Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2023: Who gave you the courage?

"Yan Nanfei, I said, you should do it yourself, everyone else is just cannon fodder."

"I want not only your city, but also the warriors behind you. It doesn't matter if you die, they don't need to die."

"Let me see, Wushuang City Saint Child, how many catties are there!"

Ling Tianqing was standing in the void with his big lichen, his blue clothes flying, white hair dancing wildly, soaring into the sky like a storm, with unparalleled momentum.

"How many kilos!?"

The corners of Yan Nanfei's mouth were twitching.

The Ling Tian in front of him was just the son of South China City.

In the past, I didn't even deserve to lift my shoes!

Moreover, under the sky that day, he was condescending, seeing Ling Tian like an ant, and he could kill him with a wave of his hand.

However, in front of almost all the warriors in the two cities, Ling Tian dared to mock himself so much.

Seriously, can't bear it!

If you don't kill Ling Tian in front of the city gate today.

So in the future, he, the Saint Child of Wushuang City, don't want to look up in front of others.

Thinking of this, Yan Nanfei suddenly pulled out the treasured sword from his waist and flew from the city wall.

Immortal light surging behind, top physique, top golden fairy warfare.

Between the dazzling stars, they turned into a pair of extremely dazzling wings, blooming from behind Yan Nanfei.

The cultivation base of the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer's later stage was higher than that of Ling Tian.

Under the heavy blessing, the Saint Child of Wushuang City, who is ranked sixth in the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings, is unprecedentedly powerful.

It's much more than that of Bai Hao.


Suddenly, his combat power was fully deployed, but Yan Nanfei found that Ling Tian seemed a little indifferent, and his heart was so furious that he couldn't reinforce his anger. The figure flashed and turned into a dazzling light, killing Ling Tian.

Raising the sword, an incomparable sword light fell, which was comparable to the strength of the mid-range Knife Gate's will to bless the sword light, instantly tearing three thousand feet of the void, and slashing it down.

The Sixth Rank Celestial Soldier is in hand, making Yan Nanfei's sword a mighty one.

Above the ancient city of Wushuang, all the warriors took a deep breath.

Yan Nanfei was angry. No one can stop him in Wushuang City.

I don't know how many Tianjiao who wanted to challenge him were killed!

Ling Tian, ​​can you really stop it! ?

"Haha, acceptable!"

Seeing that the sky-shaking sword light fell, Ling Tian sneered, and his shoulders shook. The same star light wings bloomed. Within the two fairy lights, boundless will bloomed. Just a little urging of the original will can still make Ling Tian's will. Fighting power skyrocketed, raising his sword, the blue and black Daqi suddenly cut down.

Shocking, all invincible!

This is Ling Tian's awakening method for less than half a month. Although it is just a first glimpse of the doorway, it is fierce enough.


On top of the big wind, the cyan storm flying dragon manifested, condensed into an unparalleled front, and immediately shook with the light of the sword.

The sound of clicking was like cracking ice, and the sword that Yan Nanfei was inevitable to win was shattered into the sky with Ling Tian's shadow of the front.

Ling Tian, ​​solved Yan Nanfei's ultimate move!

And it seems so easy.

Except for the cultivation base, Ling Tian was not worse than Yan Nanfei in almost every aspect.

Starlight wings, martial arts physique, and even Jinxian will.

"how can that be!?"

Not only was all the bystanders present, but Yan Nanfei himself was shocked.

But Ling Tian didn't give the opponent a chance. The light of the unicorn on his palm suddenly rose, and the hurricane holy tone fist, with invincible sound waves, swallowed Yan Nanfei.


Amid the thunderous loud noise, Yan Nanfei's figure exploded, his internal organs churning. His face was shocked for a while, his gaze raised his head and looked towards Ling Tian, ​​his eyes were full of shock, even though he blocked the punch.

But the Xianyuan is so profound that it even surpasses him.

"Is Wushuang City Saint Son?"

A mocking color flashed in Ling Tian's eyes, and he said faintly: "Your strength does not seem to be as strong as I imagined."

"you wanna die!"

Yan Nanfei screamed in shame and raised his long sword, and went mad to kill Ling Tian.

As for Ling Tian's combat power, he already knew it now.

As the Son of Wushuang City, Shan Si, he hasn't given up yet.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Tian's eyes condensed slightly, his hands burst into black light, and a majestic dragon's shadow turned into a sharp edge and moved away.

Ling Tian's whole body was manifested with dragon scales, and he greeted him with a large scorpion.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

When the light of the sword and the shadow converged above the sky, the constant and fierce clashes resounded loudly in this world.

Before the ancient city, mountain peaks collapsed, terrible deep pits were everywhere, and shattered spirit patterns flickered occasionally in the rocky forest. The two had another terrifying confrontation, forming a terrifying aftermath, which turned into a violent wind, and swept out waves of madness.

In the strong wind, above the ancient city, the warriors of Wushuang City squinted his eyes slightly, his expression was extremely shocking, and his heart trembled with horror.


too frightening!

The collision between Ling Tian and the Saint Child of Wushuang City was shockingly strong. Those Tianjiao who originally despised Gusu City, and even the Gusu City side, Chu Jingfeng, Wei Yan and others, flashed in their eyes. Heterochromatic.

It turned out that this ascendant from the lower realm who had been ridiculed by them could actually be tyrannical enough to fight against the Saint Child of Wushuang City.

Is it because he is a soaring warrior?


There was another thunder-like loud noise between the heaven and the earth, and the two quickly separated amidst the boundless storm and celestial light.


In the dust rolling, countless eyes stared at the two of them.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that a small South China City could push me to such a situation. But... That's it. From the moment you provoke me, you are doomed to end. No matter how tyrannical you are! "

Yan Nanfei looked solemn, and his eyes shot out an icy sharp edge.

"Oh? What? Who gave you the courage? Stefanie Sun?"

Ling Tian carried a big smile and groaned, as the dragon gas dissipated all over his body, it seemed that he didn't consume anything.

"Who is Stefanie Sun!?"

Yan Nanfei stared at him, but looked at the smile on Ling Tian's face, and became more embarrassed, "Ling Tian, ​​I see how long you will be rampant, do you really think that I am the son of Wushuang City, is it so easy to be defeated by you!? "

When the words fell, Yan Nanfei sneered in the air, and suddenly a golden yellow clock was suspended above the fairy light above his head.

The huge clock rose in response to the storm, and in an instant, it turned into a huge shadow with a radius of thousands of feet, like a hill.

On the giant clock, there are dazzling golden lines manifesting, and as it rotates, a wave of coercion is scattered.

"This is the Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure of Wushuang City City Lord's Mansion, Jinshan Immortal Bell!"

"It's amazing. In order for Yan Nanfei to walk out of the road to ascend to the immortal, did City Lord Wushuang take out all the heavenly treasures?"

"That is, this Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure was once owned by Wushuang City Lord. It is said that Wushuang City Lord had obtained an extremely Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure before, and then, this Jinshan Bell was passed to Yan Nanfei."

Only the top five in the Dragon and Phoenix rankings have such wealth as the Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure, and Ling Tian has no chance of winning.

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