Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2031: Ling Tian Hualong

The supernatural powers sacrificed by Chi Sanqi and others also shattered directly under this momentum.

Just a coercion smashed the joint attacks of many powerful men.

This peerless evildoer, known as the second in Honghai City, is so tyrannical!

There are constantly strong Yukong, guarding in front of the Yutian city gate.

If the imperial city falls into the hands of a foreign race, they will not escape death.

However, Fan Jingang’s head is suspended above the sky like a golden giant ape, like a godlike body, wearing a golden armor, a posture of the world, he moves very slowly, but contains supreme coercion, his big hands are shaking in the void, and Kong Kuang smashed, and the space began to crumble.

The imperial city in the distance shook violently.

It seems to be shaking in the hearts of everyone, many people feel suffocated, their faces are pale, and more people vomit blood.

Even the martial artist with a cultivation level above the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer also felt extremely depressed, and his internal organs were under invisible pressure, and his heart trembled.

"Eat my sword!"

In the distance, Yuan Mengzhen retreated the blood scorpion, roared, and slashed out with the epee in his hand. How strong that epee was, as if to split the sky, he wanted to block this alien behemoth.

However, Fan Jingang's expression didn't waver at all, he ignored all existence, and his steps still stepped down. Around his body, a bright light curtain of body protection appeared, and the light of the heavy sword that wanted to split the void split directly from the middle. , The powerful sword intent from the killing was crushed and turned into invisible.

Yuan Meng spit out a mouthful of blood, his body flew out, hit the ground, cracks appeared on the ground.

He looked in horror at the giant ape figure shrouded in golden light in the sky.

This kind of evildoer, no matter how many people stand in front of him, it is still unstoppable.

What is a top enchanting evildoer, in the same realm, as if invincible exists, no one can resist it.

"I come!"

Zuo Xiao refused to accept it, and shook Xue Crocodile back, with a sledgehammer in his hand like a mountain.

Ning Huang glanced at him indifferently, and punched out. Invisibly, Zuo Xiao felt a sacred energy penetrate some, with a terrible sound of sonic boom, like a muffled thunder, a huge shield that shook in front of him. Above.

Both the sledgehammer and the great shield were released.

Zuo Xiao was shocked and flew out.

Similarly, even if Zuo Xiao can resist Xue Crocodile, he is far from Fan Jingang's opponent.

Unless, he holds the Sky Thunder Hammer!

Fan Jingang stood in the void, like a god, at this time, he had already arrived in front of the Yutian City Gate.

There, only Ling Tian was left floating.

Fan Jingang looked down at Ling Tian, ​​and said indifferently, "The mayfly shakes the tree, so I can't help it!"

"Now, don't you hand over the Imperial City?"

Its sound is like a demon saint.

Behind, the light of the golden ape is a thousand feet.

Muddy like a mountain.

Shocking on the martial artist in Yutian City, it was difficult to even breathe.

Tianxian triple.

Now, Fan Jingang's cultivation base is definitely above the third level of Heavenly Immortal!

Even Ouyang Feng, without the Celestial Immortal Soldiers, would never be Fan Jingang's opponent.

"Haha, but a wicked animal, dare to ask me for a city!?"

But Ling Tian in front of Yutian City sneered.

"You, this is looking for death!"

Fan Jingang was furious, and immediately grabbed it with a big hand, trying to pinch Ling Tian to death in front of the Imperial City.


In Ling Tian's hands, the tempest flying dragon roared, shattering the sky and slashing out, splitting into the void and leaving.


However, the unfavorable Daqi stood on Fan Jingang's big hand, and although it cracked, it did not break.


Ling Tian's expression didn't understand, he cut eighteen strokes in a row, and the sea of ​​qi was fully opened, finally shattering that big hand.

However, Liguang cut down on Fan Jingang's body, but there were no scars, nor did he see any injuries, so he took a half step back.

Fan Jingang's body, as a foreign race of Yushan Golden Ape, is really too terrifying.

"Hehe, if you are just this capable, you can die."

Fan Jingang spoke coldly, his voice fell, and he saw an extremely dazzling brilliance shining out. Behind him, the golden ape stepping on the world suddenly roared, surging with golden light, and turned into a boundless Jinhua Condensate on Fan Jingang's body.

At this time, Fan Jingang, although he had never changed his body, his figure skyrocketed to a height of ten feet, thumping his chest and roaring up to the sky, shaking in all directions.

Let everyone look in horror.

This Fan Jingang, at this moment, directly activated the Returned War Soul!

The so-called returning war soul is similar to the primordial martial soul of the human race.

Both are powerful wills of the ancient times.

Obviously, Fan Jingang now wants to stand up.

To kill, punish the heart!

He wants to kill the human race without intent to resist.

In front of him, everything can only fall apart.

Everyone knows why this Fan Jingang is so arrogant, he has this strength.

When Ling Tian saw Fan Jingang's eyes, it seemed as if a giant war beast rushed forward, oppressing his willpower, and at the same time, the opponent had already punched again.

Watching the power of the flesh closely, he was about to be shaken to death on the spot.

Ling Tian raised his head to look at the opponent, without escaping, but the next moment, the dragon blood in his body boiled and burned instantly, like a melting pot.

Under the qingyi, there are green and red dragon scales manifesting, and the light of the dragon clan blooms from behind it.

In an instant, the terrifying voice of dragon chant roared from Ling Tian's mouth.

Under everyone's dumbfounding, Ling Tian's armor shattered, and the dragon sage condensed all over his body. In the next moment, he became a half-dragon and half-human body. The dragon scales blessed Ling Tian's body shape into a seven-zhang. Ju, it's not much worse than Fan Jingang!

In the next moment, Ling Tian stretched out his big hand, condensed into a fist of Hurricane Holy Yin, with the strength of the unparalleled dragon, bent his arms straight out.


In that instant, the opposing party's golden coercion was disintegrated, and countless light spots shattered from the void, like stars.

At this time, Ling Tian would also use physical strength to resist Fan Jingang.

The nine true dragon changes, today's horned dragon change, can finally break out.

Fan Jingang's pupils shrank, and his heart trembled as he looked at Ling Tian's transformed dragon body.

The suppression of the bloodline made him furious.


With a roar of the ape, there seemed to be infinite power hidden in his arms, and he raised his arms and rushed directly towards the fist front that blasted in the void.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, as powerful as Fan Jingang, but it was still flying out, and it flew thousands of feet away, directly crashing into the void, hitting the mountains behind, the boulder collapsed and turned into dust.

Countless people looked at Fan Jingang who had been retreated in the distance, and their hearts trembled fiercely, as powerful as Fan Jingang, they were shocked by Ling Tian's punch! ?

They all looked at the gate of Yutian City together, the huge figure, covered in dragon scales, with the supreme dragon prestige, all swallowed involuntarily.

"Is this still a human?"

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