Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1913: The assessment begins [Five more thanks to hg brother for guarding]

Ling Tian suddenly said, "Good suggestion, I will do it."

"Well, do it as soon as possible, I will ask you for it tomorrow."

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, "Tomorrow? I don't have time."

"You have it."

The woman turned and pinched her cigarette and left.

"By the way, let me remind you that someone will trouble you."

After all, the woman flashed a few times and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"What a strange woman, who is she?"

Chi Sanqi came over.

"Ling Tian is still very powerful, and he can handle it with a cigarette. As expected, no woman can pass Ling Tian."

Yuan Meng smiled.

Ling Tian shook his head, "It's not easy to deal with, she is very powerful."

"I have no chance of winning against her."

"If I guessed correctly, she is the sword and rose on the Qunfang list, Yu Xuanji." At this time, Zhao Min smiled and said, "It's also very interesting. Ling Tian has been in Nanhua City for three months. Will the three beauties of the Qunfang list be surrendered?"


Ling Tian glanced at Zhao Min, "Let's go, go back."

However, before everyone turned around, a group of people rushed up from the street.

All in a very blue sword suit, with a logo on the sword, the last student of Jinghong Academy.

"Are you Ling Tian?"

"You sell cigarettes?"

The group of people stepped forward and asked, aggressively.

There are eight layers of earth immortals, the leader, the cultivation base has reached the top level of earth immortals.


Ling Tian nodded.

"That's OK, I'll tell you that next time we sell cigarettes, goods, we brothers, 80%!"

The leader's face was black and red, and he looked sullen and arrogant.

"Reason?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, the reason? Don't you want to participate in the assessment of our college tomorrow? We can let you pass the assessment easily, but also make you shit!"

The man said coldly.


Ling Tian shrugged, turned and left with Zhao Min.

"What the **** do you mean?"

"Look at me, Zhang Hao, Jinghong Academy? Who am I? You have to inquire!"

The man was angry.

Oh, it's gone?

So crazy?

Yuan Meng turned towards the man and wiped his neck with his hand.

"see you tomorrow!"

Soon, the four of them returned to the Rising Sun Tower.

What cats and dogs dare to threaten?

Tomorrow, the Jinghong Academy, they must enter.

No one can stop it.

"Damn it, you guys, wait for me!"

That Zhang gritted his teeth with pride, "Go back to life, and said to the young master, this guy toasts not to eat, he wants to eat fine wine!"


In the early morning of the next day, the entire South China City was shaken by it.

Jinghong College, the last of the four major colleges, will be assessed and recruited today.

Jian Xiu is the largest group among human races.

Among them, Tianjiao appeared in large numbers.

Jinghong Academy is also quite a prestigious institution in the entire Zhongyu.

On this day of South China City, countless people rushed to Jinghong College in South China City. It's not just to apply for Jinghong's sword repair, there are a lot of fun to watch.

After all, on this day, they can see a lot of arrogance blockbuster.

The first round of assessment is getting started.

Very basic and very direct.

That's the martial arts talent of the swordsman.

That is, the roots.

There are also age and cultivation level.

Those below the Seventh Dixian will be eliminated directly.

The roots must be above the top-grade spirit body before they can enter the next round.

The most important thing is the power of the sword domain.

Sword repair, the most important thing, is sword intent.

Those who are lower than the middle-level spirit sword domain are eliminated.

There are tens of thousands of applicants.

But in the first round, nine thousand will be wiped out.

The remaining 1,000 people can enter the next round, and only a hundred people are admitted at the end.

One out of a hundred.

It shows the cruelty of Jinghong Academy.

Of course, the assessment is only part of Jinghong's enrollment. These people pass the assessment and become the inner door or core student of the college.

In addition, there are students outside the gate, as well as special admissions students.

They don't need to be assessed, just go in through the back door.

For example, if Ling Tian uses Shen Chenyu's letter of introduction.

