Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1953: Piano Sounding Dilong

At this time, Xiao Qing's figure was already covered before closing the door.

Even the guard in the golden armor who closed the door raised his head and looked into the sky. The figure of Tsing Yi slowly flew down, and the golden light gradually enveloped his body.

Everyone also saw the figure clearly, and they all exclaimed in exclamation.

That's right, it was Ling Tian who had never had time to participate in the holy war before!

However, in the eyes of everyone, it is so incredible.

"No, it's impossible, how could it be you!"

Bai Yu took a few steps back.

I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

"Ling Tian? Aren't you locked up by the fifth sword platform on the Jianfeng Peak?"

That Chu Jingfeng was also shocked.

He had never thought about being able to face Ling Tian before the eighth mountain pass.

"That's not right, if you want to enter the Nine-Layer Pass, you must be escorted by at least a strong person from the fifth peak of the Heavenly Immortal. How did Ling Tian get in? Is it possible that this is a fake Ling Tian!?"

Cao Changqing and others are all questioning.

"He is now a god!"

But Wei Yan looked at the figure whose whole body had been shrouded in brilliant golden light, and the two celestial lights surging above his head, that was no doubt the heavenly fairy.

If this was Ling Tian, ​​then he could have caught up with them in such a short period of time on his cultivation base?

This is what makes Wei Yan unacceptable.

"This is not a place for you to stay, get out!"

However, Ling Tian's figure descended in the air, leaning over and placing the three of Bai Yu.

Indifferent export.

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

Bai Yu raised his head, his eyes glowing with terrifying light blue light looked extremely awkward, his gorgeous white clothes had already removed the guqin behind him.

No matter who this person is, before this mountain pass, dare to let them all get out?

Are you looking for death?

They are the first arrogant!

With Zhao Min and others all injured, before this eighth pass, who can be the opponent of the three of them?

Even if it is Ling Tian, ​​it won't work!

"Ha ha."

Ling Tian descended from the sky, "Don't you retreat?"

"Pretending to be a god, what if you are Ling Tian?"

"I, Bai Yu, is already a god, and I am still afraid that you will not succeed!?'

Looking at the contemptuous gaze that fell in the golden light, Na Baiyu was so ashamed that he couldn't restrain it.

Just now, Yuan Meng's export ran on him, how can he withdraw now?

Immediately, he was holding the guqin in both hands, and he was about to shoot!

In an instant, Bai Yu had a pure white fairy light blooming all over his body, and the victory of his breath was even far above that of Shangguan Rongyin and others.

"In that case, I can only send you out with my own hands!"

"It is said that your Egret Academy's piano music technique is the first in South China City. Now, before this eighth level, you will be together. Come as many times as you want!

After all, Ling Tian wrapped in golden light also removed the nostalgic guqin and put his hands on the strings.

The strength of the ancient qin tone surging between Ling Tian's hands, ten fingers played continuously, and in an instant, a powerful qin tone suddenly rose.

"How many? Feel free?"

At this moment, some disciples from various colleges were killed from the battlefield, and they looked at the incredible figure suspended in mid-air, and they were all exquisite in their hearts.

Is this person really Ling Tian?

But they had never seen Ling Tian used the technique of piano music to fight the enemy!

Not to mention the others, even Zuo Xianzhi and others were surprised in their hearts.

Because before, Ling Tian had never revealed it to you.

The attack of the piano sound technique is different from the piano skill.

Like before, Ling Tianqin had great skills, but he still couldn't attack.

"Arrogant, since this guy is looking for death, the disciples of the Egret Academy will go together, let him see and see, what is the real art of piano music!"

Bai Yu's face was stubborn, and at an order, a dozen people flew out of the battlefield, holding a guqin in their hands, and surrounded Ling Tian.

The cultivation base of these powerhouses is at the pinnacle of the immortal earth.

Under the art of piano sound combined attack, the combat power is quite good, and Duan Mulei is in it.

However, Ling Tian, ​​who was surrounded by golden sage, still bowed his head, as if he hadn't seen them, and continued to play. Before the sound of the piano covered the mountain pass, it suddenly became hurried and violent, and swept all directions in an instant.

In an instant, through the will, thunder and storms converged between heaven and earth, like a doomsday, and lightning struck the playing figures, physical bodies and divine minds, and attacked at the same time.

"Puff, puff..."

There were light noises, and the disciples of the Egret Academy who surrounded Ling Tian spit out blood and flew out.

Under the sound of the piano, everything is vulnerable.

"Is this the sound technique of the Egret Academy, but that's it."

A faint voice rang along with the sound of the piano, and countless people looked at the playing figure, and their hearts were shaking. At this moment, the arrogant tone of this person is definitely that Ling Tian!


Bai Yu was anxious, and immediately his hands flicked on the guqin.

The immortal cultivation base, let the piano sound condense the power of heaven and earth, surrounded by boundless water color, and finally turned into a water-colored long whip, slammed down towards Ling Tian!

That aquatic whip, carrying fairy water vapor, was thousands of feet long, and there was divine mental pressure rolling on it, and it was the top attack of the art of piano music. Extremely tyrannical.

"Haha, it's not bad."

However, the voice in the golden light was chuckling.

However, at the moment the laughter fell, it seemed as if there was a roar from the dragon clan, bombarding the air, a loud noise erupted, which made people's eardrums tingling.

And above the golden light, suddenly there was a dragon clan, condensed by the sound of the piano.

The dragon is full of light of wind and thunder.

It looks a bit like a little Lei.

However, it is the illusory sound of the piano!


Lin restricts you and the others in shock, how could Ling Tianqin's sound technique suddenly become so powerful, even reaching a point where they can't understand it at all, it's amazing.

In the sound of the piano, not only can it carry attributes, but can even condense into the form of a dragon. This requires not only a powerful piano skill, but also a psychic connection to the dragon, which is a divine beast. In other words, one who does not understand the dragon, even There is absolutely no way for the Qin Yin Tianxian, who does not have the breath of the dragon on his body, to condense into the shape of the dragon, and it is impossible to comprehend it by the sound of the piano!

Ling Tian, ​​who became a god, is simply reborn, and it is astounding.

You Bai Yu was shocked at once, and instantly knew that he would definitely not be able to stop Ling Tian's technique of piano music.

Can it go away?


As soon as his heart retired, the piano sounded dragon on top of Ling Tian's head roared violently and rushed over. The long whip that he sacrificed for the piano was directly smashed to pieces, smashed and rotten, and fell to pieces, vulnerable to a single blow!


The piano sounded the dragon without mercy, and bombarded his chest, causing that Bai Yu to carry the piano and fly out like a cannonball. After hitting the wall that was as high as one hundred meters, he vomited a big mouth of blood, and after landing, he lost his breath.

The first freshman of the Egret Academy, just like Ling Tian’s Hualong Qin, died?

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