Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1931: Eighty layers of burning sun and golden fire

After a while, Shen Lang gave a wry smile, "Since you have the letter from the girl in your hand, why don't I come to me directly?"

"If you can come here earlier, this sword-handling disciple of Jinghong Academy would be yours!"

"Haha, no." Ling Tian shook his head, "The juniors have been involved in the storm from the day they arrived in South China City."

"If you end up as a special enrollment for the college, you may be drowned in saliva."

"Oh, hahaha, well, I also heard about you." Shen Lang smiled, "But, unfortunately, in the end, Chu Jingfeng took the Jingying Sword, that Jingfeng Jianxin Fire has nothing to do with you."

"As for the inheritance of swordsmanship, here I have a secret book of water system swordsmanship, which is the top of the heavens. If you like it, I can teach it to you."

With that, Shen Lang took out a jade slip.


But Ling Tian seemed to shake his head.

He already has the Tianji Sixiang Sword, and he doesn't need other swordsmanship.

Moreover, the swordsmanship of the water system and his kendo are not suitable.

"That's all, go to the student residence in the academy. Starting tomorrow, you can ask Jianfeng to understand the sword. Although I can't teach you anything, asking Jianfeng will improve your sword intent. That helps a lot."

Shen Lang waved his hand, sighed, and saw off the guests.

"Thank you dean."

Ling Tian bowed his hands and withdrew.

Go to the accommodation area where the ward is.

It is a separate house, no matter the sword-handling disciple or the ordinary core student, they are all in the same area.

Ling Tian and Zuo Xianzhi, who had already returned from the hidden sword pavilion, exchanged greetings for a while before returning to the room.

Sitting on the bed, Ling Tian dealt with all the angst and annoyance he had encountered in the hidden sword pavilion.

Anyway, in front of the hidden sword pavilion, he had already made Chu Shocking Feng's face completely invisible.

In my heart, it is still relieved.

"By the way, I haven't read Master Ji Xian's stuff."

Ling Tian subordinates an isolation formation, Xuan even took out the two wooden boxes that were given to him by that frame of string.

However, Ling Tian discovered that this box was full of formations, and to open it, the power of the sound of the piano was needed.

Although he had a sword shadow on his body, he didn't need to waste much effort to break this box.

However, this is not necessary.

Frame Xian said that he needed his own mastery of piano music to open it.

Then, he really is going to be stronger.

He must use the technique of piano music to open this box.

Taking out the nostalgic guqin, Ling Tian calmed down and started playing the piano directly.

The sword is like a dream.

It's still this tune.

However, when Ling Tian really played the guqin at this time, he knew how broad and profound this guqin way was.

It's no wonder that the Egret Academy can build a power just by using the technique of guqin and piano music.

But Ling Tian believes that his talent for musical rhythm is definitely not worse than his talent for kendo, so just like that, Ling Tian endlessly plays the piano, looking for the artistic conception of the piano that belongs to him.

Gradually, along with the sound waves oscillating in Ling Tianqin, the shadow of swords and swords slowly appeared.

This is not a vision, nor is it a sword intent.

Rather, it is comparable to real sword energy and sword energy!

It's just that these swords, lights, swords and shadows are all made of sound waves and divine minds, and they can even burst out with tyrannical pressure.


Sure enough, at the moment when the shadow of the sword was condensed, the formation on the two wooden boxes before Ling Tian Guqin broke.


Ling Tian's eyes lit up and immediately heard the sound of the piano.

He started playing the guqin, and now he can open the two wooden boxes in less than a day

I'm afraid that if I know that string, I will be surprised.

Because of the high threshold of the piano tone set by her formation on the wooden box, at least it can be opened when it is comparable to the gods in the art of piano tone.

And even if Ling Tian is smart, it will take at least one month before he can.

Ling Tian first opened the first box, but found that it was a secret book.

Picking up the secret book, Ling Tian was suddenly startled.

"Hurricane Shengyinquan!"

The top boxing style of the wind system!

Holding this secret book, Ling Tian's excited hands trembled.

Opening the secret book, he found that the rank of this boxing technique was definitely not comparable to that of the Jufeng Senluo boxing in the hidden sword pavilion, and even its rank was not much worse than Jun Lei. What's more valuable is that this set of boxing techniques is complete, unlike Jun Lei's palm, now Ling Tian can only practice the third ultimate move, and it's gone.

There are only four strokes in this fist, but each stroke is comparable to the secret martial arts of the wind system.

The holy sound is like the wind, and the fist is like a sword!

The first aspect of this boxing technique is extremely tyrannical, even related to swordsmanship, and it is simply tailor-made for Ling Tian.

It is conceivable that when this boxing technique is completed, Ling Tian's shortcomings in the boxing technique will be completely made up.

Among this square wooden box, is the present that Zhonglou gave to himself as a guest.

At this time, Ling Tian was also an accident.

Could it be that Zhonglou knows every guest so well, and even knows what he lacks, even if he is in the hidden sword pavilion, he has nothing to gain?

After thinking about it, Ling Tian felt more and more that this building was terrifying.

Even, let him have a feeling of deja vu.

Old beggar?

For some reason, Ling Tian thought of Li Chunfeng.

Perhaps it was his instinct.

However, since Ling Tian met Li Chunfeng in the Tianyu Realm, he had never heard of this old beggar.

The Lord of Southern Tang said that Li Chunfeng might have already soared.

Perhaps, it is now within the Seven Great Immortals.

The second wooden box, according to Jiaxian, was a reward for Ling Tian to become a first-level pavilion master.

I don't know what's in it.

Ling Tian opened the box, and suddenly, in a flash, a scorching flame energy gushed out of it.

Even Ling Tian felt a touch of hotness!

This is amazing!

Now, Ling Tian possesses the Eternal Burning Heaven Judgment, and there is still a Jin Gang fairy flame in his body. How can ordinary fire give him this kind of pressure?

After two days of hand-rolling, fanning the fiery atmosphere in the wooden box, it was only then that a natural flame was in full bloom in the wooden box!

Moreover, the level of this flame is actually eighty!

Eighty-story natural fire!

Compared with that Jingfeng Jianxinhuo, there are three more layers!

It is even more than thirteen layers more than Jin Gang Immortal Flame.

"This kind of fire is the legendary burning sun golden fire?"

When Ling Tian raised his brows, he also recognized the fire.

In the ten thousand fire list, this kind of fire is extremely extraordinary.

The whole body is still golden, but it is much more explosive than the golden flames.

It is also very strong and yang, no wonder the flame coercion just now is so tyrannical.

However, for Ling Tian, ​​this was no effort at all by breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to be found!

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