On this day, I don’t know how many people are excited and how many are sad.

Many swords come from a small town in the distance not far away from a million miles. In the end, it may only be a few words, and they will be eliminated. Those who dare to sign up will probably not be too bad, but looking at the stage of the entire Zhongyu, It may seem mediocre.

Of course, on this day, some extremely outstanding characters also appeared. Those descendants of the family, Tianjiao, who had already become famous before the assessment began, all showed amazing talents.

For example, the top quasi-dao body, almost comparable to the bloodthirsty sword immortal of the dao body, and Tu Shen at the eighth peak of the earth immortal.

The light of his quasi-dao body is strong, and the phantom has been solidified.

Moreover, he was fierce, and didn't know how many powerful peers he had killed.

Before entering the academy, he was already famous for a million li in South China City.

There is also Xiang Que, the Shao Zhuang master of Magic Key Villa. He was only seventeen years old and his cultivation reached Dixian Jiuzhong.

Inheriting the family magic moon sword technique, behind the immortal light is a round of dark moon marks. It is a rare Dao body, and its talent is almost unmatched.

In the first round of the talent test, the two caused quite a stir.

They all believe that these two people will inevitably make a sensation in South China City today.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that everyone in South China City nowadays knows that no one knows, Ling Tian, ​​the number one white face in kendo!

It was also later that Ling Tian realized that he had such a nickname.

Everyone knows that Ling Tian will also participate in this assessment.

So a lot of them come after hearing the news.

Just waiting, Ling Tian was beaten violently, and finally crippled, beaten to disfigurement!

Because of this public outrage, there is no one except Ling Tian.

When Ling Tian and Chi Sanqi Yuan Meng arrived at the square outside Jinghong Academy.

It attracts countless lights.

But Ling Tian had become accustomed to it for the past three months.

Step-by-step testing of qualifications and bone age.

All three of them cleared the customs smoothly.

The qualifications are not outstanding, Ling Tian and Chi Sanqi are about the same, both of them are on the upper side of the quasi-dao body, followed by Yuan Meng, who has not yet reached the quasi-dao body.

In terms of cultivation base, Ling Tian could already break through to the nine-layer earth immortal, but was suppressed at the peak of the eight-layer earth immortal.

"Cut, it's not okay, it's just a quasi-dao body, the eighth layer of the earth fairy."

"However, you should be able to enter Jinghong Academy."

‘Don’t worry, wait and see, someone must take care of him. When he becomes disabled, will Jinghong Academy still want him? "

Everyone pointed and sneered.

"Haha, with so many people, is there only one Taoist Tianjiao?"

Yuan Meng watched the first round results manifested on the light curtain in the distance.

The first place is Xiang Que, only this one Dao body.

"It's a little bit, I've inquired before, the other three academies, at least two Taoist level freshmen."

Chi Sanqi also had some doubts.

"Perhaps there is an inside story, Jinghong Academy won't have only one Dao body freshman."

Ling Tian glanced around, but didn't see a good face.

Zhao Min hadn't arrived yet, and said he was going to pick up Guan Rongyin.

Ling Tian admired Zhao Min's communicative ability. Within three months, her relationship with Shangguan Rongyin and Zuo Xianzhi had been commensurate with sisters.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the detection point in the distance.

Immediately, above the light curtain in the distance, a name suddenly flickered, and even the first-place item was directly under pressure.

Ling Tian was also startled when he saw the gradually manifesting name.

"Zuo Xianzhi!?"

She is going to be admitted to Jinghong Academy?

This is what Ling Tian never expected.

"Hey, Ling Tian, ​​am I not late, am I?"

Sure enough, the crowd divided, and Zuo Xianzhi ran over by the violin case, holding a delicate cyan fairy sword.

In an instant, on the square, countless lights shot towards Ling Tian!

This guy, he didn't want to let go of their fairy grass even when he was admitted to Jinghong Academy!

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