm of his hand, there was thunder surging.

In an instant, he pulled away from Xian Yuan, condensed into a magnificent thunder palm, and snapped it.

The mountains shook wildly, the first stage of Jun Lei's palm, the thunder palm was to be condensed into azure blue, and the last five stages, it could be condensed into a ten thousand knots of golden thunder and weave the palms down, destroying the world!

With little success in swordsmanship and palm skills, Ling Tian nodded in satisfaction and walked out of Taoyuan.

On Yuan Festival.

As a traditional festival of the human race, this day is already very lively.

Today, this Shangyuan Festival is again because of the Tianjiao feast, and it is also an occasion. People from all over the West Xinjiang are also constantly coming to Haoran City to join the feast.

It is said that this time Tianjiao feast has great figures from the Central Region who are coming, so this time it is almost the entire Xijiang Tianjiao, who can come, and can witness the collision of the top figures of the celestial level in Haoran City, and it is also all the martial artists. , The most anticipated.

This day finally arrived, the whole city was shaken, and the alleys were empty.

On the Sifang streets of Haoran City, countless warriors rushed in the same direction. In order to hold this Tianjiao feast, the city lord Murong Zhi set up the place of the feast at the intersection of Haoran City and the three great immortals, Jiugong. mountain!

On the Jiugong Mountain, there is a large hall covering an extremely wide area, and an ancient battle platform with a radius of one hundred li, capable of accommodating tens of thousands of warriors.

It will only be opened when the grand martial arts contest has always been held.

Outside the city of Haoran, the night was beginning, and everyone in Ling Tian stood on Xiaoqing's back, walking through the middle.

They looked at the surrounding scenes, front, back, left, and right, all martial artists walking in the sky, in the dark night, it seemed like thousands of meteors, and the more people went towards Jiugong Mountain, the more people there would be.

The mighty crowd actually seemed to be holding a general trend and heading in that direction.

"Here, you see, that is Jiugong Mountain. There are a total of nine palace ruins from the ancient times. Now only one remains. There is the place where the giant Tianjiao feasted. It seems that the Tianjiao of all forces, all Almost there already."

Chi Sanqi looked forward and said, all the figures in the void descended, and then landed on the ground and walked forward.

At this time, the four major forces of Haoran City, the City Lord’s Mansion, Fuyun Sword Sect, Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion, have all arrived. They are seated in the four areas of the Jiugongshan Hall, and the strong from each side occupy one side, separated from each other. The distance is very large. Between them, there is a two-and-a-half-moon formation battle platform, which reflects the ancient meaning, and there is a war drum on it, simple and solemn.

The hall and the surrounding area of ​​Zhantian are all dotted with red and gorgeous ancient lamps, and in the midst of the hustle and bustle, they are particularly furious.

Countless streams of light landed on Jiugong Mountain, but most of them can only fall around the hall and battle platform. Those who can enter the hall are the genius children of the major forces.

However, Ling Tian stood on Xiao Qing's back and looked down, only to find that in the square in front of the main hall, a forging platform and Dan platform had been erected.

After that, there were even the Tianjiao disciples in Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion, and they refined pill weapons afterwards.

For this Tianjiao feast.

The three great immortals had a lot of preparations.

Before the grand feast officially began, Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion had already let Tianjiao under the door show their Pill Pill accomplishments in front of the main hall.

After all, their advantages in this area are not possessed by other forces.

This made Fuyun Sword Sect, who was not very tyrannical above the Qi Dan, suffered a dumb loss. Before the feast began, the limelight was robbed.

"Hehe, just right, you are waiting!"

Ling Tian smiled slightly, and fell directly from the air towards the square.

In the main hall, the powerhouses of the four major forces in Haoran City occupy four directions, but in the middle direction, there are a few large chairs, which are the main positions.

At this time, above the theme, several figures were already seated.

Among them, there is the old man of the fairy envoy from the Central Region Holy City who was banned by Murong Zhi before.

And the arrogant Zhang Jianling stood behind him that day.

At this time, the old man's expression was not very good, because the same as the master, there was also a big chair, on which was also seated a strong man who was enveloped in the rich fairy light.

Similarly, there are two three-layer fairy lights, and they are undoubtedly the three powers of heavenly immortals.

Not only that, from the dim fairy light, one could surprisingly find that this is an extremely enchanting figure of the triple powerhouse of the heavenly immortal, who turned out to be a woman!

Behind this woman, Lin Tianxiao stood there respectfully.

This woman is the messenger sent by the Central Ascension Alliance, Shen Chenyu.

His talent is extremely outstanding, and he even possesses a Taoist body, and his status is extremely high in the Ascension Alliance.

When Lin Tianxiao learned that the person who came was Shen Chenyu, he was also shocked.

Not only that, behind Shen Chenyu, there are also a group of guards standing, without exception, they are all gods.

Its aura is no difference or even stronger than the battle of the holy city fairy envoy.

"People haven't arrived yet?"

On the big chair, Shen Chenyu suddenly asked. ‘The tone is cold and impatient.

"It should be soon." Lin Tianxiao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This time, the future fell on Ling Tian's body.

Although this Shen Chenyu is respected in the status of the Ascension Alliance, his temper is also known for his indifference and cruel temperament in the Alliance.

And this time, Shen Chenyu came from Haoran City with anger. If she can't satisfy her at today's Tianjiao feast, let alone transfer to the Central Region, whether she can keep her position in Haoran City is all about two things!

Moreover, now that Ling Tian hasn't arrived yet, what are you doing! ?

"Lin Tianxiao, I told you before I came here, if you mess up, I will definitely make you look good!"

Shen Chenyu spoke coldly.

Lin Tianxiao's forehead was in cold sweat. Of course he knew that Shen Chenyu, who was hailed as the number one fairy in the league, had a lot of tricks. If things went wrong, he would definitely not be able to walk around.

"I hope Ling Tian won't let me down."

Lin Tianxiao prayed in his heart. He was very accurate in seeing people. Ling Tian had a special temperament on his body.

This is something he has never seen in so many years.


"Elder Shen, they are here!"

Suddenly, Lin Tian smiled and raised his eyebrows.

I saw an extremely hideous mount falling in the sky outside the hall.

Its ferocious aura is not even under the top red eagle of the city lord's mansion.

As soon as it fell, it attracted countless lights to pass by.

However, Lin Tianxiao suddenly frowned upon those Ling Tian people.

Because they didn't even enter the temple directly.

And that Ling Tian went directly to the middle of Thunder Valley and Aoxue Pavilion's disciples, sat down with his hips, and immediately spread a large sheepskin, and placed a square wooden box on it.

What the **** is this! ?

"Lin Tianxiao? This is the Tianjiao you found for me? What is he doing if he doesn't come to see me!?"

Shen Chenyu frowned and said coldly.

"Elder, I see this guy, why does it seem to be setting up a stall!?"

Behind Shen Chenyu, there was a strong heavenly immortal.

"What? Set up a stall?"

"Is it possible that he came to sell things at this arrogant feast!?'

"Play for me in the Ascension Alliance. He does it like this, what kind of style he is!"

Shen Chenyu scolded, furious.

However, when she saw Ling Tian opened the wooden boxes one by one, she suddenly said softly.

"Huh? The weapons and pill that have just been released, so exquisite pill accomplishments!"

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