Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1886: Lin Tian begged with a smile

Shen Chenyu seemed to be very anxious. After explaining some things, he left with brother and sister Ouyang.

Although Ouyang Yoona was very reluctant to give up Ling Tian, ​​Zhao Min and the others, Ling Tian was so relieved in every possible way, and finally left with tears.

Ling Tian also knew that Ouyang Yuner followed Shen Chenyu to the soaring alliance that was the most correct.

Saint of the Alliance.

Perhaps, as Shen Chenyu said, Ouyang Yoona's achievements will be ten times and a hundred times greater than his own!

Shen Chenyu left Tianyi Auction House, Ling Tian naturally had no reason to stay here, so Zhao Min packed up and prepared to return to Rushanzhai.

However, before Ling Tian went out, Lin Tian smiled and walked in with a blushing smile.


Smiling Ling Tian's scalp was numb.

In that way, it's like getting old and good. ’

Lin Tianxiao never said that when he came up, he gave Ling Tian a bear hug.

"Senior, if you have something to say, you can hug and hug you, so how decent you are."

Ling Tian pushed away that Lin Tian smiled.

"Hehe, brother Ling Tian, ​​don't call me senior, this, I Lin Tianxiao, I really can't afford it!"

Lin Tian smiled straight, and touched the beard on his chin.

Under the banquet of Tianjiao a month ago, Ling Tian sacrificed the quasi-dao body and cut down the quasi-sage son Zhang Jianling, making Lin Tian laugh in awe.


Although he is the Ninth Layer of the Earth Immortal, he has been ascending to the Immortal Spirit Realm for a hundred years.

The speed is far incomparable to Ling Tian.

Now that Ling Tian Zhun Dao body is in his body, it is almost certain that as long as he does not die, he can definitely advance to become a celestial immortal within ten years.

His future achievements are beyond comparison with Lin Tianxiao.

Moreover, Ling Tian is also proficient in the way of pill Taoism, Taoism, and even the art of stone appraisal. He is almost full of talent, so in Lin Tianxiao's eyes, Ling Tian's dignity has surpassed him.

"Haha, all right, after that, I will salivate my face and call you brother."

Ling Tian laughed blankly.

"Haha, so good."

"By the way, where are you going to go?"

Ling Tian shrugged, "I'm almost healed, and I can't rely on you. I'm ready to go to the Eastern Territory, and this Western Xinjiang doesn't mean much."

Tianjiao has been swept away, and there is no need to continue to stay.

"That's right, like you, Tianjiao, only Zhongyu is your stage."

Lin Tian smiled with a clear look, then pulled Ling Tian aside and said in a low voice, "However, before you leave, can you do me a favor?"

"Hehe, what are you busy? Brother, let's hear it."

Ling Tian smiled.

Sure enough, this Lin Tianxiao was doing nothing but going to the Palace of Three Treasures.

"Actually, there is nothing else, of course it is the Jianshi."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Jianshi? Is it still the blood mine?"

The blood mine that Ling Tian identified before still made Ling Tian's memory still fresh.

Lin Tianxiao looked around and whispered: "Yes, it's still a blood mine."

"My brother doesn't know anything. The three stones you found last time have now been completely cut. They are all heavenly treasures!"

"Every piece is of great value. Even without this Tianjiao feast, I can still use the treasure I got from this time to be transferred to the Central Territory!"

Lin Tianxiao said this, already very excited.

Last time Ling Tian helped him choose three blood ore rough stones to stay.

At that time, Lin Tianxiao and Zhang Xing untied a piece.

It is directly a Heavenly Grade Ancient Pill.

Half a month ago, Zhang Xing left Xijiang and was already transferred to the Central Region.

Lin Tianxiao only remembered now, and untied the remaining two lumps of blood.

What made Lin Tianxiao never expected was.

Both of these blood mines have also produced something.

A piece of heavenly grade immortal material ore, and a drop of blood of the heavenly immortal monster beast, there are a dozen drops!

Its value is not inferior to that top grade ancient Dan!

Lin Tianxiao has ascended to the fairy world for a hundred years, but he has never seen so many treasures out of the blood ore at one time.

"Oh? Is it possible, brother still has blood ore?"

Ling Tian frowned.

In his thoughts, the remaining blood ore in the auction house should have been sold to the three great immortals and the city lord's mansion.

"of course!"

Lin Tianxiao said mysteriously and carefully: "I have been running Tianyi Auction House for hundreds of years in the Haoran City of Xijiang, and I still have some wealth."

"Including this blood ore."

"This time, I will leave Xijiang too. After arriving in the Central Region, I will have to deal with it in many places. Therefore, I plan to sell all the remaining blood ore after you identify it!"

Lin Tianxiao rubbed his hands.

"Brother, I helped you identify the blood ore before, did you tell me?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Of course not. Don't worry, that is Shen Chenyu, I didn't say anything."

Lin Tian laughed and patted his chest.

He was also afraid that after speaking out, Shen Chenyu directly took Ling Tian away.

"That line, blood ore, I can show you, but one yard is one yard, and I want to pay."

Ling Tian nodded.

Now, the Dragon Abyss Sword and the Sky Cudgel are nearly scrapped.

Ling Tian needs to be recast.

But recasting requires materials.

Although he had a piece of fairy material with the attributes of Heavenly Wind in his hand, it was not appropriate.

Gambling on rocks is undoubtedly the fastest and cheapest shortcut.

"That's okay!"

"As long as you agree, my brother, I can let you choose three blood ore!"


Lin Tianxiao slapped her chest fiercely, exclaiming.



Thus, Ling Tian was received by Lin Tianxiao in his exclusive cave.

Looking at the large and small blood-colored ore in the cave, Ling Tian couldn't help but be speechless.

Lin Tianxiao hasn't been less greedy for ink for a hundred years.

There are thousands of blood ore inside!

Fortunately, the size and fineness are far from those in the underground secret rooms of the previous auction house, otherwise Ling Tian would really not be able to do it.

"Oh by the way, brother, do you still remember the waste rocks that I took away in your bank before!?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Oh? Those broken stones, of course I remember, they were brought by a walking merchant from Central Territory. You spent tens of millions of immortal stones on his sky-scarred grass roots. Now you have left Xijiang."

Lin Tian laughed indifferently.

"What? Go away?"

Ling Tian was a little disappointed, "Then do you know where his ore comes from, or do you know the identity of that person?"

He still doesn't give up.

A dozen rings and the incomplete part of Jun Lei's palm technique were opened out of those waste rocks before, Ling Tian didn't give up.

That vein is definitely a treasure.

"Identity, this is in the auction house, there are rules, and he hides it very well, I don't know it, but I know a little bit about where the ore comes from."

Lin Tian smiled and slapped his forehead, and took out a jade slip.

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