Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1897: Three beauties

"Fine, let him go."

Zhao Min shook his head.

"Hmph, I won't listen to him. I can't live in this Rising Sun Tower. I'm going to Dragon Tiger Academy."

Murong snorted coldly. She knew that the fairy grass of the Zuo family was a famous beauty. Although there are some rumors with that Bai Yu now, who can guarantee that it will not be loosened by Ling Tian?

The first three on the Nanhua City Qufang list, now Ling Tian just entered the city, he met the talented woman Shangguan Rongyin ranked third.

It is very likely that you will see Zuo Xianzhi, the second-ranked Xiancao.

When he passed the examination, he would meet the thorny rose from Jinghong Academy.

The more Murong Zining thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart.

In fact, she very much hoped that Ling Tian could become a saint son, but she was afraid that he would become a saint son, and she was unwilling to marry herself.

She knew that if Ling Tian stopped being low-key, no woman could resist that charm.

But she just refused to say a soft word.

With a grunt, everyone squeezed away and left.

"Haha, great, it seems that this flattery way, you can't write poetry, it's really not good!"

"Fine, this guy can be considered as completely ascended to the Zuojia Road. Miss Su, let's go back to practice, we are different from them, but we have to be upright and enter the Jinghong Academy with the talent of kendo."

Cao Changqing chuckled when the scene fell silent.

How amazing it is to not mention Ling Tiancai's poem just now.


Su Su nodded, looked at the thick heavy sword box behind Yuan Meng and the thin sword in Chi Sanqi's hand, and suddenly smiled: "See you are also sword repairers?"

"Don't you also want to participate in the assessment of Jinghong Academy, right?"

"I advise you not to waste time, the cultivation base of the Seventh Layer of Earth Immortal is too weak."

"Hmph, take care of them, they are weaker than Ling Tian." Cao Changqing sneered, and went upstairs with Su Su.

"Don't pay attention to them. By then, even if you fail to pass the exam, Ling Tian will find a way to get you into Jinghong Academy."

Zhao Min pursed his lips.

"We will be admitted!"

Chi Sanqi said lightly, but the sword intent on his body seemed to be faith.


Yuan Meng snorted and left.

At this time, there were still three months before the assessment of Na Jinghong Academy.

If they can enter the Eighth Layer of Earth Immortal, then they are more than 70% sure to enter Jinghong Academy.

Zhao Min held the recommendation letter from Shen Chenyu in his hand, did not speak, and silently followed.

Ling Tian had instructed, don't talk about the recommendation letter.

Therefore, even Murong Zining didn't know that Ling Tian could directly enter Jinghong Academy even if he did not participate in the assessment.


"The General's Mansion."

Ling Tian was pulled all the way by Zuo Xiao to the city lord's mansion south of the city.

However, looking at the plaque above the palace gate, Ling Tian frowned.

How did this City Lord's Mansion hang a plaque of the General's Mansion?

It seems that in the chaotic battlefield, there is no general position.

Under normal circumstances, the City Lord's Mansion is like a prince in a separate regime, and its subordinates are the generals.

"Hehe, don't be curious about this, this plaque was uploaded by our Zuo Jiazu."

Zuo Xiao explained to Ling Tian: "My Zuo family used to be the generals of the immortal country within the territories of the human race in the seven immortal states. Later, the Chinese turmoil, the imperial palace collapsed, and many human races wandered around. Our Zuo family was hunted down. This chaotic battlefield."

"But my ancestors from the Zuo family have never forgotten the training, and I am inspired to return to the Seven Great Immortals!"

"But every time on Shengxian Road, our Zuo family's Tianjiao failed. I hope my sister and I can go out this time."

Having said this, Zuo Xiao's immature face suddenly raised a very firm expression.

"Hehe, it will."

Ling Tian touched Zuo Xiao's head and entered Zuo's house with him.

When he was outside before, Ling Tian knew that most of the Zuo family was a barracks, and the place where the entire family lived was in a small area to the north.

But not as good as it, Ling Tian also saw the pavilions, towers and pavilions, and the green mountains and clear waters.

Obviously Zuo Jia Jingxin designed it.

But perhaps because it was too close to Daying, the entire Zuo family was shrouded in suffocation. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it still lost its original taste, but it seemed a bit nondescript.

"Young Master, you are back, the gentleman of the building is here, and I have been waiting in the back garden for a long time!"

As soon as Zuo Xiao and Ling Tian arrived at the back house of Zuo's house, a little girl who was about the same size as Zuo Xiao greeted him. The anxious look on their faces made them cry.

It looks like Zuo Xiao's personal servant girl.

"Hey, didn't I come back? Don't cry Angelica, I'll go over immediately."

Zuo Xiao comforted the little girl, and the three of them rushed towards the so-called back garden.

"Master, who is he? He looks so good?"

The little girl suddenly asked with red eyes.

Ling Tian with silver hair is really attractive.

Although she felt that only his young master was the most handsome in the world, er, she thought so before seeing Ling Tian.

This young man, it seems, is even more beautiful than the legendary Bai Yu who just came here!

"Oh, Ling Tian, ​​I found him to accompany him to read!"

Zuo Xiao gave a hey smile, took out the sunglasses in his arms like a baby, put it on, "Look, girl, is your master handsome?"

"Handsome! So handsome!"

The little girl's eyes suddenly became red, and Ling Tian on the side could not help shaking his head in secret.

These two children are really high-quality but a little cute.

However, the little girl frowned immediately, "But don't you know, Master, this time it is the gentleman from the fifth floor, who can only teach ten students at a time."

"If the young master wants to accompany you, the space is not enough!"

"I know, but I didn't tell me before. Counting my elder sister, there are nine people in total. The difference is one person, just to let Ling Tian go up."

Zuo Xiao didn't care.

"It turned out to be nine, but just as you came, the eldest lady came back, and he came with him, and Bai Yu, the first freshman in the Egret Academy this time!"

"Master and Madam, also agreed to Bai Yu's request to attend the class together, and occupied the tenth position!"

Could it be that little girl.


"Bai Yu grabbed the position? Why is he?"

When Zuo Xiao heard this, his face suddenly changed.

"No way, you don't know the relationship between the young lady and Bai Yu, it's spread out... it's said that the young lady won't marry him!"

The little girl stuck her tongue out.


"Although my sister likes piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, she is definitely not the kind of self-deprecating person. The legends outside are not out of date. Bai Yu let people let go and raise her fortune!"


"I'm so annoyed!"

Ling Tian scratched his brows, "Well, Young Master Zuo, otherwise I won't go there. Anyway, I'm not interested in attending the class."

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