Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1907: The violinist Zuo Zongren came to the door

"Liu Yao is right. As far as I know, Emperor Yuxu Wu also visited the Zhonglou several times, but at that time, the owner of the Zhonglou did not exist. The pavilion who received him was the pavilion owner of the Tianlou.

"The master also said that only those who have broken the limit of Emperor Wu can enter the first floor."

"Back then, when the various imperial palaces were looking for the tomb of Emperor Qingxiao, they also made the idea of ​​Chonglou. After all, Chonglou is really too mysterious. Maybe there is a secret about that great emperor."

"But the great Wudi were not united, and coupled with the extremely powerful combat power of the Dengtianlou master at that time, they did not succeed."

"But the pavilion master who climbed to the sky also said that there is no secret of becoming the emperor in the heavy building, so since then, the major emperor palaces have not provoke the heavy building.

"Later, after the Seven Great Immortal Prefectures rioted, the heavy building was hidden from the world, I don't know what happened now."

Qing Xu also explained to the side.

"But I hope you'd better have a good relationship with that heavy building, it won't do any harm."

Liu Yao smiled.

"Understood, I will."

Ling Tian nodded.

Originally, as Zuo Xianzhi did not come to the Rising Sun Tower again, and Ling Tian never left the room again, the storm he brought gradually fell silent.

But no one thought that seven days after Ling Tian stayed in Xuri Tower, the fairy grass from the Zuo family came to Xuri Tower again!

And he didn't stay at all, and went straight to Ling Tian's room!

This is really too violent news.

Although, Zuo Xianzhi still took Zuo Xiao this time.

"This is... what instrument?"

In Ling Tian's room, Zuo Xianzhi looked at the small musical instrument Ling Tian handed over.

This instrument is not big, like a trumpet bass.

But the difference is that this instrument is still on the bow.

Some are similar to Huqin.


Ling Tiandao.

He doesn't know how to make a guqin.

The guitar and bass do not match Zuo Xianzhi’s temperament.

Therefore, Ling Tian thought of an elegant violin.

This kind of instrument is perfect for the demure Zuo Xianzhi.

"Uh, how do you use it?"

Zuo Xianzhi played the violin for a while. Although she didn't understand it, she could see that the structure of the instrument was exquisite and complicated.

Above it is the densely tuned array, the fairy light is rippling, and the grade is definitely not worse than that of Bai Yu's guqin.

"I teach you."

Ling Tian brought the violin over.

"Like me, put the piano under your cheeks and pull the strings with the bow."

Ling Tian explained, generally pulling up.

The sound of the violin is very sharp and melodious, which is very different from the sound and steady of a guqin.

But Zuo Xianzhi had never heard this kind of piano sound.

Moreover, Ling Tian's choice of violin music is also very famous "Blessings of Love."

Once, this song can be said to be one of the most classic songs in the country where Ling Tian is located on the earth.

Now placed in the fairy world, it is enough to shock the world.

Ling Tian suppressed Xian Yuan in order to avoid the occurrence of the vision, and also pulled a short period of time.

But it has already made Zuo Xianzhi and others fascinated.

Until Ling Tian put down the violin.

Zuo Xianzhi's eyes flashed with excitement, "Master Ling, what is the name of this song?"

"Happy Birthday!"

"There is an allusion to this, I will listen to you in the future."

"Do you want to learn this violin?"

Zuo Xianzhi did not hesitate.


Zuo Xiao, "Big Brother Ling Tian, ​​what musical instrument do I learn? Is there a simple one?"

Ling Tian: "You knock on the gong!"

Zuo Xiao: "..."

In this way, Zuo's sister and brother come to the Rising Sun Building to attend a class every seven days.

For outsiders, it is natural that they do not know the inside story.

But they all cursed Ling Tian upright.

There are even rumors that it was Ling Tian who gave the Zuo family elder brother some kind of Gu, which was fascinated by his mind.

Even Bai Yu and Zuo Xianzhi were gone.

Originally, Ling Tian made Egret Academy lose face, but now it even makes Egret Academy disciples feel dull.

But no matter how Ling Tian remained behind closed doors, they also had no choice but to take Ling Tian.

But Ling Tian is not without difficulties.

That's the cost of the Rising Sun Tower, which is too huge.

Each guest room costs one hundred thousand immortal stones a day, plus the purchase of cultivation resources, one month later, Zhao Min will be a little stretched.

"Finally, I will find a way to earn more fairy stones."

In Taoyuan, Ling Tian's eyes lit up when he looked at the clouds and smoke in the sky.


Originally, Ling Tian wanted to make some sunglasses for money, but the cost of good sunglasses was too high, and the only source of materials was Jianshi.

But cigarettes are different.

This thing, as long as there are good spices and medicinal materials.

Therefore, Ling Tian asked Zhao Min to buy some spices equivalent to top local elixir to make cigarettes.

Among them, high-quality spices are made into cigars, and the effect is comparable to the ordinary Tianpinxian.

Zhao Min smiled like a flower, "It's definitely a big hit!"


Ling Tian nodded, but immediately Ling Tian changed and left Taoyuan with Zhao Min.

Someone knocked on the door.

Through the formation, Ling Tian found out that it was the maid of the Rising Sun Tower.

"Young Master Ling Tian, ​​there is a distinguished guest please."

Ling Tian opened the door, frowning a little.


In this South China City, who can be regarded as a distinguished guest?

The dean of Jinghong College counted, but Ling Tian has not gone to Jinghong College until now.

"Young Master Ling Tian, ​​he is really a distinguished guest."

At this moment, a figure flashed out from behind the maid.

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

This person is exactly the old slave of the three heavenly immortals next to Zuo Xiao.

In this way, he already knew who the so-called distinguished guest was.

"Senior leads the way."

Ling Tian could only go out.

Following the old slave, Ling Tian climbed to the top floor of the Rising Sun Tower.

Here, there is only one private room.

Extremely luxurious.

Even Ling Tian didn't even know that there was such a room in the Rising Sun Building.

Ling Tian pushed the door in, and saw Zuo Zongren with his back facing him, looking at the Dongting Lake outside the window.

"Junior Ling Tian, ​​I have seen Zuo City Lord."

Zuo Zongren turned around, his expression serious.

Even if the terrifying aura of Tianxian's sixth layer did not disperse, Ling Tian couldn't help but retreat three steps in a row. In the end, it directly urged the Eternal Burning Heaven Judgment, and the golden fairy flames rose all over his body, which made it easier.

"Haha, sure enough, the combat power is fairly acceptable."

Zuo Zongren smiled and said, "After all, why are you close to me Xiaoer and Xianzhi..."

"Junior don't know what Senior City Owner means?"

Ling Tian frowned.

Secretly, Zuo Zongren, is here to ask if the crime is not possible?

"I don't know? When you first arrived in South China City, you caught up with my son Zuo Xiao, and then asked my baby girl to come to you every seven days."

"You don't know?"

Zuo Zongren sneered, "I advise you to tell me the truth."

"You know who I am."

"In this South China City, no one dares to play tricks with me!"

Ling Tian's pupils shrank slightly, facing Zuo Zongren's gaze, awe-inspiring and open.

"Senior, Ling Tian has always been upright and upright. I have never had any evil thoughts about Zuo's siblings. They came to me, just let me teach them poetry, books and the art of piano music!"

"Just so?" Zuo Zongren raised his eyebrows.

"That's it."

Ling Tian never looked away half an inch.

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