Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1827: Hidden sword

"The other one is your reward for becoming the first pavilion master."

She just held the two boxes in Ling Tian's hands, "However, to open it, you need to be so diligent in the technique of piano music to open him."

"Every seven days, through the rebuilding order, you can send bytes to rebuild the building once, and learn piano skills with me."


Ling Tian took the box, put Guqin on his back, and then bowed.

"Thank you, Master."

This string taught himself piano skills, and it was also the first master Ling Tian recognized after his ascension.

After all, Ling Tian launched the Chonglou.

"Oh, insight into the world."

Frame Xian stood in front of the window of the heavy building, watching the sky outside the window gradually cool down.

"Since then, Chonglou has joined the WTO."

Ling Tian returned to the Xuri Tower and briefly explained to Zhao Min. Zhao Min also felt that there was no harm in recruiting Ling Tian to join the Chonglou.

Moreover, with the help of Chonglou, Ling Tian's power will grow stronger and grow faster.

For this, Zhao Min is happy to see it happen.

Before Ling Tian had time to rest, it dawned.

It's time to report to the Jinghong Academy.

Zhao Min was taken away by Shangguan Rongyin.

Ling Tian brought Zuo Xianzhi and Yuan Mengchi Sanqi to Jinghong Academy again.

At the door, everyone verified their identities and got their respective Jinghong Academy costumes.

Ling Tian and the three have different sky blue sword suits.

His clothes look more gorgeous, with a silver totem.

On the shoulders, there is a petal of the sword's edge.

It is the third new student, the symbol of Jianhua disciple.

Standing there, it is easy to be distinguished from other students, Yushu is near the wind.

"Master, you are so good-looking."

Zuo Xianzhi's face was reddened, and his eyes were about to sink in.

"Hehe, let's go, it's time to go to the hidden sword pavilion."

Ling Tian led the three of them all the way to the bottom of Wenjian Peak.

There, there is the existence of the hidden sword pavilion.

In the hidden sword pavilion, the kendo inheritance and other martial arts collected by the collector Jinghong Academy.

Every freshman can be allowed to enter once after entering the college.

Moreover, the order of entry was also based on the ranking of the freshmen. For the freshmen who came up this time, Ling Tian was the first to enter.

"Oh? You mean, in this hidden sword pavilion, not only the collector's kendo inheritance, but also the existence of fire?"

However, on the way, Ling Tian frowned suddenly when he heard Zuo Xianzhi introduce himself to the hidden sword pavilion.

There was fire in this Jinghong Academy, and Ling Tian was still a little surprised.

He also suddenly remembered that it seemed that Zuo Zongren had spoken to him once before, but that time he didn't care too much.

"Yes, in Wenjian Peak of Jinghong Academy, this Jinghong Immortal Fire with a rank of up to ninety-eight levels is treasured. It is also the fire used to refine Jinghong Sword. In the first generation of Jinghong Academy, the dean After the fall, he placed this flame in Wenjian Peak and blocked it with his kendo will."

"However, after thousands of years of evolution, this flame has already gained a sense of intelligence, and every three hundred years, a seventy-seventh-floor Shocking Sword Heart Fire will split."

"Count the days, in recent years, because it has split up, anyone who can resist the obstruction of the guardian fire in the hidden sword pavilion will be able to collect fire."

"Master's sword intent is so powerful now, it should be possible to get fire."

Zuo Xianzhi smiled.

She now admires Ling Tian very much.

"Jianfeng Jianxinhuo..."

Ling Tian frowned, "I really need fire."

"But, it seems that the name of this fire was not prepared for me."

It's just a feeling.

Ling Tian felt that he had nothing to do with this so-called shocking wind and immortal fire.

Soon, the four of them arrived in front of the hidden sword pavilion.

And here, many new students have gathered early.

Seeing Ling Tian and the four people approaching, the freshmen suddenly calmed down, and one after another gave way.

Before, they had also laughed at Ling Tian.

But now, there is indeed no qualification to look directly at Ling Tian.

Who is Ling Tian?

Not only was he the third-ranked Jianhua disciple among freshmen this time, he also used the power of the sword world to help Chu Jingfeng survive the catastrophe yesterday!

This class of kendo wizards can already be side by side with that Li Yunlanchu Shocking Wind.

Behind him, Zuo Xianzhi's name needless to say.

Yuan Meng and Chi Sanqi, the swordsmanship inherited, are also extremely rare and powerful.

Ling Tian arrived in the front row and saw that Tu Shen and Xiang Que were also there, and he also smiled: "Oh, the two of you are here quite early."

Tu Shen and Xiang Que both glanced at Ling Tian, ​​but did not speak.

But in his eyes, there is no longer the contempt before, and he is full of jealousy.

Soon, more than five hundred new students arrived.

However, Ling Tian did not see the legendary sword-handling disciple Chu Jingfeng, and the sword leader Li Yunlan.

But at this time, the elders in front of Cangjian Pavilion had already stepped forward.

"All the freshmen are here, then follow the order and enter the hidden sword pavilion one by one."

"Remember, the hidden sword pavilion only needs to be entered once, and you can choose a sword inheritance and other types of martial arts."

"After choosing, exit immediately."

After the elder said, he looked down at Ling Tian, ​​"Sword Flower Disciple Ling Tian, ​​start with you, please come in."

After all, that long is left.

Ling Tian could see the coldness in the eyes of the elder. If he didn't guess wrong, this guy should also belong to the Chu family.

But no matter how many, Ling Tian stepped up.

Looking at the towering Wen Jianfeng, he couldn't help taking a breath.

When he really got to the bottom of Wenjian Peak, Ling Tian could feel the kendo coercion, it was really tyrannical.

The hidden sword pavilion is located under Wenjian Peak, and it looks unremarkable.

But when he entered the hidden gold pavilion, Ling Tian found out that someone was already there.

Seeing Ling Tian coming in from the outside, the two figures standing in front of the bookshelf in the grid turned around.

One of them, dressed in a dark blue sword suit, has sword-like eyebrows and is tall and heroic.

Although he is not very old, there are two celestial lights on his head, which is a symbol of heavenly immortals.

Chu Jingfeng!

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, greeted the man's sword-like gaze.

On the side of Chu Jingfeng, there was a woman dressed almost the same as Ling Tian, ​​but she was embellished with gold silk patterns.

This woman is not very feminine, but her heroism is compelling.

Standing there, it seemed like a straight sword.

Don't think about it, this woman is the legendary Jian Jiao Li Yunlan.

"Haha, is it Ling Tian? This is Li Yunlan. Yesterday I heard that you became the sword world, but unfortunately I was in retreat and didn't see it."

Then Li Yunlan smiled first.

But the tone is flat, and there is no closeness and estrangement.

On the side, Chu Jingfeng put down the book in his hand, held his shoulder and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"You really dare to come."

"Master Chu joked, why didn't I dare to come?"

Ling Tian stepped forward.

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