Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1920: Sweep

"This guy, looking for death!"

Wei Yan was furious.

This Ling Tian is just a villain who tends to follow the flames, dare to want to **** the position of Jianhua disciple so violently?

And Ling Tian's sudden departure also made the new students below suddenly dissatisfied.

If the Jianhua disciple position of Jinghong Academy is occupied by this shameless little white face, would it be worth it?

"Hehe, really looking for death!"

The bloodthirsty swordsman Tu Shen slowly drew his bleeding sword and sneered.

"It's just a waste."

Xiang Que is also disdainful.

In their opinion, Ling Tian could become a freshman in Jinghong Academy because of Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi.

Nowadays, a person who doesn't know the life or death comes up, who do you look down on?

"I'll do it first!"

"The Jianhua disciple of Jinghong Academy, absolutely can't let this shameless person stand!"

"Please rest assured, after I defeat this person, I won't occupy the position of Jianhua disciple."

At this moment, a figure walked out, it was Su Su.

This time is undoubtedly the time to make a name.

"Susu, let this guy know what the sky and earth are." Cao Changqing sneered.

Su Su nodded, flew up and stood opposite Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​you haven't made a single sword, you shouldn't be here, I advise you to keep a low profile, now you have a chance to step down."

Su Su looked at Ling Tian and sneered.

However, Ling Tian didn't seem to cut Su Su in his eyes. Instead, he fumbled for the big chair behind him, and said, "This chair is pretty clean."

The Chu family on the high platform changed their expressions when they heard this.

At this time, is Ling Tian alluding to the injustice of the Chu Family?


Su Su's face flushed with shame and rage, he drew out the fairy sword of willow leaves on his waist, opened the sword domain and the fairy light, and rushed over.

For a time, the power of the upper-level sword domain was diffused, as if a layer of fallen leaves sword edge was set off on the battle platform.

"Yes, the daughter of the Su family in Lin'an City, even if this kendo is not as good as Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi, it is not much worse." Someone said.

I don't know if the little white face Ling Tian who is leaning on other people's superiors all the way can fight.

At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly moved.

However, it is not about drawing a sword.

Seeing Ling Tian suddenly turned around, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, a terrifying kendo will bloomed, swept directly towards Na Susu with terrifying penetrating power.

Su Su was shocked, and the strength of the sword domain in her body was almost instantaneous, like ice shattered.

Waiting for Ling Tian's sword domain power, it was like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, swallowing her directly.


Amidst the violent wind in the sword domain, another terrible tremor was heard, and Su Su snorted, his face pale.

Ling Tian waved his big hand, his sharp edge suddenly rose, the strength of the sword domain ignored everything, Su Su directly spit out a mouthful of blood, flew out, and fell to the battle platform.

Many people saw the scene on the battlefield with a strange look.

Actually, spike?

Even Su Su, in the previous battle, there were no bright spots, but it was definitely one of the top ten among the five hundred freshmen this time.

But it was crushed by Ling Tian in an instant.

Even, there is no sword?

Li Mu and Wei Yan also showed a strange look, but then Li Mu said: "Hehe, it's really unexpected, this guy is really hidden very deeply."

"The power of this sword domain is indeed possible, but it is not that he is too strong, but that the opponent is too weak."

"It doesn't prove anything."

Wei Yan also nodded, "Yes, he just restrained Susu in the power of the sword domain."

Up to now, he would not admit that Ling Tian is also a genius of swordsmanship.

It's impossible.

However, on the high platform, Ling Tianqing agitated and looked down at Cao Changqing and others.

"Don't waste time, don't you all want to fiddle with me?"

"Now the opportunity is here, let's go together."

Arrogant, arrogant!

A little white face who has gained the upper hand due to the trend of inflammation, dares to mock the more than five hundred freshmen in front of almost the four major colleges in South China City?

Go together?

He is too crazy!

Tu Shen and Xiang Que's faces were cold.

Can't help but shoot.

Today's Jianhua disciples belong to them.

"Ling Tian, ​​you dare to hurt Su Su, what are you!"

"I will fight you!"

But Cao Changqing really couldn't stand it anymore. For three months, he endured Ling Tian for three months.

Today, he must tear off the disguise from Ling Tian.

A countryman, worthy only in the dust!

Cao Changqing violently rushed up with the power of the sword domain, and the long sword in his hand was smashed down before he even took the stage.

Its momentum is stronger than Su Su!

He is the son of the Nanjiang City Lord, and also a Tianjiao.


However, what everyone couldn't believe was that Cao Changqing's sword qi had not been close to a thousand feet above the sky, as if it had collapsed on an invisible barrier.

The sword qi shattered, and Cao Changqing had time to exclaim before being directly kicked out by the force of the countershock.

A bite of blood scattered,

This guy who started taunting Ling Tian three months ago was defeated before he even went up to the battle platform.


how come? "

Many people showed strange looks, and the onlookers only felt incredible. Is this Ling Tian still the legendary little white face?

This is too strong, right?

The same did not draw the sword, just relying on the almost invisible force of the sword domain, crushed Cao Changqing?

Li Mu and Wei Yan's expressions are also exceptionally wonderful, while Murong Zining sneered, and said secretly.

How can this guy be low-key?

He has been high-profile for three months.

Today, there is absolutely no exception.

It's just that, I don't know how he will go to promote the heavenly immortal with Chu Jingfeng, to compete for the limelight.

"Awesome! This sword domain, I am afraid that it has already left the upper level, but it is the top spirit sword domain, right?"

Shangguan Rongyin exclaimed.

Now on this square, the only one who has broken through the upper-level spirit sword domain is probably the bloodthirsty swordsman Tushen.

But that Tu Shen hadn't revealed the true power of the sword domain before he was preempted by Ling Tian.

"Haha, it's just the beginning."

Zhao Min pursed his lips and smiled.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Shangguan Rongyin was sitting in jeopardy, not wanting to miss any details.

I saw that Ling Tian raised his head again and looked at everyone in the distance: "I still said that, don't waste time, whoever wants this sword flower disciple position, just come up and challenge!"

"How many people, feel free to do it yourself!"

Still rampant.

Ling Tian stood there with his hand, and the strength of the surrounding sword domain had completely manifested.

It seemed like a wall of wind, covering the entire battle platform.

Under the power of this sword domain, everyone can feel the horror of that breath.

"This is the power of the wind system's top spirit sword domain?"

"Wind, is He Jingfeng a kind of sword intent?"

"Naturally, it's not as shocking as Chu Feng, but it's really not bad anymore!"

Seeing the raging wind raging, the powerful Jinghong Academy in the high heavens were all talking about it.

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